Price Action That Matters

Yeah this was so frustrating, remember thatn huge volume bar bueb i posted the other day well price missed my tp my 4 pips then super retracted back! oh well… I manually closed the trade down after that for a small profit as this pair is super choppy at the mo. Personally I wouldn’t trade that PB as the 1250 level is acting a solid S/R so you would be trading straight into support.



Only just seen this BA, my broker FXCM has a feature that shows the value you are risking once you set your stop, I found it’s a bit more expensive I think than the currencies but not by much so depending on the size of your account you should be able to take a normal sized position. The FXCM trading station desktop platform on a demo account should show you how much your stop loss set is risking…[/QUOTE]

You are a star Amy! Thank you, why didn’t I think of that? What a nice easy way to do it!


Yeah this was so frustrating, remember thatn huge volume bar bueb i posted the other day well price missed my tp my 4 pips then super retracted back! oh well… I manually closed the trade down after that for a small profit as this pair is super choppy at the mo. Personally I wouldn’t trade that PB as the 1250 level is acting a solid S/R so you would be trading straight into support.


Hey Darth,

It looks like its trapped there at the mo, Trading seems very choppy across the board this week no doubt waiting for FOMC. Maybe I’ll give this one a miss for now as I can’t see it doing much until tomorrow when I won’t want to be trading. At least you got out with some profit!

Hey Darth,
Fantastic trading! You have some great goals you are shooting for, please keep us updating on how it goes. These are results from my demo acct, but I take many of the same trades on my demo that I do on my live, except I try and keep all my trades 1-2% risk on my demo. I was up 9% and calculated lots size wrong on a trade and ended up risking and losing about 4.5% in that single trade. I took 4 trades, 3 were winners. I have been sitting out this week mostly due to not seeing much in terms of setups and also the calendar being full of high risk events.

Great job Darth! It’s always good to see traders post both their goals for the year as well as actual trading results, which help me to know the various benchmarks out there.

Having a rough week here. After taking my $5K account up to around $6100 last week, I’m back down to $5250. At least it’s demo as I’m learning the ropes.

Good trading to you all.


Hi Romeo, you’ll be able to see our Google+ Hangout on Price Action Patterns today live at 2pm EST at

I haven’t worked my results out for January but it was a good month for me in the end, I took my account back into profit which was a confidence booster. So far Im still in profit, took a small loss of 50 pips this week due to the news today and will be staying out the markets now until Monday. I’ve also noticed that most my profits come during the last few weeks of the month and my worst losses the first week of the month, coincidence? I’m not sure…

Is anyone else pending on the AUDNZD daily and would it be wise to cancel it ahead of the NFP?

I still have my pending on the AN will ive it until tomorrow but it seems like Price ACtion that triggered the pinbar is going away… however NFP tomorrow moves mostly USD pairs so nothing to worry about it on the AUDNZD


I still have my pending on the AN will ive it until tomorrow but it seems like Price ACtion that triggered the pinbar is going away… however NFP tomorrow moves mostly USD pairs so nothing to worry about it on the AUDNZD[/QUOTE]

Good luck Cheva, I actually decided to cancel my order, mainly because I believe the downtrend is weakening, I’m going to be looking for opportunities to get in long very soon.

Zion - Rising Wedge

sounds like youve both had very good months. I didnt realise how much I missed trading while I was settling in back home. I ended up having a really good jan at 9% profit and 68% win rate

Thanks for your post! That sucks about that 4.5% loss, but I know all about them lol.

I’ve noticed since i’ve become profitable that I’m not chasing weak trades, some people probably wouldn’t of trade my last 2 trades as I have per say but me and my gut have a good relationship that seems to be strong and I’ve taken some trades off the table from others opinions that would of been 30% and 40% winners. So starting to trust my judgement more and trade smarter.

But yeah I’m going to give my 1 month, quarterly and annual progress if thats ok.


Dude thats great keep it up!! I know the feeling over christmas i stopped trading as It was my first christmas as a trader and wanted to watch instead of trade but I really missed it.


Sounds like your on track though dude, and stick with the demoing till you feel confident because even when your 0% gain your still in profit, I’m currently digging my way out of an expensive mistake which cost me 30% loss. I would looove to be 0% right now. lol


Cheers mate. Yeh I just really started trading again this year and just didnt realise how much enjoyment I get out of it. Weird I know but I can spend hours just analysing, reading, researching etc… without even takin a trade. Ive had a good first week of feb to so hopefully will keep it up. I hope you do to mate

Good REsults mates! I had a good Jan too but febraury its starting awful! maybe Im forcing some trades… or maybe is like other person said and first weeks of the month are not so good?

[QUOTE=“cheva282;599568”]Good REsults mates! I had a good Jan too but febraury its starting awful! maybe Im forcing some trades… or maybe is like other person said and first weeks of the month are not so good?[/QUOTE]

I think Aaron had the right idea, staying away from the markets this week. Prices seemed as though they didn’t know which way to go, hopefully the heavy news week will now lay the road for some direction in the market for the next weeks ahead.

For those of you trading equities directly or trading the indices through their Forex brokers will want to pay close attention to the large bullish pinbars that have formed on the major markets. You can look back at past price action, whenever we had pullbacks to the trend line followed by bullish hammers/2BRs it has always been followed by price moving higher and usually creating new highs. While the data coming out paints a poor if not bleak future for the country, there can be no denying there is still strong bullish strength in the market. Simply looking at the price action we can see that price looks as though looks like it winding up to shoot higher.

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I am monjur. this is my first post over here.I am fully PA base trader. i just follow trend with sup and res and PA.i want to share my demo account result for last 2 months.and i will post trade setup later.I am still learning i hope i will get help from you guys. English is my second language so i cant write properly sorry for bad english.

Running 2 short setup … One EURGBP and another AUDNZD