Political Opinion

Was reading that Pat Cipollone and Mark Meadows shot down the idea, and then the military made a statement that they have no role here. Flynn is so good at traitoring.

Wonder if he’s still gonna try…

Aaaand there’s this:
Donald Trump, perennial Russian apologist.

So glad this clown show is almost over.



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Watch the video. These are words out of the Lindsey Graham’s mouth. The Donald’s best bud.
On CNN nonetheless. Good enough for Lindsey it appears.

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The Plot To Steal America


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Trump promises ‘wild’ protests in Washington DC on the day the Electoral College will finalize election results

Although not much can legally be done on the date, many pro-Trump Republicans have said they will try to disrupt the process.

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Don’t worry Paul, the Republicans will not cause any trouble and will even clear up their own litter after them according to Diaper Dennis

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LOL the diaper crew is getting out of hand

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I watched that whole video. Holy right-wing conspiracy theory fever swamp, Batman!! The alternative universe that exists is astounding, and honestly a little terrifying. Like almost everything he said in that video has been disproven, and it’s been laughed out of court as meritless even by Trump-appointed judges. Those suitcases were being taken to counting machines via standard process, and the Republican observers were given every opportunity to watch the process. They went home. The fact that there was nothing improper happening has been confirmed by Republican officials.

How many times did he allude to the revolutionary war, there, using language like “fight to the death!” Weaponized disinformation.


Talk about bloody projection !

Biden Crimes

The thing they forgot is

Taking Bribes from CCP

Kid Being too stoned to remember where he left his Laptop

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There is a lot of talk here about objectivity or lack thereof. Let’s try to look at the action items in that video objectively. On the premise that the ENTIRE news media is in on some massive conspiracy, and cannot be trusted, we’re supposed to turn it all off, stop reading all the articles, delete all our social media, log into Parler, tune into only OAN and other far-right outlets, for they alone are the source of truth.

That doesn’t smell fishy? Can we apply occam’s razor here just a bit please?

The mere fact that they’re suggesting we only get information from one side is a giant red flag by itself. Beware of rose-colored glasses, for red flags just look like flags! :slight_smile:

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How Explained

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