Political Opinion

Why do we (the US, NATO) want your support? When you ask a question like that, you have never been in the situation. The answer is YES! You do all you can for your country and the freedom of your land! Everyting. You are suggesting Ukraine (today, who’s next?) should fold. What about Latvia, Estonia. Should they fold? Like you so wisely said: “Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
What if it was Australia? Would you bend over so easily?

So… You’d rather see your family killed… Your village destroyed… Your life ruined than live under the rule of Russia…

Did I say this? No, you added this for dramatic effect. You also added quite extensive documents of altered reality

Not my quotes or words, just the tampering of a lame person

I think this should be your mantra:
Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
Think it will get you a lot of support and followers.

Sorry, I need to comment that statement: Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
It is the most defetist, covardly statement I ever heard, and all Aussies should be ashamed to be from the same country as you (if they werent already). That is laying down, ass up, please penetrate me. It is the most covardly sentence I have heard. Ever.

Trumpists do not believe in facts and history = altered reality

Enough for today… You are have been babbling for the last few posts… No facts… No figures… No Links… You haven’t been able to prove any of your outrageous claims…

While I have provided links to debunk some of your drivel…

So calm down… Have a nice cool drink… And ponder why you paid for that US University education… It doesn’t appear to be money well spent if you can’t even engage with facts and reality in a two bit forum…

Ha det!!

That is how a conversation between grown ups sound to children… Rambling. I will leave you with one, now famous quote. Right up DJTs ally:
Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
That quote will never leave you.

Are you sure you hate Trump? because you copy his style of debating! :smiley:

Antifreeze? Not true. Seriously. That’s BS and you probably know it

Ukraine… fight, of course when needed. The question is whether the war was necessary and whether the outcome will be any better than a negotiated treaty before the war would have been. Also, the risk of escalation into a nuclear conflict SHOULD make both sides cautious. What are the victory conditions? Are they attainable? Is the risk worth it? Are there other ways to achieve victory?
Did the war have to happen? Would it have been averted under different US leadership?
If we are liberating countries, how about Tibet? Can we at least help the Uighyurs?
There are many moral wars we could fight. There may be more reasons for involvement in Ukraine than are publicly apparent.

At home, I think a major factor in public sentiment is that people could afford to pay their bills and eat when Trump was President. Biden’s economy sucks (and he has the audacity to lie to us about it like we don’t remember how much food cost 4 years ago).
Also, we don’t like our 1st amendment rights trampled. What happened to the free press?
I see a far greater threat from the Democrats to democracy than I do from the Republicans.
Lastly, it doesn’t have to be Trump, just no more Democrats! Many liberals agree with this sentiment. A lot of people are willing to overlook Trump’s personality quirks, or even look beyond the two party system for better policy.

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I believe he said injecting disinfectants and something about powerful light, dude is just dumb and fans fall for his BS

I know what you are talking about. There was an experimental treatment someone had discussed briefly with him. He mentioned it in passing and didn’t really know the details. That’s a huge error when talking to a media that is looking for sound bites to trash you.

Trump walked into several traps. That’s not good. I prefer candidates that don’t get caught in traps. Still, not the worst trait.
Seriously try to imagine if the media were hostile to Biden how bad they could make him look.
Any mistep Trump made was spun in the worst possible way and played on repeat.

I rarely mention videos to watch, but if you haven’t watched the Mike Benz interview on Tucker, you really should.

@Xanaphlaxes I provided a link (PolitiFact.com) that totally debunked this ridiculous claim…

But these simpletons just babble… They don’t read…

@Xanaphlaxes Exactly my point… These guys who are arguing you must retaliate at all costs are just not aware of the true cost of war…

Better to live and fight another day when the odds are with you… Not overwhelmingly against you…

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could be true, why even suggest or bring up a a stupid thing without knowing the facts yet.

President Trump claims injecting people with disinfectant could treat coronavirus

Donald Trump: comments about injecting disinfectant were ‘sarcastic’

In such a serious matter, was it appropriate to be sarcastic?

I believe it actually was blood irradiation therapy that was mentioned.
He didn’t have all the facts.
Yeah, he should not have said anything.
Trump speaks off the cuff. That gets him in trouble. How important is that?

I care about policy.

There have been countless well polished politicians that say the right thing and then implement opposite policies that screw the people over.

I would rather vote for an asshole that implements better policy.


I have no argument to make if that’s all you care about :+1:

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No… No… The Poll data’s wrong… Like a few in this thread… The man is clearly out of touch with reality!!! Even CNN knows Biden has lost the American voters…

Wow… CNN’s Erin Burnett will be unemployed tomorrow…How dare she ask a serious question…
I was waiting for Waffle Cone or Sugar Cone follow up question…

I’m stunned that she actually said that! They have covered for him at every opportunity for his entire Presidency…. Why are they finally asking questions… The Flip and Flop is close…

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Mostly false means somewhat true. Here are Trump’s words. Read them out loud for effect.

Ya, sharp as a nail that guy. Bleach and UV light, in the body.

“A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?”

He continued.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”

I’ve said it over and over here. Had he focused on Trumpcare (policy!!) like he said he was/would after trying to dismantle the ACA, he’d have won reelection. Literally that one thing. All the while having the majority. 3 trips to the SC… nothing.

Actual Trump quotes about his “healthcare plan”:

“We have come up with a solution that’s really, really I think very good,”

And when that didn’t materialize:

“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”

The entire f*cking adult population of the country knew.

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Here we go… You know more than Politico.com… These Democrat destruction supporters will twist any sliver of BS to throw hate at Trump… In the woke twisted ideology world…False means true and true means false…

Link the transcript or we’ll call it BS… You guys making this stuff up are very short on actual proof…

The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed ~ $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine and yet you have people dying in the United States because they cannot afford medical assistance… Obamacare… Trumpcare… The US Government does not f’ing care about US Citizens… No matter who is the Oval Office…

What are you guys going to come up with next… Trump is actually an Alien and should not be allowed to run for President… He’s responsible for Climate Change… Depletion of the forests… Rising sea levels…

And yet Joe Biden Mumbles, Bumbles and Stumbles his way through the later half of his Presidency and you rattle on that there is nothing to see here… Pathetic…

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Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team - who are overseeing the prosecution of Trump for his alleged mishandling of classified documents - admitted that the boxes of files recovered from the former president’s Mar-a-Lago home were altered or manipulated…

Manipulation of the boxes amounts to 'witness tampering under US Federal Law… The admission, unfortunately, reflects a broader trend of attorneys for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team violating ethical norms in persecution of President Trump…

“Given these highly concerning disclosures about the serious ethical lapses in Special Counsel Smith’s prosecution, the Committee requests that OPR brief the Committee about what steps you are taking to investigate Jack Smith … to determine whether disciplinary actions are appropriate…”

You cannot make this stuff up…

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Gaffes are not very interesting.

Everyone makes them.

Biden has no lack of gaffes and I don’t find it helpful to focus on his either.

The Democratic Party of America is working against the best interests of most US citizens.

Most of us object to endless wars, mass illegal immigration, higher taxes, castration of children, lawlessness, and mass censorship. The Biden Administration must go.

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I find it amazing with all the negative sh-t happening in the US today, that over half the conversations on this thread are over what the previous President said or did 4 and 8 years ago.

Get over it already, my concern is what the current occupier of the White House is doing and will do if reelected. Stopping biden and the democrat agenda should be everyone’s goal.

Finally an intelligent voice of reason
Welcome to the thread Xanaphlaxes

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