Political Opinion

@tommor, as I said… I’m no fan… but that’s a bit harsh… He has an annual salary of $54 million, a personal fortune in excess of $285 million, 6 World Drivers Championships and doesn’t waste his time in airports queuing for a flight like you and I… he has his own corporate jet… ALL because he and his father came up with a plan and executed it when he was 14…

The harder you work… the luckier you get…

Losers like you and I are here debating on a two-bit forum… Who’s the Dim, Idiotic, Wannabes here…

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Great driver, no sign yet of great thinking ability.

Yup, that’s his quote.Taken completely out of context.

Have a read/listen of the entire interview. This specific quote is part of a larger discussion about labels different races put on each other, not some fairy tale dream that if you ignore something, it will go away.

Its not an original observation but a very significant issue facing the black communities in both the US and the UK is absent fathers and as a result the absence of the family unit structure. Even Obama recognised this years back but let’s face it, governments are always going to find it hard to encourage people to marry.

I agree with you

I didn’t know that.

Yes I agree - he is building credibility for a future as some sort of “Woke” Celebrity - and I don’t think Any real Empathy has been shown - neither has any real evidence of fear.

Those tendencies are somewhat indicative of certain personality traits which are sometimes correlated with being successful in life - So I don’t think he is either genuine or foolish - I think he is calculating and able !

In my opinion he is Gaming the system.

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Yes - Far more single mothers in Black Communities than white - Partly due to Black women going to Uni and getting degrees in useless subjects - with the attendant debt burden (Black women have the biggest student debt profile ) - and the attendant inability for them to satisfy the female drive for Hypergamy !

However you say

And I say - Why on earth would ANY young man nowadays (of any colour, race or creed ) submit to a marriage “contract” - unless at the point of a gun ? - There is a huge backlash among both black and white men and boys against the institutionalised misandry - infesting the Western World ?

All perfectly logical - MGTOW is ever growing and is pretty much the only logical choice of those boys and young men.

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Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of security policy, said the troll farm’s motivations were unclear, but they didn’t see “clear evidence of financial motivation” or “clear links to known commercial actors in this space.”

Maybe the motive was to create division. Why else would a troll farm in Romania impersonate African-Americans and support Trump and QAnon?

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Whose motive ?

So you’re saying "Facebook deletes some posts

Therefore President Trump is bad ? "

I can see the emotion in your post - but fail to see any logic in your assertion

Please assist me to understand your point by explaining it to me logically and rationally !

Thanks. :sunglasses:

The KGB began a disinformation campaign within weeks of JFK’s assassination. The long-term aim of this seems to have been the implication of government agencies such as the CIA in the assassination, the spread of distrust in government and the breakdown of trust in democratic institutions and process.

They seem to have been amazingly successful. No reason to think they ever stopped.

Not uness you take on board that the KGB was a part of the Cold War regime of Communism - AND that Communism in Russia came crashing down when the vodka ration ran out in the '90’s :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you think the KGB “retired” when the USSR collapsed?

Of course not - No PENSION ! :rofl:

They will have done what any intelligent pragmatic person with connections would do in a situation where there was complete chaos and a failed ideology - Started looking out for Number 1 !

Many of them will have been successful and joined the ranks of the ex “Party Members” in grabbing huge wealth for themselves.

Do you think the “gestapo” continued as an organisation in progressing Hitler’s aims in Germany ?
Do you think the Stasi in East Germany - continued as some sort of duty “repressing the population” - when they stopped getting paid ? - Angela Merkel found it easy enough to switch to Capitalism and espouse “Democracy” - why do you think the KGB were something “Special” in this respect ?

Not only the KGB - vast majority of conspiracy theorists in the West joined in back then - and still do.

But times have changed, the KGB - now SVR - are no longer the bogey men, in the 21st century capitalism is the name of the game.

Thus the First Chief Directorate KGB London’s son is now honoured by the Convservative party UK as as a Lord.

The father - worth about 3bn USD - not bad for an ex KGB spy in London.

The KGB certainly fed the JFK conspiracy theorists and their ever more far fetched fantasies but they have become like their own snowball.

On the conventional diplomacy stage, it seems highly believable that Russia’s intelligence service aided Trump’s election and the UK’s Brexit vote. A strong USA and a strong EU would hardly be in Russia’s long-term interests. Same game, different names.


When I was training as a TV and VCR Engineer - way back (Analogue days) - We had an anecdote about the elderly guy who said he was impressed how we got all those “Little people” – in the back of the TV ! :slightly_smiling_face:

So we went through the explanation that we didn’t need “little people” because the “People” were in a studio and they were recorded - the individual “Pictures” and the sound were used to generate modifications to electro-magnetic waves - which were then transmitted - picked up by the recipient TV aerial en-masse and sent down a wire to the Tv Tuner - which used a system of variable resistors to tune inductors and capacitors to be sensitive to a particular wavelength, which was then passed through transistors to amplify the signal - passed through varios very clever bits of electronic systems to generate 3 colour signals - Red Green and Blue which were then applied to the input coils of a Line Output Transformer which amplified the 3 signals from millivolts up to 2500 Volts or thereabouts - these were then applied to the terminats of 3 “Colour Guns” which fired streams of electrons at a charged and sensitised screen which were magnetically moved from side to side in a constant stream of varying intensities to produce “colours” on the screen and these streams were moved down by the application of different magnetic charges so accuately that the individual “lines” could be interleaved to replace each alternate line of the previous picture and then switched off to allow the streams from the guns to Fly back to the top of the screen where the process began all over agiain but replacing the Other “Alternate lines” (Uk PAL system - USA is NTSC - which we rather rudely referred to a “Never Twice the Same Colour”) - and having gone through the parallel “Sound” system - we felt quite confident we had explained as far as we could. :smiley:

To be greeted by ;

"Yes but there must still be a FEW Little People - in there !"

Sometimes, when those of us who have tried to understand the mechanics of the current situations - wher we have the likes of Gates, Besos and Zuck firmly monopolising the psychological “Tuners” of Public opinion and passing their chosen signals through the amplifiers of the Universities indoctrination to the Colour guns of “Acceptable News” which lands on the screen of Their own Siocial Media platforms and the Mainstream Media to produce an entire “Narrative” which those who decide what we are to believe think is acceptable for us to see, whilst simoultaneously using their powers and their Algoryths, “Moderators” & other “Useful Idiots” to smash the tiny screens of the “Alternative media” tuned to the “other channels” and to Cancel those “Content Creators” who try so valiantly to show us what really is happening in the world.

Sometimes it is a little disheartening - whether it be references to “the RUSSKIES” - or to “Carbon Dioxide Death Gas” or “Orange Man Bad” or “Brexit Bad” - to actualy hear ;

"Yes but there must still be a FEW Little People - in there !"

However - some of us are hopeful that even if we only manage to open a few eyes - that is better than remaining silent -

Just call us “Cassandra” s :wink: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve been thinking - well, it happens…
Somebody should start a conspiracies theory thread in this part of the forum. There could be a weekly vote for the points and inestimable glory of posting up the strangest nomination. People could set out why they believe in them - 3 bullet points (max. 3 lines of text) and 3 links max. only.

But to be fair, other members, or the same ones maybe, could also post why they DON’T believe in certain conspiracy theories - same rules of engagement, up to 3 x 3 line bullet points plus 3 links.

Anyone want to start us off?

Nope, didn’t say that.

No need for 3 points… OTC Markets… First rule of any game is to know when you’re actually in one…!!

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That’s true enough. I feel bad for the people who’ve been suckered into going down a rabbit-hole. But then they do the same thing with another rabbit-hole the next day, and so on.