Political Opinion

I don’t see how the full quote changes anything but thanks, Twain made many such quotes critical of Washington politics, and after Twain came Will Rogers , here are three of his


Congress has a sad history of low voter approval, somethings never change


There is no better example of this than the Middle East wars that the US is involved in, When it was Republican George Bush pushing war we had war protest on the evening news every night of Bush’s second term, everyone was against the war, but then as soon as Obama became president, the criticism of the war by the media stopped and so did the war protest all while Obama not only continued Bush’s two wars but added 5 more

How did millions of Americans go from anti-war to pro-war almost overnight, Simple, they have been propagandized by the media to the point that they have no opinion or thoughts of their own, they just repeat what they were told to think in the last newscast.

It is almost as if the CIA has their own version of the Clone Army and all they have to do is issue order 66 , and they will obey

But what do I know, after all, I am just a sick-minded Zombie



Carey Wedler has a great rant on the events of Jan. 6th

This is the type of speech that Youtube seeks to shut down, watch it while you still can

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Don’t be so hard on yourself.




He’s carrying a LOT of guilt @Blackduck :cry:

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This one takes free speech to the limit, and I am sure a white person saying this would have been banned, if you are a snowflake don’t listen

Send the kids out of the room and put on your headphones

This is a rap I can get down with


Love the song.




I can’t wait to hear our TDS member explain away this one, but they seem to have all abandon ship

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Pocahontas is back lobbying for a 2% Wealth Tax on assets over 50 Million, I say if you think the rich are too rich way not stop printing money and quit bailing out Wall St. Or how about a wealth tax on congress, I say a one time 50% tax on all wealth accumulated while in office above their congressional salaries, now that is a tax I am sure would get lots of support among the people

In other news, the Me Too movement has there sights on Andy Cuomo, it could not happen to a nicer guy

These are the top stories on my news feed, is there any wonder why the MSM is dying



Yep its all about wealth distribution.

Totally agree. Note how eventually the left start to eat their young. Hatred and destruction the only thing the left are good at.




blame the left, blame the right, it never gets old how weak minded people blame each other on the problems of the world


Paul, welcome back, we missed your one-line bits of wisdom, now is this last one self-criticism, as blaming others (mostly the right) has been your MO, and weak-minded, you only need to look in the mirror

Your favorite Sick Minded Zombie

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it is not even that, for a country that spends a trillion dollars more each year than it collects in taxes this two percent would not even erase 5% of that deficit, let alone distribute any wealth. If they were really for wealth distribution they would not be sending the bulk of those trillions of new dollars they have printed to the upper 1%

It is all a political show.


my man, I’m not back I’m just checking in. i don’t think i ever complain or blame anybody for the state the world is in, i just know there are powerful people at the top who control America

On this, I agree with you, but do you stand with or against those powerful people. Your posting history would suggest you stand with them


When he and his wife had their vaccinations in January, why didn’t Trump make this public at the time?
With a reported 42% of Republicans saying they won’t have the vaccine, this would have been a great opportunity to lead by example.


Why has this been flagged?


people feelings got hurt, you know they only want their side to be heard and challenge anybody who goes against their views

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you can stand against these powerful people but they know you can’t change nothing so they laugh at all the complainers and whiners
