Price Action That Matters

That is a reversal IB on EU, I am waiting for a close on H4 above the IB mother candle before I take any entry. The fact that that massive pin bar shown where it is kinda scares me though, as that shows weakness.

Been testing out an EA based on Inside bars, here are the results from today, on a real account, I donā€™t do demo accountsā€¦ period. They are worthless, you get no experience about money management, discipline, revenge trading, mindsetā€¦ using them.

I donā€™t trade trend lines and I donā€™t trade inside bars

However, by way of update I decided to delete my long EURUSD pending order on the basis that there was quite a bit of resistance in the way of the trade, see tails on candles to the left and the pin bar was not quite enough of a swing low so not enough room to move

It could still work out but I thought thereā€™s better set ups so will pass this time

Hey I really like what you just said.

There are SO MANY methods to trade forex and you should always stick to what is yours.
One ā€˜systemā€™ may say to sell while the other says to buy.

Traders need to realize that they need to stick to one system and become consistent with it and it only as it will help beginners profit faster.

The fact that you are keeping the trade based on your analysis and not others shows that your confident in your system and your probably a profitable trader!

Hello Adam,

Now that you have shared amazing profits with an EA, its time for certain reply posts to show up and I will begin them.


I also donā€™t trade IBā€™s and trendlines. But, Iā€™m still in EURUSD haha. I will let you know how it goes. Or the market will destroy me and I will never return to this thread again LOL.

Kidding aside, Iā€™m confident in my R:R, the trend, the signals, and 1.38 right under it.

Cool, hope it works out for you semmeeā€¦

I have to put my moderator hat on and be the bad guy for a little bit. I havenā€™t been enforcing the thread rules here for a while because I want to cultivate a live and active thread. Although there is a fine line between blurring some of the thread rules to help improve conversation and the thread becoming wide and shallow like the Mississippi river. The thread rules are already super loose the way they stand but I am going to try and bring things back on track here. First, EA discussion needs to be taken outside of this thread to itā€™s own thread. If a new thread is made, I am ā€˜okā€™ with a quick blurb being made for the new thread. I have done this myself with a number of trading topics I wanted to discuss that fell outside the scope of this thread.

Next is with chart/trade posting. I have seen this among a ton of people over the past few months, but am going to crack down on this more. All posted trades need to have at a minimum [B]1.[/B]a simple proā€™s and conā€™s list. [B]2.[/B] trades should have a quality rating based on the simple rating system laid out on the first page. If you want your post to be extra useful, post a simple synopsis of the trade. The whole purpose of posting trades are for educational purposes, both for the poster and those reading the post. There is more value in 1 very well analyzed trade and a 100 pictures of charts with no analysis. I am flexible in these rules, especially for newcomers, but if you have been here for a while a majority of trades needs the minimum information required for this thread.

Thirdly, if the pattern isnā€™t approved in our accepted patterns for this thread, donā€™t post about itā€¦[B]period[/B]. [B]but[/B] I am making an exception for now for inside bars. I am not ready to formally accept it into the thread until I am convinced traders can do it with clear price action rules and do it in a systematic manner that is consistently profitable. What I have found is a handful of people do it very successfully and for the rest it is almost a complete ruin for their account, because many see it as easy money. Most donā€™t realize it is one of the trickiest patterns to trade correctly, especially intra-day. If you are a knowledgeable inside bar trader, your posts are welcome as long as they fit the posting rules and the price action rules here(I.E. trading price pullbacks from key S/R levels, shorting from resistance, going long from support), very simple and straightforward trading rules.

I know even I slip on these rules from time to time because I am so time strapped and I know others are exactly the same. So I will be somewhat lenient, but I will be cracking down much harder from this point on to keep this thread being rich and focused, rather than wide and shallow. The readers and contributors here are [B]top notch[/B], and I know most everyone will be happy to see this thread stay focused and content rich.

:confused: I guess I will have to go into a little more detail when explaining the IBā€™s I take then :slight_smile:

Aaron, great post.

The fact of the matter is that even the methods shared thus far can keep a trader busy for years, even the rest of his career. So I completely understand what you are trying to do, building a strong foundation before moving on to the nuances that requires experience and discretion.

Thanks for staying with this thread the way that do you and managing it, itā€™s the only way it can achieve long-lasting success.


Adam, buddy, start a new thread! :smiley:

Aaron already beat me to it, but Iā€™ll be the second to subscribe then hehehe.

Thanks for sharing, itā€™s at the heart of this thread, always much appreciated.


Really looking forward to it, thank you in advance Adamjn :slight_smile:

Starting 2 weeks ago Iā€™m starting to have consistent profit trading H4/H1 charts. I still have a long way to go before I can recover all Iā€™ve lost last year but Iā€™m happy with my progress :slight_smile: Itā€™s a start.

Hey Panupat

What methods are you using in your h4/h1 charts.

Are you marking s/r on daily and trading those on intraday charts?

Also I you mentioned that you stopped using fxpro due to commissions and spreads. Does that mean you use ctrader instead of mt4?


For daily trade I use primarily Johnathonā€™s method - Marking key horizontal levels and look for entries from such levels. For intraday Iā€™m trying to apply more to my trading using couple different things to look for key levels. Trend line, EMA, price channel mainly. Iā€™m also following TMS @ forex factory.

And yes I do use cTrader.

For intraday I draw levels and channel from H4, too. Daily level alone wouldnā€™t give me much chance to enter.

Please what does it means when they say that an indicator ā€˜REPAINTSā€™ ? Detailed explanation will be appreciated

Esosa, wrong thread dude.

But Iā€™ll answer: itā€™s when an indicator changes the whole time as price changes to fit price. So after a while when you look back, it looks as if the indicator was perfect, but it simply adjusted itself according to what happened after the fact. Itā€™s a completely unreliable thing to use.

You introduced a pattern to the thread that had never been discussed before, so itā€™s especially important to give detailed analysis while people are learning it, but in reality all of the trades posted here are to be for educational purposes not as trading signals.

It would be great to have more clarification on inside bars, for instance what makes a good inside bar and what makes a bad one etc? I have to say thanks also Adam, because due to your posts I have begun studying and demoing inside bars. Iā€™ve just taken my first live one on gold which has just kicked in. But I do have a set of criteria for taking them I.e always with the daily trend plus a strong trend, nothing below the 4hr time frame, I also look for combos, an inside bar followed by a pin bar rejecting price.

Exactly on spot Cyanidez, as long as iā€™m the sheriff here I am going to make sure this is a hub of educational material. :57:

If people understand price action better and are making more money after reading through this thread, I know it is serving itā€™s purpose correctly.

My business trip is being extended out another 5 days, so I may be spending the weekend in a hotel by myself. If that is the case then I will probably write an inside bar tutorial for the thread. We can use that tutorial to put boundaries on what type of IB setups can be posted here, and people can start putting their arms around the pattern.

I did notice there was an IB/Pin bar combo on daily gold and also Coiling IB/Pin bar on the H4 charts on gold, which is a highly probable continuation pattern. In the right context they can certainly be great setups to take.