Political Opinion

Hello Peter,

Thank you for your good wishes for America and our new president.

As for Russia, I think the Russians are engaging in wishful thinking, without knowing how the US/Russian relationship is going to evolve. They certainly don’t have any special, inside information on some secret alliance or partnership that Trump is plotting behind the scenes.

Your ITN reporter’s alarmist view that somehow Trump’s abandonment of “internationalism” will throw Europe back into the 1930’s is wildly overstated.

America has some housekeeping chores to do, here at home, and that’s the essence of “America First”, and “Make America Great Again”. These are more than just slogans, in my view — they are the names that our new president has given to action-plans for accomplishing those housekeeping chores. But, those action-plans should not be viewed as threats by the rest of the world (except, of course, for ISIS and North Korea!).

Regarding America’s “special relationship” with Britain, you’ll be pleased to know that Obama is out of the White House, and the bust of Sir Winston Churchill is back in the White House, where it belongs — one of President Trump’s first acts as president.

If you enjoy the “pomp and circumstance” of inaugurations, coronations, and such, I think you’ll enjoy SOME PICTURES of yesterday’s festivities in a rainy Washington, D.C. (with London weather to further emphasize the “special relationship”!).

Trump has a management style, and a public persona, that we haven’t seen in a president. Some find his style off-putting. I think, in time, you’ll be impressed with what he can accomplish.

Cheers. Have a great weekend. For American conservatives, our weekend is already great!


On Thursday evening, Piers Morgan (who has been a friend of Trump’s for a decade, and really knows him pretty well), was on the panel of the BBC’s [I]Question Time[/I] (its flagship political discussion show), and made at some length the point that whereas Trump has sometimes “run off at the mouth”, to some extent, especially during the campaigning, he also has clear objectives which he’s stated very consistently and repeatedly, and that if people give him some time and then assess him by what he actually [I]does[/I] as President, rather than by some of the things he’s said in the past (and the ways he’s said them), they may well be pleasantly surprised.

It’s certainly my impression that Piers Morgan wouldn’t have disagreed with a word Clint says, just above.

We live in a media world, thus I mentioned ITN, and I see Lexy mention P Morgan, a very media aware gentleman, and former newspaper editor.

Likewise, I sense that Mr Trump is media aware, I’ve seen his excellent TV ads back some years where the use of technology was striking, I figure that his many words, spoken and tweeted are measured.

I mentioned Ronald Reagan really because each time that “America great” was used I remembered Mr Reagan’s use of those words in the 1980 campaign, I knew back then that he meant it, and in my view he delivered.

Many others have used those words since, it seems the President has registered the slogan with the trademark office, which is smart, it’s a media world.

What is more important is that he has also registered “[B]keep[/B] America great”.

Clint, I’m Irish, not British, so not really into the pomp stuff, although we do go sort of go green around mid March :slight_smile:

Funny video about Donald Trump:

[B]Note[/B]: I’m neither pro or against Donald Trump.

Great video! The best video on the internet. Nobody makes better videos.

And Mexico paid for this video. You are going to love it. It’s true.

Note: I’m pro-Trump. Great president. The best president we’ve ever had. You are going to love Trump.

And Mexico is going to pay through the nose. It’s true.


The no-fly decree has been ridiculed by some world politicians and groups - not a major surprise in itself.

What is surprising, the law of unintended consequence, is the possible effect on the US tech industry.

A company like Google or Microsoft, their wealth creating assets is not found in commodities, their main source of wealth, their means to compete with their international competitors lies in the brain-power of their employees.

Problem for the US up ahead is that often tech knowledge knows little of political geography, thus the reaction from some US tech companies.

Good news for other countries who have been trying, with an increasing degree of success, to attract those very same companies, also good news for other Tech companies domiciled outside US and have been actively head hunting.

Will be interesting to see if investors are bothered, Nasdaq will give some clues to that.

RBS have said to sell everything, “In a crowded hall, exit doors are small.”, not a reference to current politics since they issued that note back on Jan 11, more to do with China.

Four hours from now, at 8 pm eastern time (0100 GMT), Trump will announce his nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created last summer by the untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia (who was a rock-ribbed conservative).

Trump’s nominee will be equally rock-ribbed, and the [I]libtards[/I] are going to have another hissy-fit.

Expect demonstrations — maybe riots — all over the place. It’s going to be fun to watch.

Next, the Democrats in the Senate will attempt to block Trump’s nominee by insisting on confirmation by a filibuster-proof vote of 60-40, or better.

At that point, the Republican-controlled Senate will initiate THE NUCLEAR OPTION — which simply means dispensing with the (currently) required 60-vote majority, and returning to a simple 51-vote majority.

Then, the [I]libtards’[/I] heads will explode, and all hell will break loose. Fasten your seat-belt.


THIS SORT OF CRAP is exactly what’s wrong with public “education”.

That happened in Australia.

But, the nannies who run the unionized public schools in the U.S. are just as bad, or worse.


If [I][B]the chocolate cake scandal[/B][/I] had erupted over [I]my[/I] child’s lunch, the school would have gotten a reply to their snarky note, as follows:

Parent to Nanny School System:

I’m in charge of feeding my child.
You need to butt out.

Thank God for Trump’s nomination, and the Senate’s confirmation, of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Mrs. DeVos advocates [I]school choice[/I] – letting parents opt out of the unionized public school system, in favor of charter schools or private schools [I]that actually teach.[/I]

Mrs. DeVos will be the Secretary of Education, [I]not the Secretary of the Teachers’ Union.[/I]


I hadn’t seen either … these are absolutely appalling stories! :o :23:

We have what I think is a similar thing, over here, now: groups of concerned parents can set up their own little schools (I can’t remember what they’re called, now) that actually teach, and can qualify for some of the local education grants, and so on. I understand some of them are doing rather well (not too difficult, I think, compared with the state system). :cool:

This is a positive read, many subjects covered.

For currency traders maybe scroll down to the bottom, there is little doubt that the president wants a lower USD, something tells me that he often achieves what he sets out to do.


Few good options in Trump arsenal to counter defiant North Korea


"The Trump administration had been expecting a North Korean “provocation” and will consider a full range of options in response, but they would be calibrated to show U.S. resolve while avoiding escalation, the U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The stakes would be higher, however, if nuclear-capable North Korea makes good on its threat to test an ICBM of a kind that could someday hit the United States, analysts said.”

Yo, Fat-Face

Listen up —

If you keep screwing around with your stupid kimchi missiles,
you’re going to get your little rats-ass country melted down and vaporized.


CNN (Cable News Network) will officially change its name
to FNN (Fake News Network) on Saturday, April 1, 2017.*

After the humiliating news that Venezuela has kicked CNN out of the country for propagating fake news, the network – which now has only 129 viewers worldwide** – is facing an existential threat (for you newbies, that means a threat to its very existence).

Here’s an article from ZeroHedge –

Maduro Kicks CNN Out Of Venezuela, Accuses It Of Spreading Fake News

  • not really – I just made that up, in keeping with the fake news theme

** ditto

Wonder is he acting in his capacity of “geopolitical observor” ?

Venezuela’s Maduro: If U.S. Elections ‘Were Free,’ Bernie Sanders Would Win

Think I’ll quit the political theme until things settle, currently have a son in Sweden, heading to Nice myself in a couple of weeks, have been there many times, tonight I heard this baloney.

Short and simple, it’s called scaremongering.

President Donald Trump Says, ‘Look What’s Happening In Sweden.’ Sweden Asks, ‘Wait, What?’ : The Two-Way : NPR

California Governor Jerry Brown delivers a threat to President Trump

Gov. Jerry Brown to Trump: ‘You Don’t Want to Mess with California’

How Jerry Brown became Governor Moonbeam — NY Times


Decided not to leave the month of March without a comment.

This is unique, different, I’d say in a long time since a politician has spoken so from his heart.

Maybe I’m biased, but there is something very special in this man.

Your evaluation of Vice President Mike Pence is spot-on, in my opinion. He is what conservative Americans wish all our politicians could be.

Pence and Trump are aligned on one key issue: The abomination that is [I]Obama-ism[/I] must be torn out by the roots, and destroyed. Beyond that, Pence and Trump could not be more different.

Trump is a disrupter, a bomb-thrower, a bully, a kick-ass autocrat, determined to win at any cost. He pays no attention to ideology, and he doesn’t give a rip what anyone thinks of him or his agenda. Trump expects God to respect him, to side with him, and to help him succeed.

Pence is a statesman and a diplomat. He is grounded in Christian conservative ideology, and that ideology animates everything he does, everything he says, and everything he stands for. He submits to God’s will, as he understands it, and he prays that God will lead and guide this nation.

We need both of these men, at this critical time in our history.

We need [I]Trump, the destroyer,[/I] to tear down the monstrous bureaucracy that Obama and the democrats created. And we need [I]Trump, the builder[/I], to replace all of that with a new government structure which frees American citizens and American enterprises to be all that they can be.

And we need Pence to succeed Trump as President of the United States of America. We need Pence to complete, and finish, and refine the structure erected by Trump, so that the federal government once again will be [I]of, and by, and for the people.[/I]

God willing, the destruction phase will be completed during Trump’s first term; the framework for a new federal government will be erected in Trump’s second term; and the structure will be completed and perfected in Pence’s term as president.

As you have astutely observed, there is something very special about this man, Mike Pence.


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Do not mess with values that we hold dear.

Syria war: US warns of ‘more’ after missile strikes - BBC News

Obama endorses Macron in French election, taking a side in Europe again.

Washington Post article and video

Does anyone actually believe that the French people
are [I]incapable[/I] of deciding for themselves whether
(1) to reclaim their national sovereignty, or
(2) continue their membership in the EU
[I]without the expert guidance[/I] of the world’s smartest man,
[I]Nobel Peace Prize Winner[/I] Barack Hussein Obama, Peace Be Upon Him?

In early 2016, when Obama attempted to sway the Brexit vote in the U.K.,
the British people rejected Obama and his advice.

In late 2016, when Obama attempted to sway the presidential election in the U.S.,
the American people rejected Obama and his advice.

And now, in 2017, when Obama is attempting to sway the presidential election in France,
the French people should reject Obama and his advice.


Hmmm… talk about Obama meddling in Europe.

Went past this place today, it used to be only a tiny village with green fields and sheep grazing.

Then a certain US President came calling, now an entire visitor area is doing a roaring trade.

It’s a small world :slight_smile:

Homepage - Welcome to the Obama Plaza