Political Opinion

I love it when people use excuses to say there was no wrongdoing by Trump, the blind leading the blind.

Describes the mindset of his supporters

Donald Trump: I could “shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters”

According to Republican presidential contender Donald Trump, his supporters are a staunchly loyal bunch – so loyal, in fact, that the billionaire could get away with some pretty drastic acts and his fanbase wouldn’t bat an eye.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan’s large commercial district. “It’s, like, incredible.”

Armed man approaches FBI office, exchanges gunfire with cops

The confrontation at the FBI’s Cincinnati field office comes as officials warn of an increase in threats against federal agents in the days following a search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Federal officials said the man had “attempted to breach” the visitor’s screening area at the FBI office and fled when he was confronted by agents. He was chased onto Interstate 71 and has exchanged gunfire with police, according to the Clinton County Emergency Management Agency.

From your list Charles Koch does not sound anything like a Republican George Soros

Not talking down to you or others here but the way you defend your position sounds a lot like “Flat Earthers” defending their bogus flat earth theory, and to be fair you likely see my opinion the same way.

Just who wants to defund the FBI, do you have a name , now if it was the CIA I might support that, I think it was JFK who wanted to dismantle the CIA, and look what happen to him

“Missing documents” do they tell us exactly what documents they are looking for, sounds like a fishing trip to me

They must really fear this man, and that is good, keep them fearful

There may be missing documents from previous boxes he stole

The search, which Trump said included his safe, was related to a request from the National Archives and Records Administration to the Justice Department to look into the transfer of presidential documents to Mar-a-Lago, including classified materials. The Archives in January retrieved 15 boxes of records from Mar-a-Lago, the former president’s Palm Beach home. Trump turned those documents over only after facing possible legal action over their removal. More broadly, some former aides have said he had a cavalier attitude about handling classified material and preserving documents, saying that he was known to rip them up, pocket them or even flush them down the toilet. On the morning of the FBI search, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman released photos allegedly showing White House toilets clogged by torn-up presidential records.


Documents Stolen by Trump Clearly Defined as ‘Classified’

By James Turnage on February 20, 2022

Another Donald Trump violation of federal law; there is no reason he should not be prosecuted and placed in federal prison this time. He was no longer the president when he committed this crime.

The removal of secret documents from the protection of the United States federal government is a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment. Trump stole 15 boxes of documents when he was removed from the White House, many of which were classified. This author was a federal employee for about two years and was told that if anyone violated the oaths of office, they could receive a punishment that could include a 25,000 dollar fine and 10 years in federal prison.

This author asks Trump supporters included, “if anyone violates federal law, should he or she be allowed to run for office?” Many believe that Trump’s theft of classified documents combined with his close relationship with Vladimir Putin should be treason.

JFK commented that the CIA should be scattered to the winds re the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Bernie Sanders. in 1974, called for the CIA “dangerous” and had to go because in his opinion it’s sole focus was to prop “right wing lunatics”.

On the North wall of the old HQ there are 139 stars in memory of those who gave their lives in the service of their country.

There were 133 such stars not that long back -

Ten years after a CIA operation in Afghanistan went wrong, a slain officer’s family celebrates his memory (nbcnews.com)

Take a deep breath for this one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Subpoena Preceded Search Warrant in Push to Retrieve Material From Trump

Former President Donald Trump received a subpoena this spring in search of documents that federal investigators believed he had failed to turn over earlier in the year, when he returned boxes of material he had improperly taken with him upon moving out of the White House, three people familiar with the matter said.

When it comes to defending Trump, his supporters are making themselves look like idiots

and they killed him for it, I did not believe this for the first 50 years of my life but today I believe the CIA had a hand in JFK’s assassination

And today Sanders thinks the CIA is wonderful,


We can honor those who served and died , but those who put them there and kept them there for 20 years can rot in hell. Just my opinion

You really should research what you post… Quality not Quantity is what earns respect in a forum… Throwing mud in all directions and hoping some will stick is not how sane people discuss sensitive issues…

(Yahoo Article) On June 3, the FBI visited Mar-a-Lago to retrieve the requested documents in the subpoena, which Trump complied with, the source told Fox News.

Those investigators toured the area of the Florida resort where some documents were stored, then briefly viewed and took custody of a small amount of potentially sensitive material. Separate sources told Fox News that federal investigators had spoken with at least one person who relayed the possibility of more sensitive national security material in that storage room and other areas of the property.

FBI officials, that day, asked to see a storage facility where the records were located. The FBI asked that staff put a lock on the storage room, which they later did.

This source said Trump and his staff were, and are, committed to being in compliance with the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidential administrations to preserve certain documents.

Since this, no further communication was received from the FBI until the raids earlier this week…

Just like the recent pandemic…

What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and actual facts?.. About 6 months!

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My understanding that in the raid, they cut the bolt off the door and took the 5 boxes inside?!


It will all come out my friend, to be continue

Trump FBI raid: Garland says he approved Mar-a-Lago search, DOJ moves to unseal warrant

A federal judge Thursday gave the Justice Department until 3 p.m. Friday to certify whether former President Donald Trump supports or opposes unsealing the warrant and property receipt from the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago home Monday.

“The United States shall immediately serve a copy of its Motion on counsel for former President Trump,” Magestrate Judge Bruce Reinhard wrote in an order on the DOJ’s motion to unseal the warrant and property receipt. “On or before 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 12, 2022, the United States shall file a certificate of conferral advising whether former President Trump opposes the Government’s motion to unseal.”

The order came shortly after Attorney General Merrick Garland addressed the raid on Trump’s home foor the first time since it happened. Garland said he personally signed off on the search warrant for the raid, and that the Justice Department aims to make more information about it public.

“Just now, the Justice Department has filed a motion in the Southern District of Florida to unseal a search warrant and property receipt relating to a court-approved search that the FBI conducted earlier this week,” Garland said. “That search was a premises located in Florida belonging to the former president.”

Garland added: “The department filed the motion to make public the warrant and receipt in light of the former president’s public confirmation of the search, the surrounding circumstances and the substantial public interest in this matter.”

Fox News’ Kelly Laco contributed to this report.

Do you know how conspiracy theories differ from actual facts? Ask your GOP friends.

I was just going to say this. They gave him a chance to comply. He didn’t.

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This seems contradictory to what you just said?

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This was the other quote I was trying to refer to.


This is the throwing mud in all directions I was referring too… You have to go a long way to the right to muck rake this article out… When have I EVER quoted or supported Alex Jones or Marjorie Greene?


Lets see when the contents of the Search Warrant are made public, exactly what they were looking for…

JFK’s Golf Balls, Clinton’s Raincoat… Or a love letter from Kim Jong-un…

Until then, it’s all just a scorching case of premature speculation…

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you follow their conspiracy theories along with the GOP? but you ask me What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and actual facts?

all depends on trump, is that right? you know like his tax records

You’re obviously having a psychobabble moment here… Ramblings of a madman…

Lets lighten the mood a little…

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Why wouldn’t Trump want this release to be made public?

Trump has until Friday afternoon to decide to whether to fight the release of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. His team is considering challenging the motion, per reports.

  • The US Department of Justice has moved to unseal the Mar-a-Lago search warrant.
  • Trump himself could release the warrant himself immediately.
  • But the former president’s team is reportedly consulting outside counsel before deciding.

Former President Donald Trump could unilaterally release the warrant that federal agents used to search his resort and residence at Mar-a-Lago. But news reports suggest that Trump and his allies are still trying to decide whether or not to fight the Department of Justice’s motion to unseal the document — and the list of goods that were confiscated.

Now is the time for Trump and Republicans to prove their claims

Excuse me, but the “According to reports…” was demands for documents that should have been turned over the the National Archives.

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