Price Action Algo Trading (PAAT) Journals

Hi Constadino.

You can see some of them in these posts:


this stuff might as well be stolen from somewhere else

Example of PAAT System Trades: Futures Nasdaq CFD - 11 May 2022


How you can say that when in each video the instructor introduce himself and mention Trading Drills Academy . plus with just a quick search you can find out about us, however all of these videos uploaded in our website first with the Copy Rights belong to trading drills academy which you can check it in here: How the Price Action Algo Trading System Works?– TradingDrills Academy
by the way if you feel like its still not satisfying send me massage .


good day every one

Example of PAAT System Trades S&P500 Futures CFD 12 May 2022 Asian


Hi Constadino,

Please watch this video that explains the source of the trades posted in the PAAT Journals, which comes from a club created a few years ago to gather all consistently profitable students to share their trades and equity curves:


Example of PAAT System Trades: e-Currencies and Forex Pairs and Futures CFDs - 12 May 2022

Several examples of PAAT system trades are shared with us by our consistently profitable graduated students on 12 May 2022:


excel proof is a completely invalid proof. You might fool some naive dummies but not everyone. You also underestimate our IQ

Also, you’d get some better quality microphone for your youtube comms, with your trading profits wouldn’t you?

Dude all the ‘EvIdEnCe’ you have provided screams SCAM

Post some better proof

1 Like

Hi every one

Example of PAAT System Trades: S&P500 Futures CFD - 13 May 2022


Example of PAAT System Trades: SPY Weekly Options - 13 May 2022

An example of PAAT system trade is shared with us by Yan, one of our senior global instructors, on the SPY Weekly Options on 13 May 2022 :


Example of PAAT System Trades: Forex Pairs and Nasdaq Futures CFD - 13 May 2022

Several examples of PAAT system trades are shared with us by our consistently profitable graduated students on 13 May 2022:


M_R_Anari-IB Statement October 2008.pdf (1.2 MB)

We use an excel file as a Checklist to help novice traders to follow all Entry algorithms in the right sequence while recording their video clips and looking for opportunities to enter/manage a position. Then we use the same excel file to Journal each trade, which is an integral part of our Coaching/Monitoring of students’ consistency and enhanced efficiency. So the excel file is the track record of each individual trade that comes from a live daily video clip with instrument name and lot size that matches the date/time and P&L of every single tick movement in the market. These are solid proof that these trades are authentic and captured in the live market according to our profitable trading system.

Also, we provide the end-of-month real equity curve of our trades and statements, similar to the attached one, which is the statement of my 1st month when I became a consistent trader in October 2008. These statements show that the profit was made from many trades and not by chance and bias from a few trades. It shows that the trader account has grown up with a low account drawdown, so the losses and risks were managed properly.

I have explained the source of these live trades already, which are provided by many of our successful traders on a daily basis (Trading Journals - Source of Trades from the Club of Consistent Students and Instructors - YouTube).

I think we should leave the judgments of proof of consistency and Scam of a trading system to all smart people in this forum who can differentiate between a solid trading system with consistent daily records/monthly statements in the live market with what you are presenting in your thread that seems to be an optimized data on demo accounts. I see a much more increase in the number of our views/likes on the PAAT system Journal and our Price Action training that includes smart drills, so there must be something valuable with tremendous potential that this community with high IQ recognizes and appreciates.

Thanks for your suggestions about the voice quality and let us know if you have any questions about the PAAT system.


excelent 2008 pdf proof. A high IQ person wouldnt provide such an evidence 15 years ago so I strongly recommend you to look up what IQ actually means because you are only embarassing yourself trying to belittle me yet you doing the exact opposite.

@Pipstradamus you might wanna go through this thread because everything this person does screams SCAM and consequently ruining the forums and prestige of this wonderful BP website and company we have created all these years

@Pipstradamus this person basically seems like they screenshot pictures then posts then on their website claiming it’s theirs. Potentially Theft and fraud in one go.

I assume you have had lots of experience recogninsing such scamming activity flags after your years long experience so I won’t go any further into what they do to phish in innocent people from our forums

Example of PAAT System Trades: Nasdaq Futures CFD - 16 May 2022

An example of PAAT system trade is shared with us by one of our consistently profitable graduated students on 16 May 2022:


Hi everyone,

This is an example of one of my of my trades on e-Currencies that I took on 16 May 2022:


Example of PAAT System Trades: Nasdaq and S&P500 Futures CFDs - 17 May 2022

Several examples of PAAT system trades are shared with us by our consistently profitable graduated students on 17 May 2022:


Example of PAAT System Trades: S&P500 Futures CFD - 17 May 2022


Example of PAAT System Trades: E-mini Futures CFDs and Forex Pairs - 18 May 2022

Several examples of PAAT system trades are shared with us by our consistently profitable graduated students on 18 May 2022:


Good day every one

Example of PAAT System Trades: S&P500 E-Mini Futures Contracts - 19 May 2022