Positive Euro-Zone Retail Sales Would Validate Bullish Euro Technical Outlook

Euro-zone retail sales are expected to have increased by 0.2% in January as declining energy costs increases consumers purchasing power. However, the year-over-year reading is expected to show a 2.3% decline, which would be the eight straight negative month.

[B]Fundamental Outlook[/B]

Euro-zone retail sales are expected to have increased by 0.2% in January as declining energy costs increases consumers purchasing power. However, the year-over-year reading is expected to show a 2.3% decline, which would be the eight straight negative month. Last month saw German consumption drop 0.3% and considering the country saw unemployment rise to 7.9% from 7.8%, we could see further weakness. A drop in the regions largest economy’s demand could drag the overall indicator lower. A negative monthly reading in tandem with the expected annualized print could spark a bearish Euro reaction. However, a better than expected monthly gain would validate the bullish Euro technical outlook which is calling for a test of 1.33.

[B]Technical Outlook [/B]

Quite simply, the series of higher highs and higher lows since early March is bullish. I have written recently that “know that once the turn occurs, it will be fast…there are 2 areas to look for longs; the low side of the diagonal line and a break of the top side.” Another line, drawn off of the February 9th and 23rd highs, has provided resistance to additional gains so far. I do expect resistance to give way and for the EURUSD to make its way to 1.33. This outlook is intact as long as price is above 1.2610.

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[I]To discuss this report contact John Rivera, Currency Analyst: [email protected][/I]