Price Action That Matters

Depends on the pair! The exotics are thinly traded so not as much, but the majors do huge volume. Forex is a 5 trillion dollar market so on the majors probably hundreds of millions of dollars to go a movement, and on the exotics probably a few million. :cool:

Perhaps Jason Rogers of FXCM can help out?

Owing to time difference, saw your post hours late.

As far as I know we donā€™t need & are not after the [I]actual[/I] volumes in FX. [I]Relative [/I]volumes at different time suffice, as in stock trdg. We shd not compare trdg volumes of BAC with, say, SLB. But it makes sense to compare trdg volume of BAC today with its volume yesterday, last weekā€¦ etc.

[QUOTE=ā€œHenry9986;607039ā€]Owing to time difference, saw your post hours late. As far as I know we donā€™t need & are not after the actual volumes in FX. Relative volumes at different time suffice, as in stock trdg. We shd not compare trdg volumes of BAC with, say, SLB. But it makes sense to compare trdg volume of BAC today with its volume yesterday, last weekā€¦ etc. [/QUOTE]

Great explanation Henry! Your exactly right, we just want to to see how volume is changing, not what the actual volume is. I know Forex volume method isnā€™t nearly as accurate as it is in the New York stock exchange but it does seem to give us the volume info we need to make educated decisions.

I hope nobody here was trading crypto currency on Mt Gox! Been reading lots of stories of people losing everything, retirement funds and college tuitions.

[QUOTE=ā€œkrugman25;607085ā€]I hope nobody here was trading crypto currency on Mt Gox! Been reading lots of stories of people losing everything, retirement funds and college tuitions.[/QUOTE]

I saw that too. Very sad.

Aaron, itā€™s not said enough: thank you for staying rooted in honesty and always keeping it real for the rest of us that might start seeing $$$ signs way too much. I always appreciate these posts a ton as it refocuses me to trade responsibility and reminds me that is how I have achieved my success, not by being a trading cowboy! \

Take care man

Hi Aaron, Iā€™m a fairly new trader here and have been following your discussions and lessons on here for some time now and I must say you have one of the more genuine and comprehensible threads in the forums. So besides the flattery :), I wanted to ask your opinion about using the On Balance Volume indicator as to gauge change in the volume. I think it may provide a good visual representation of the underlying volume compared to price action. You can use divergence and trend line analysis to see whether volume is in sync with price and asses the momentum behind it. What are your thoughts? Thank you again for an awesome thread.

Fellow ā€œlurkerā€

Dude let me get this right, on my broker 0.1= Ā£1 a pip so 100.00= Ā£1000 a pip (depending on the pair obviously) so your telling me your trading Ā£1000 (roughly) a pip on 5 pairs/trades?

Why arenā€™t your retired and on Aaronā€™s $100 mil yacht and living the american dream? :42:


Damn that sucks, but lesson learned here, 1 donā€™t put all your eggs in one basket (diversify your portfolio) and with big risk (bitcoin) comes big rewards/losses.

On another note, Iā€™m sure bitcoin will be hit hard by this newsā€¦ time to buy?.. KIDDING!!!


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Dude, interestingly on my broker (FXCM) itā€™s set up with microlots despite having a standard account.

So in my account, 100.00 lots = $10 a pipā€¦ I am hoping that is the case here, otherwiseā€¦ :o

Must be down to the broker, Iā€™m with Vantagefx UK, which one account for all, and with them a microlot is 0.01 which is roughly 10p and the smallest they do, 0.1 lot = Ā£1, 1 lot = Ā£10, etcā€¦

so you can see why Iā€™m like you trade a 100.00 lot size?! lol


Hi guys, hereā€™s a link to my posts about this in another: 301 Moved Permanently

Henry, our techs are still looking into your follow up question, but Iā€™ll post my response in that other thread when I hear back from them: 301 Moved Permanently

Itā€™s pretty amazing when these things just workā€¦ Gold H1 pin bar with RSI divergence.

Ascending triangle with double tops + bearish pin bar + bearish divergence Chart GBPCAD, D1, 2014.02.26 14:25 UTC, FxPro Financial Services Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Demo - MetaTrader Trading Platform Screenshots. Will see if it breaks up or down.

Thanks for your efforts.

A good catch!

Roughly $900-$1000 per pip.
If I was retired, I wouldnā€™t be making money, 2nd, Iā€™m not American, so no dream, and thirdly, I do live a nice life style :slight_smile:

Wouldnā€™t it be great if we had 100 lot traders contributing to the forums? :slight_smile: For all I know they are out there! The beauty of forex is the liquidity is much much higher.

If your goal is to trade 100 lots, you need to really love trading, and not looking for a quick buck so you can ā€œretireā€. Traders I know that trade at this level got there through passion for the process of trading.

I wish Iā€™d get there one day adam! Right now Iā€™m only risking $200 per trade. Thatā€™s about 0.5 lot for H1-H4 and sometimes only 0.1 lot on daily set up.

Yes Iā€™m poor just like that lol. But we all have our dream to break free from this arenā€™t we? :slight_smile: