Political Opinion

I’m starting this thread as a place for members of this Forum to express partisan, political opinions.

Everything is fair game — conservative views — liberal views — communist, socialist or anarchist views — everything, that is, except personal attacks on other Forum members, obscenities, profanity, etc. In other words, Forum rules apply.

It’s not my intention to moderate a political debate, and it’s not my intention to present both sides of any issue. In other words, I have no intention of being “fair and balanced”.

It’s my intention to present my conservative views in the most forceful way possible, without regard to whose toes get stepped on.

If your views are opposite of mine, great! Bring it. Express your views as forcefully as you can, and don’t worry about [I]my[/I] toes.

Very likely, this thread will be heavy on American politics, as opposed to Canadian, British, German, or any other politics. And that’s appropriate: America has a critical election coming in early November. The future direction of this country will very likely be determined this year.

If any of this makes you uncomfortable, then stay away from this thread.


Obama has declared war on the Catholic Church. I’m not Catholic, but, in this fight, I support the Catholic Church 100%.

We used to ask, “Who the hell does Obama think he is?” We don’t have to ask that question anymore. Obama knows who he is, and now we know who he is, as well. Obama has an agenda, and it is un-American almost beyond comprehension.

We, the stupid electorate in this country, have installed a damned Marxist in the White House. In three years, he has done enormous damage to this country — damage which will take a decade to repair.

He has almost a year remaining in his first (and last) term; and, between now and next January, he will be relentless in ramming the rest of his agenda down our throats.

We probably can’t get rid of Obama, before January. But, if we fail to get rid of him then, kiss this country good-bye.


Clint, an outsiders view on it is that with both sides of politics unable to control spending it doesn’t matter who you elect your country is going good-bye.

The Chinese have their nose out of joint over some of the comments being made by your political leaders, and they have enough issues of their own atm. If the election result installs someone who insists on ‘forcing’ the Chinese to stop ‘currency manipulation’ (what the hell do they think QE, QE2, and QE3 are?) the Chinese can dump US Bonds and the USA is bankrupt.

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It’s intersting to see you start this thread, Clint. I’m not in the US and don’t know what Obama’s done to declare war against the Catholic. Hope you don’t mind to elaborate more.

God, I love this idea.

I’ve always felt a bit guilty about including a political rant in a post about a forex topic.
Now we have a place to vent off steam without having to worry about annoying people who don’t want to read about other people’s political views on a business forum.

Thanks Clint!!



Google “Obama Catholic Church”, and you will find a ton of background on this issue.

Here are two articles you might find instructive. The second one is interesting, because it is the Russian perspective on Obama’s war against religion (rt.com is an English-language Russian news service).

Obama’s War on the Catholic Church | Texas GOP Vote

Catholic Church ready to declare war on Obama — RT


Careful Clint… You may be named as a terrorist :stuck_out_tongue:

Ter·ror·ist (Noun): Anyone Who Disagrees with the Government

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So from reading the links it sounds like one of the richest, but most ‘exclusionist’ organisations in the world has to deal with some red tape due to wording in a health care act.

This to most would be considered as ‘so what’, but to those that see Obama as the worst thing in the world as he is the devil attacking the church personally.

The USA’s news services are very right wing compared to the rest of the English speaking world’s, even CNN which is considered leftist in the USA is looked at as a rightist service in Europe and Asia. This results in ‘fair and balanced’ news services looking like a bunch of raving loonies to those watching it from the outside, and reporting like this to be further right than that.

With the lack of secularity in US politics you will always have these issues, and much mirth will be gained from those that watch your would be political leaders complain about the religious beliefs of some Middle Eastern and Asian countries and their influence in local politics whilst they totally miss their own hypocrisy.

I am of the belief that all ‘fundamentalist’ religious views are an issue that will always cause problems, regardless if they are Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, etc. Buddhist fundamentalism demanding everyone be kind and tolerant of others may be the only exception to this!


Thanks for the warning, Jay.

But, you’re probably too late. Long before Obama fired up his “Attack Watch”, his Enemies List was filling up fast.

I think some comments that I emailed directly to the White House probably got me on that Enemies List.

For anyone who isn’t aware of Obama’s “Attack Watch”, here’s a link to the site.

Curious folks might want to look into who’s really behind “Obama for America”.

And, for all you snitches out there —

— scroll down to the bottom of that webpage, and you’ll find out exactly how to report someone.

Don’t worry… They look like raving loonies from the inside too.

Thank god for John Stewart, and Stephen Colbert :smiley:

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Thanks Clint and All for the info.

It’s rather blowing off steam at dumba$$ politicians messing up, than conveying of info. :smiley:

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Whatever you think about the Catholic Church, or any other religious organization, is irrelevant.

This isn’t about religion.

This is about an arrogant boy-president ignoring the Constitution of the United States (which he is sworn to uphold), claiming “powers” to dictate laws which are not in his authority to do, and essentially running a criminal enterprise out of the White House.

This is about a bald-faced power-grab on the part of Obama — and the backlash which is coming, which will put an end to this regime.

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Thought you would enjoy this educational moment in American history.
Can you name this strange old tool??
Do you know what it is?
Look below, read and learn.

This old tool has been reintroduced in Washington D.C.
by the Obama Administration. It will be part of the
New Health Care Program.

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lol, nice one.

Although according to my observations more crap has come out of that administration’s collective mouth than smoke gone up their butts.
Maybe one results in the other. :smiley:

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Here is an interesting video about Obama’s citizenship


That website and its submission form are beyond belief.
I’d never have expected even Obama and his thugs to stoop so low as to actually employ something that from its appearance and function probably would have been beloved by the Third Reich’s Gestapo … even the colours are correct, only the swastika is missing from it.

To me it looks like a cheap propaganda tool, mainly used to lash out (below the beltline) at his political opponents.
It’s really a shame.

I hope American voters will present the bill to this bunch of fascist megalomaniacs (or is it megalomanic fascists?) in November.
Stories about manipulations of the electronic devices used to cast and count votes have been circulating for quite some time now, and I’m pretty sure the current administration would not be above falsifying election results.

Maybe the UN should send a Supervisory Team, like they do with Third World country elections, lol.


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[B]Things that make you say “Help Me Jesus!!!”[/B]

to be continued…

to be continued…