My name is Pedro I am 32 year old Professional Pokerplayer. I am currently studying the currency market and stumbled over this forum.
I am a very hard worker, and expect to put in 80+hrs of study after the 4th of February.
Me, my Girlfriend and my friends travel a lot. usually about 3 months+ per Year we dedicate on traveling. I hope to lower this number in 2016 and get excited about my options in the Currency / Forex market.
As menioned above I like to work hard on everything I do and focus as much as possible, as I believe those are the key aspects to solve any problem in life.
I am more than happy to accept anyone who wants to offer value and you can expect the exact same or even more back from me. Have a great time, work hard and enjoy life and the benefits of hard work.
this is funny because I have seen a similar post 1-2 days ago Poker players might be changing their portfolio? Anyways, the point was that I told the guy I have a similar background and made transition so if you have any questions write in the forums or a private message.
You are about to start a beautiful, but tough business! Just like in poker.