Political Opinion

Everything you post is a “mistake” since you’re regurgitating the bullshit that the MSM spreads. :smiley:

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The Black Plague in Europe only killed 1/3 of the Population over an entire century - so that’s pretty impressive !


You know what I just did? I voted for Trump! ■■■■ it!

[ Even our youth are getting it. Hunter’s laptop did it for her. ]

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Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More

Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of "Color Revolution" Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More - Revolver

See this video to understand what a “Color Revolution” is. :point_down:t2:

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Have to say - I’m tempted to stay up and watch tonight - but the first one just wound me up ! - We’ll see I guess !

Under different circumstances I would have said “that’s fine, you can watch it on YouTube later”. But, given the current climate, there are no guarantees that YouTube will allow it.

I can’t believe Bret Weinstein is banned from F***book - whilst the management have been summoned to appear to give bias evidence to the Senate ! - Presumably his proposition to start “Unity 2020” was seen as a threat to the Lefties too !

The Democrat Motto seems to be

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." 1984

Bret isn’t even a Trump supporter, as per his own statement in one of his videos that I watched (perhaps linked by you).

But, he’s a threat to their Color Revolution!

They can’t allow that. BLM, Antifa, masks, feminism, democratic socialism, all of these are important elements.

Any voice of reason against these agendas must be silenced!

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Oh I think maybe I will - after all ! - In view of THIS

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I’ve read what Tony B. has/is going to say. It it weren’t a Russian hoax, it would be the end of the Bidens.

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Meanwhile some interesting numbers coming in from “Solid unDemocrat” counties !

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It is like 2016 all over again, while Trump was having rallies of 50K, Obama was working local high school gyms


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I know you’re not a fan, but you missed one:


Unlike you with your conspiracy crap :roll_eyes: