Political Opinion

And he’s still defending the Russians! I cannot ever remember an American President so pro-Russian as this.
Whatever they have on him must be really good!

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That seems rather judgemental !

Perhaps you should express that as your opinion?

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It is definitely my opinion. I’m not sure how it could be interpreted otherwise. I don’t get to bestow any official titles on anyone. It is judgmental, and I normally try not to be judgmental. This is one of those exceptions where I believe the judgment is deserved. Please be clear, I’m only talking about Trump, not holding his followers responsible for his behavior, nor labeling them.

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Here we have a typical unfair method of argument as frequently used by this poster - A quote of a snippet of a post - judged to prejudice the casual observer against the victim.

And having the secondary objective touse emotion to intimidate or anger the original poster

Here is the actual quote ;

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@Falstaff we may disagree politically, but I like your vocabulary :slight_smile: When was the last time I heard the word “touse”!


Whilst I’m here - would you mind popping over here and givig us a direction to this tutorial :sunglasses: ?

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I got a trust level promotion to “advanced user”. I am not sure what I did to get that. At that point I got a PM with instructions on how to tell BPbot to kick off an “advanced tutorial”. It showed me how to do things like delete posts and use polls. When I got done with that, I got another inbox that had an achievement certificate in it.

I gotta say, I’ve been on a lot of various platforms like this, and the one that BP uses is class. The way it learns from your behaviors and adapts to you is actually kinda amazing.

Yes I’m sure that someone who has been a member 6 weeks and only done 54 posts - and is already a Trusted - “Advanced user” with authority to delete posts etc - would indeed be impressed :sunglasses:

I’m sure we are all very pleased for you :slightly_smiling_face:


LOL :slight_smile: I’m pretty sure I can only delete my own posts.


The problem a lot of people on this site have is the inability to understand the meaning or definition of words and the context in which they are use.

This comes from someone who has an avatar of himself as Trump in diapers. Just your avatar is name calling as you are suggesting that Trump is a baby. That is an inaccurate description of Trump as he is a grown 70+ year old man. So that is name calling. As is making personal attacks on individuals using descriptive nouns as a way of humiliating them. That is name calling.

The comment of “Trump Derangement Sydrome” is a desciptive fact used (we are now talking context) to describe the difficulty of some members of this community to hide their fear and hatred of Trump. Similar to describing a person with a fear and hatred of spiders as a FACT that that person suffers from arachnophobia. That is NOT name calling that is stating a FACT.

I see that you are realitvily new to the site. So do you acutually trade or are you on this site to do nothing more than look for opportunities to criticise other members of this community??

I noticed that you have not posted an individual topic of any description. Perhaps you should pick a topic that you are passionate about and share that with the community.



Obviously a typo, IE; a mistake.


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No Mr. Duck, legit word:

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The opinion he holds is probably not routed in fact. Like a lot of people the subjective opinion is the only opinion they hold as they have no ability to think objectively.

Douglas Murray has stated that this is a serious flaw in the think of those on the left.




I am aware it is a legit word but oviously a typo IE; mistake in it’s use.


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Please, sir. Construct thy straw man.

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Mmmm you should talk.


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Where have I deployed a straw man fallacy? Seriously, this is important to me as I value logical arguments. Please point it out and I will defer.

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Critical thinking is an art which sadly is very rare nowadays - When I first saw “Critical Theory” as a University course - I thought “Great - they’re teaching critical thinking” - I was wrong “Critical theory” is literally the REverse ! and all of the humaities and especially those “Grievance study” courses - actively destroy any tendency the student may have had to think for themselves ! - It is also discouraged hugely in the schools nowadays - so it’s not really “their fault”

Just so sad !

[EDit - Actually - Not Sad it’s EVIL - to destroy these kids ability to survive in the real world ! - deliberately ! ]

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Maybe the trash human is you, maybe you should look at the person responsible for Trump being elected Hillary Clinton. It is clear you get all your news from CNN/MSNBC, I am sorry I invited you to participate in the thread.

Wow man, sorry I made you feel that way. Seriously.