Political Opinion

Poor little Trumpanzees

You got it!

For postmodernist commies, all “equations” resolve to the following answer …

"I’m right and you’re wrong, even though I don’t have any cogent argument or evidence to present to you. So there!"


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No wonder you’re so completely brain washed and totally lacking even an iota of discernment. :laughing:

But do tell us which countries you’ve lived in and for how long. I’m nosey too.

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3 U.S. cities designated as “Anarchist Jurisdictions”. Where is ANTIFA when you need them? :crazy_face:

All 3 cities are run by Democrats who want too defund the police. Does that tell us anything? :thinking:

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Well now - let’s see what we can work out here - since we already know that Marky will not answer direct questions in any meaningful way - but that he is unlikely to lie directly - rather by omission and/or misleading implication. :roll_eyes: (see his reply to @tommor )

Since we can be pretty certain he is from the UK (English methinks) !

We can say ;

Tony Blair was elected in 1997 (The one time I voted Labour and regretted in within days - having found out that he cheated) and he was followed immediately by Gordon Brown. (who Blair also cheated !)

Marky’s evasiveness leads us to believe these are the “more than one leaders” of whom he speaks and since he would have been a toddler in 1997 at best, no doubt his “mom” moved flats during that period probably around Islington area (London) - that would give him the “More than one location” - without actually telling a direct lie :wink:

As you were Gents ! :rofl:

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and I am sure you would be perfectly fine for one the Trump kids to make such deals, Marky you have Hypocrisy all over you

As I’ve already said, if he’s broken the law then lock him up.

Although this thread is called Political Opinion, its a valid line of enquiry to seek out the level of factual knowledge and experience of the people offering their opinions, helps to qualify what they’re saying and verify their experience, perhaps adds value to the content of their posts. If you don’t wish to divulge any further, that’s your choice but it could also be your own loss of an opportunity to strengthen your own profile on this thread.

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That’s ABC News saying that. The MSM is the Dem’s PR lackeys. It’s as believable as you saying it.

Let’s see what a real judge has to say when this is brought into court or, even better, a military tribunal.

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Hannity: Dems threatening entire country in order to upend SCOTUS norms



Thanks for posting the Hannity video. Sean Hannity tells it like it is. As you do.

As for the heavy-handed censorship that seems to be happening in this thread, I sincerely hope that
this thread is NOT becoming


I’ll second that. Clints opening post explains the purpose of this thread


and ends with

So, if you don’t like what you read here then truck on.


Well said!!! Never thought I’d like one of your posts! :smiley:


Bring it on.
Unlike some, I am happy to see wrongdoers from my side of the political divide locked up. I don’t blindly defend someone just because of their politics


Almost no politician is worth defending in all circumstances. Some political systems are worth defending but they need careful controls - democracy, capitalism.

But some political systems are worth opposing in all circumstances, in every case, in every place.


Ingraham: Riot at the court


Who says dopey doesn’t respect servicemen?
Its just our servicemen he doesn’t respect

MEETOO ! :rofl:

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Well that didn’t take long did it ? :rofl:


Superb and on form as ever ! :sunglasses:


Whats happening to the world?
Never thought I’d like one of this guys tweets