Post you pips

When the kids raised the lot size, as you know, I didn’t want them to. My thinking was they can raise the lots to 2 instead of 1 when they double the account balance. I told them not to but they did. They decided that if they lost back down to $20,000 they would go back to the lower lot size. In my opinion, I would want to keep getting gains and keep going rather than try for much more and end up back at the beginning. As you know, they didn’t listen.


the demo new ballance is 39,858.44$. i hope nothing bad happends and i hope i dont go back to 20,000$. i think my dads mind is more closed than mine is more open. i know ill do well, he can just relax.:smiley:

oops, he told me to use spell check and reed it over. :smiley:

You would think he never went to school a day in his life.


one of these days im gonna do better than my dad. i dont know when but one of these days

My kid didn’t sign off my computer.

I thought he was finished and had signed off.
I had accidently posted this under his screen name.

I guess you learn (or realize) things in the strangest places and ways.

I have always encouraged him to do better than both his parents.
Then I wonder, "why in the world doesn’t he take my other advice?"
To think about it, If he took [B]all[/B] my advice he would never do better.
I guess it takes someone states away to help me see the obvious.

Thank you Hobbit!


i changed the password to the deom me and my sister are doing, he said if i wanted to it was ok wit him. :smiley:

my sister never wants to do what i do so she said i can ahve it to myself. i know i can do this:D. tonight ill post the results. ive always been in controll but know i feel like im in controll!
i can do whatevr i want!

Oh boy, can you tell he’s 14? :rolleyes:

He should have posted already.


my dad told me i had my numbers wrong a few posts back so i fixed em. my new balance after i did my trades for the day is 41,113.83$. see my sister should neverive quit.

im not shure if i can post before monday my grandpa past away.:frowning: well be outta town untill then but ill try.

I realy doubt he is giong to post today!:frowning:

i had a lil time. i didnt really know how fats the computers where at home. the demo accounts new ballence is 42,266.53$. ill try to post tomaorw.

This funeral thing sucks pretty bad for the kids so he told me the demos new balance. I takes an amazing amount of time just to post one time.



i asked my dad to post this for me but he wouldnt, he said it takes to long so he left me to suffer. i cant wait to get back to the home computers. any ways the new ballance on the demo for today is 44,410.81$. my dad is makeing me try to spell better.:frowning: he said know body can understand what i post. im trying but theres no microsoft prosseser for me to use as spell checker.

You could try a dictionary. You could learn the meaning of the words you are trying to spell.

Hi guys and girls,

I have learnt from scratch at babypips

Been trading live since October

Demo trading couple of months before that

March pip totals so far, week by week.


I swing trade, i look at charts 15 mins in eve and 15 mins in morning.

i use daily charts.

All i use is a EMA 5 AND 10, also a custom indicator.

Oh yeah… i trade only 1% of my account and i dont use stops !!!

GBP/USD is my fav, also trade AUD/USD, EUR/USD, EUR/GBP

Lets see what this week brings.

Looking to get together with members in the North London area


I’m still experimenting with different PL ratios. This week was 1:1. I was a bit surprised to learn that I broke just about even; I thought the spreads would weigh me down more than they did. I did offset that some by trailing a few of my stop losses, though.

I lost about 70 pips, and maybe a bit more after figuring spreads. The drawdown was less than 1%. That’s a huge improvement over last week, when I lost 270 pips or more (8.4% drawdown). I was trading at 0.5:1 PLR then. This coming week I’ll be trading at 1.5:1, and it looks like I might end up in the black.

I wasn’t really expecting to trade profitably for another week or two, so I’m happy with the results thus far.

Thanks for the posts. You are on the way to the good life.


My son took a nap! I will wake him in a few. :rolleyes:
