Political Opinion

Illegal drugs are vital to America’s economy because they have created millions of jobs and have preserved certain industries.

Focusing on all illegal activities that directly or indirectly contribute to America’s GDP

Including Illegal Activity in the U.S. National Economic Accounts (PDF)

The internationally agreed guidelines for national economic accounts, System of National Accounts 2008 (hereafter referred to as SNA 2008) (United Nations Statistics Division 2008), explicitly recommend that illegal market activity should be included in the measured economy.

This recommendation has not yet been implemented by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) because of challenges inherent in identifying suitable source data and differences in conceptual traditions.

This paper explores how tracking illegal activity in the U.S. national economic accounts might impact nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP), real GDP, productivity, and other economic statistics.

Nominal GDP rises in 2017 by more than 1 percent when illegal activity is tracked in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs).

By category, illegal drugs add $108 billion to measured nominal GDP in 2017, illegal prostitution adds $10 billion, illegal gambling adds $4 billion, and theft from businesses adds $109 billion. Real GDP and productivity growth also change.

Real illegal output grew faster than overall GDP during the 1970s and post–2008. As a result, tracking illegal activity ameliorates both the 1970s economic slowdown and the post–2008 economic slowdown considerably.



Of course we must realise that “illegal” - simply means that those who consider themselves better than us have put in place “Rules” which they enforce against us - at the point of a gun !

Remember “Prohibition” ?

Yet now the cheeky B*stards want to count breaking the law as part of their fictional GDP ! - Does that include BAnk Robberies and Frauds ? :sunglasses:

Of course you speak of “Illegal drugs” (Remember prohibition ?) which they say are too dangerous for us to put into our bodies (unless you are called “Hunter” for example) -because they are either “dangerous” or “untested” orsome other excuse

  • Interesting that on the other foot - “they” insisted - pretty much at the point of the same gun recently - that we all put “Stuff” into our bodies which was untested and has proven really quite daingerous - we’re still waiting to find out just “how dangerous”

There was never any real war on drugs.

How the U.S. is helping fuel its own war on drugs.

Arming and Funding Cartels

With special access to secret intelligence documents and government insiders, this investigation uncovers how American citizens have been aiding Mexican drug cartels by smuggling military-grade weapons across the U.S. border, providing the money and firepower for cartels to operate with impunity.

So we had the BSOD world wide… or did we?

One country escaped unscathed - the 2nd largest economy world wide.


Blue Screen of Death

Proof that shots were fired from 4 different distances at Trump rally

I hope that acoustic evidence of the ballistic activity is brought before Congress during the hearing in the questioning of Cheatle & Mayorkas…

CNN had never broadcast a Trump rally until July 13, 2024… And hosing off the roof quickly and prior to an investigation is a little concerning!

The problem is that both the CIA and the FBI have demonstrated both the desire and ability to interfere with United States elections… Congress has already proven they have motive…

IMO… If a shooter was on that water tower, they wouldn’t be wearing a black outfit on a white tower…

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It’s Biden’s fault. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

The GOP group behind Project 2025 floats conspiracy theory that Biden will use ‘force’ to keep power.

A conservative think tank that is planning for a complete overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win is suggesting that President Joe Biden might try to hold the White House “by force” if he loses the November election.

The Heritage Foundation’s warning — which goes against Biden’s own public statements — appeared in a report released Thursday that the group said resulted from a role-playing exercise gaming out potential scenarios before and after the 2024 election.

“The lawlessness of the Biden Administration — at the border, in staffing considerations, and in routine defiance of court rulings — makes clear that the current president and his administration not only possesses the means, but perhaps also the intent, to circumvent constitutional limits and disregard the will of the voters should they demand a new president,” the report reads.

The report, issued just ahead of the Republican National Convention and four months from the presidential election, shows how conservative groups supportive of former President Donald Trump are trying to turn the tables on the narrative of which candidate represents the greatest threat to the country’s democratic traditions. Biden has dedicated a handful of speeches to laying out the case against Trump, while Trump and his supporters have pointed to his four criminal cases to suggest that Democrats have weaponized the justice system against their chief political opponent.

The Heritage Foundation and other pro-Trump groups have continued to promote the same false claims of election fraud that fueled Trump’s attempts to stay in office despite his 2020 loss to Biden. Those efforts culminated in the violent Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, when rioters sought to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

The GOP group behind Project 2025 floats conspiracy theory that Biden will use 'force' to keep power

Donald Trump at Michigan rally: ‘I took a bullet for democracy’

@SmallPaul It appears you’re back to posting delusional unproven single lime brain farts followed by paragraph’s of cut paste Yahoo BS… Classy

" I don’t know what the hell it is this Project 25… He’s involved in Project 25… And then they read some of the things… And they are extreme… I mean they’re seriously extreme… But I don’t know anything about it… I don’t want to know anything about it…"

" But what they do is misinformation and disinformation and they keep saying he’s a threat to democracy I’m saying what the hell did I do for democracy last week… I took a bullet for democracy…"

Donald Trump… Michigan Rally

Trump also referred to the leadership chaos within the Democratic party, which has been consumed with a debate over whether Joe Biden should step down from his re-election bid amid concerns about his age and mental acuity…

“They have no idea who their candidate is, and neither do we,” Trump jibed. He called Biden a “feeble old guy”.

Trump, appearing jocular and in good spirits during a lengthy speech and stated he would rather be in than sitting “on some boring beach watching the waves coming in” - another dig at Biden, who is currently recovering from COVID at his Delaware beach home…


From the same guy who believes Trump was tortured in jail.

This guy lives in a delusional unproven theory mindset.

Talk to me when you stop dreaming.

Moving on from the circus clown.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone over the Butler Farm Show grounds shortly before former president Trump was set to speak there, according to a new report by The Wall Street Journal.

BREAKING: Trump gunman flew drone over rally site, per WSJ report

It’s the usual waffle from the threads resident Madman…


Yeah, I know :joy:

Interesting words from Trump in this video about Project 2025.

How many politicians say Republic?

‘I took a bullet for democracy,’ Trump tells Michigan crowd week after deadly rally.

Since you believe every single word that comes out of Trumps mouth has to be true… It seems he has no interest in your latest creation demon… Project 25…

Is the U.S. a Democracy or a Republic?

The United States, like most modern nations, is neither a pure republic nor a pure democracy. Instead, it is a hybrid democratic republic. However, when the delegates of the United States Constitutional Convention debated the question in 1787, the exact meanings of the terms republic and democracy remained unsettled. At the time, there was no term for a representative form of government created “by the people” rather than by a king. In addition, American colonists used the terms democracy and republic more or less interchangeably, as remains common today…

Nevertheless, Founding Father James Madison may have best described the difference between a democracy and a Republic…

“It [the difference] is that in a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person: in a Republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents (Congress)…"

" A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot… A Republic may be extended over a large region…”

So… The United States is more accurately defined as a Constitutional Federal Republic

@SmallPaul Seriously… Just how uneducated are you… Lucky someone from outside the United States can teach you what type of Government you live under…


lmao, I posted something similar years ago, you are behind the eight ball once again.,but keep going. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s the usual waffle from the threads resident Madman…

@SmallPaul Seriously… Just how uneducated are you…

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This dude has lost his mind.

I shouldn’t be having this much fun, let me digress, the floor is your TWB

America is considered a republic democracy or, more usually, a democratic republic .

It doesn’t matter, American politicians use the word democracy to describe the country.

@SmallPaul Seriously… Just how uneducated are you…

The word Republic probably scares the hell out of the Leftist Loonies here because it sounds too similar to Republican… As in the Party… So they once again make sh** up so as to not hurt their feelings…

Constitutional Republic… Say’s the Pledge of Allegiance… You delusional Fool…

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Maybe you should direct that anger at Trump and the American politicians who say democracy to describe the country, did you ever consider that?

You delusional Fool