Political Opinion

Look out @Falstaff The little man is on a recruitment drive… I mean… You are the the most independent, free-thinking mind I have ever seen from a Trump supporter… It warms my heart the love and respect he is finally showing you…

@Falstaff Unfortunately.… It seems you just don’t have that fatal attraction and lust that I possess…

Totally agree… A few here just can’t see this through their terminal TDS hatred and contempt…


Thank you Paul - I just wish some of those sufferring TDS - could view the world in a similar way - I have family and friends who seem unable to give any credit - and seem totally unable to view the world as anything other than “Black and White”, “Good and Evil”, “Right or Wrong” - even though their “opinions” are based on nothing factual or evidential - simply the religious chant - “orange man bad!”

Here is a report from intelligent commentators - on how a financial misdemeanour has been inflated out of all proportion to “evidence” numerous “Felony crimes” in a partisan court and some assessment of the legalities on which Pres Trump will likely be exonerated on appeal. (Link is green writing :wink:

The Rubicon is crossed


Also an examination of exactly why the citizens of the USA must get out and vote correctly in the forthcoming elections to prevent the Fall of the US and prevent the takeover of the World by those who wish to destroy our freedoms. (Green writing)

Trump Must Win



Oh Look - A Porcine Aviator ! :wink:

I bow to your superior experience and charisma - oh great one ! :innocent:

I shall continue to watch in awe and endeavour to improve :smiley:


@Falstaff… Rise chivalrous Sir Falstaff… I anoint you with the oink-ment of endless superior experiences and the aura of presence, power and boundless charisma… :innocent:

Porcine AviatorsAirborne Fornications… Hell of a lot of stuff flying around in this thread…


SImple choices for a man over 30


It doesn’t matter if Trump is right or wrong when it comes to policy or good or bad for the country, I just call out his BS and lies. Some people would rather cut off their tongues than call out his BS and lies or tell the truth .

When support someone policy, it does not mean you have to fall for their BS and lies and make excuses for them or their behavior.

EDIT: Falstaff had to be respected. By speaking his truth instead of ignoring it, he was able to be true to himself.

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Good point - many times I’ve tried to reconcile logic & religion - I question everythting I encounter - if it makes sense great, if not then disregard.

Last wk visited Lourdes, france - have done many times - logic here flies out that window,

I see ‘helpers’ - they are mostly teenagers helping sick ppl - pushing wheelchairs/beds - giving up their time from the clubs to listen - laughing & having fun - yet too these ‘les malades’ as their badges describe - waving, smiling, but logic says dying so shld be sad.

The doctors - they are striking for more money but illogically here they are, along with nurses on 24 hr shifts with no pay.

Then as we left in came ‘les militaires’ - whole diff logic - these are the armies - soldiers, police, naval, air force, civil defence - 1000’s of them marching with their flags, singing their chants - these are the armed forces of the world - yet illogically there was 1 thing missing - no guns,

What about the miracles? - here too logic flies ot that window - I’ve witnessed 2, 1 a young girl who stopped me on the street in Lourdes to say (with a smile) ‘they tell me I’m terminal’ - logic says that the medics cured her … and so on it goes.

Seems to me that logic and religion don’t live in the same house :slight_smile:


Actually, that is axactly what DOES matter! Mean tweets and hyperbole will get little more than eye rolls. Whatevwr dude, just fix the country! lol

You miss the point, Understandable.

Dude really tried to make this about Mean tweets and hyperbole, lmao

So let me say it one more time:

When support someone policy, it does not mean you have to fall for their BS and lies and make excuses for them or their behavior.

כאשר תומכים במדיניות של מישהו, זה לא אומר שאתה צריך ליפול על ה-BS והשקרים שלו ולהמציא תירוצים עבורו או עבור ההתנהגות שלו.

Of course not. But, why waste time talking about bs?
Talk about who said what and bad behavior while the country burns?

Notice I don’t focus on Biden’s huge laundry list of bad behavior or lies either.
I expect politicians to lie. The metric worth watching is what they do (Edit: politically) and what they accomplish.

I am not going to waste time acknowledging Trump’s faults and concentrate on that. Sure, he has faults and so does the other guy.
Its not important. We are all about to go over the cliff. Keep your eye on the ball. You’re not going to get a perfect President! What matters?

If i remember correctly your boy post something on that guy and I responded - doesn’t matter, also your dude is in the news making comments and he is a canidate, is that a problem with you responding to something he say?

And I call out BS when I see it, don’t care who it is

I am not the conversation police. That’s the DNC’s job! lol

You can post what you want. I am explaining why many Trump supporters let Trump get away things.
#1 much of what the media reports on Trump is either untrue or misleading. the media work2 for the DNC
#2 There are also bad things Trump does that pale in comparison to what Biden has done Who is worse on any particular infractiin is certainly debatable
#3 we are willing to accept a flawed human to tackle what is important.

I know Trump will work to stop illegal immigrantion, avert a nuclear war, stop castration of children, and will boost the economy.
There are things he has done that I do not like. Earlier I posted how I like candidates that don’t walk into traps. (That’s a dig on his dig on McCain and how he allowed the Left to flip the rioting narrative by stupidly going to DC instead of stumping for Walker in GA.) There, a gift. I talked about it. I’m done! Trump is still the best hope we have for this country, warts and all.

And that’s them, so be it, it is what it is

When acting on lies and bs, people want to hurt, kill, and do other sick things. I asked a simple question and you can clearly see the difference in a supporter behavior

I’m only reading about potential tax law changes targeting retirement accounts that exceed $10 million. And high income earners earning above $400K. What are you reading? Backdoor Roths? Mandatory distributions?

Anything in his actual tax budget? Or are we talking think-tank analysis?

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Xanaphlaxes, You have my respect for your opinion on the matter we discussed, and I wish you continued success in what you do. :+1:

Rather than asking me to focus and talk about Trump and Biden policies and getting upset about what I post, you guys can post and talk about them yourselves. The floor is yours

You have my respect as well, SmallPaul! We’ve shot the breeze for 10+ years on other forums! There’s a lot at stake in this upcoming election and I always found you to be a reasonable person. These two facts make me want to post!

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And I respect that. :+1:

Trump annihilates Biden’s dismal campaign on TikTok with just a single video…

As of tonight June 3rd… The Trumpster has 4,600,000 followers in three days… Stumbling, Mumbling and Bumbling Joe Biden has only 352,000 followers since February…

Obviously the younger generation sees the Propaganda against Trump and Democracy… The World sees the Democratic Regime and the Lawfare nonsense…

The more they go after Trump the more popular he becomes, just look at his sponsor the money just keeps coming in… if a lot of cash is flowing to Trump you know he is going to win…

TRUMP… He’s here to chew bubble gum and kick ass… And unfortunately for the Democrats…

He’s all out of bubble gum…