Political Opinion

I feel for you, it is shameful what is happening in Australia. Clearly you are being used as a test of what the government can get away with.

I don’t like using Socialist to describe what is going on, Fascism might be a better fit, at least that is how I would describe the USA under biden

What ever you call it, Freedom has been replaced with an Authoritarian government

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Chinese investments in Europe fuel debate over dependency on China

What are you talking about, you are not mentally free.

An authoritarian government is a government that holds power and makes policies without the consent of the people that it rules. Something congress being doing since the beginning of America.

Article I

Section 1.

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.


Biden urges Congress to act now on Equal Rights Amendment

President Joe Biden on Thursday called on Congress to immediately enshrine the Equal Rights Amendment in the U.S. Constitution and formally protect women’s rights decades nearly a century after lawmakers first raised them.

The government is in the business of taking away rights not giving them as you seem to be saying in your last post.

Define Equal Rights and where do they not exist today, This Amendment would be meaningless and just propaganda

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Are we dependent on China or is China dependent on us to buy their goods to keep their economy going.

I would say the second part is more true

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both, but more of the usa because we have no back up plan for manufacturing our goods, china on the other hand is currently creating new market for their goods and services

congress created that law but never sign off on it, only congress can define equal rights and why they came up with that law

i know congress been taking our rights away, but who gonna stop them, supreme court are suppose to check them on stuff like that but hasn’t

The first Congress of the United States approves 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and sends them to the states for ratification. The amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were designed to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens, guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and exercise of religion; the right to fair legal procedure and to bear arms; and that powers not delegated to the federal government were reserved for the states and the people.

“They believed the structure of the new Constitution by itself placed limits on government, so they were concerned that by listing some rights, the government might think it had the power to do anything it was not explicitly forbidden from doing,” he says.

As long as the Dems can keep coming up with these LOOK OVER HERE issues(Equal Rights, voting laws) instead of ALL the problems they’ve created in the last year, all the media(except FOX) can concentrate on that.

Coffee shop near you? How will you survive!??

what problems they created?

I would list them for you (a very long list) but you would deny them all so what is the point

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, Your lack of knowledge about how the American system works is astounding; you have no idea about what’s going on around you

It has been a never ending cycle all my life, Dems screw things up get voted out of office, Repubs fix everything, Dems get back in power and screw things up again, wash, rinse, repeat.

A great example of this is New York City, Crime/murder capital of the world under democrats, then republicans Rudy Giuliani/ Michael Bloomberg become mayors, cleans up the city, crime/murder go way down, Then the city goes back to a Democrat mayor and cime/murder rises , wash, rinse, repeat

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You caught me! We have no problems and/or any problems are because of Trump. Carry on.
We will survive!

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You have no clue, I’ve already shown you.

you living illusion, you refuse to see the facts because you can’t handle reality

great reply, stay out of the rabbit hole

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I concede , you clearly have demonstrated that you are the smartest person on this thread

Would you please share your superior knowledge and tell us

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