Price Action That Matters

[QUOTE=“krugman25;615470”] My business trip is being extended out another 5 days, so I may be spending the weekend in a hotel by myself. If that is the case then I will probably write an inside bar tutorial for the thread. We can use that tutorial to put boundaries on what type of IB setups can be posted here, and people can start putting their arms around the pattern. I did notice there was an IB/Pin bar combo on daily gold and also Coiling IB/Pin bar on the H4 charts on gold, which is a highly probable continuation pattern. In the right context they can certainly be great setups to take.[/QUOTE] Hi mate That would be great, I have to admit to being highly sceptical of inside bars to begin with but maybe played correctly with strict conditions I believe they can be good signals. I have found it difficult to gauge what Adams method is but have been studying them from other sources. When I saw the 4hr set up on gold you just mentioned I decided I had to take it to see what happens. I still mainly look for pin bars and engulfing bars at good levels but I’m also open to learning more about inside bars and whether they can be profitable for me in the long term.

It sounds so mysterious when someone says “business trip” in my head it sound like your making an arms deal with Iranian gun smugglers lol. I’ve been following adam’s IB method and it wasn’t until I saw how well he played them that I took them seriously. I played the GBPAUD IB D1 on friday and made 7.5% on it and funny thing it when price started to stall yesterday I jumped ship and price has gone on to hit my original tp and then on my way to tp2. But that beside the point. I hope you do get a chance to writ a piece on it Aaron. As a good friend said to me the “more you learn the more you earn”

'Best :wink:

Darthy baby

[QUOTE=“darthfrancis;615477”] It sounds so mysterious when someone says “business trip” in my head it sound like your making an arms deal with Iranian gun smugglers lol. I’ve been following adam’s IB method and it wasn’t until I saw how well he played them that I took them seriously. I played the GBPAUD IB D1 on friday and made 7.5% on it and funny thing it when price started to stall yesterday I jumped ship and price has gone on to hit my original tp and then on my way to tp2. But that beside the point. I hope you do get a chance to writ a piece on it Aaron. As a good friend said to me the “more you learn the more you earn” 'Best :wink: Darthy baby[/QUOTE] HAHA That’s great news about Adams inside bar method Darth, it sounds like its a profitable one. I would like to learn more about it, I couldn’t work out his system from the videos. Adam, any chance you can post something clearer on this, ie what qualifys the trade? Any rules you stick to? Time frames, trade management in regards to moving your stop to break even etc, kind of like Aaron’s guidelines on the first page of this thread.

Hey Panupat,

I am also from FSO (DesiBaba there), I know waiting sucks because daily levels take a while to reach on intraday.

Could you pm me the link to the TMS as I saw there are many approaches to doing it. It looks interesting as I can apply the PA methods from this thread and fso and use TMS to get into ‘simpler’ trades


Yes, I never give signals, hence the reason I post 99% of the setups after I take them. I don’t like the fact that I could be responsible for peoples losses.

Yes, the pattern, I am not sure what it is called, technically now a H&S, but eh lol. I will make a video tomorrow and explain what I said I would along with the pattern. I might also make a new thread, too tired to do it now, been busy with non trading related things today, while shelling on the go on my phone haha. I will also post about those setups I took today while out and give them a rating :wink:

The GBPAUD trade I told ya to take and you closed out early cos someone got scared :stuck_out_tongue: haha. Jokes mate, better safe than sorry in-case that gap got filled. Still shelling on it :wink:

I will post about that one tomorrow too also.

Yeh, I will post something about it tomorrow, been pretty busy past few days…

But yeh, profitable :wink:

MM is key to the success of this method and also multiple timeframe analysis.

Anyway, I will stop spamming Aaron thread with these short posts and post something worth while tomorrow afternoon possibly in a new thread.

[QUOTE=“adamjn;615589”]Yeh, I will post something about it tomorrow, been pretty busy past few days… But yeh, profitable :wink: MM is key to the success of this method and also multiple timeframe analysis. Anyway, I will stop spamming Aaron thread with these short posts and post something worth while tomorrow afternoon possibly in a new thread. [/QUOTE]

Cheers Adam, you’ve got me very interested in this now, especially the MM side of things. From some of your other posts I’m guessing you play inside bars pretty tightly and will look forward to learning more about this.

Hi Henry, a recent update to how tick volume is counted on Trading Station means that going forward it will look similar to the way it appears on MT4.

I genuinely want to hear how the cow is doing.


[QUOTE=“krugman25;615603”] I genuinely want to hear how the cow is doing. haha.[/QUOTE]

Haha Me too! How’s he/she doing?

Hi Adamjn. Just my opinion (and how I write down my trade), if you can include snap shot of the chart both before & after you enter a trade, that would be great. I think it helps a ton knowing what experience traders see and think when the set up is forming. :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance. Looking forward to learn from your experience.

@aujla - Hi! If you google “Trading made simple” it should show up on top.

Your cow needs a bull :18:

She will be in Mc Donalds any day now… Cardiac arrest n died :frowning: Was a sad moment, I was going to give her an injection and she just dropped.

[QUOTE=“adamjn;615701”]She will be in Mc Donalds any day now… Cardiac arrest n died :frowning: Was a sad moment, I was going to give her an injection and she just dropped. [/QUOTE]

Ahhhh dear, that is sad. Sorry to hear that Adam.

  1. IB, like PB, engulfing bar, 2BR…, is a signal for entry.

  2. But PB, engulfing bar, 2BR … are directional whereas IB per se is neutral. So, other method(s) are required to determine the trade direction.

  3. Like PB, engulfing bar, 2BR… not all IBs are tradable.

Just my 2 cts. :slight_smile:

One of the many pitfalls of new traders is to [B]jump from one trading system to another[/B] as they are not profitable with the former, mostly because they haven’t fully grasped it, not well experienced with it as yet & also because of some losing trades which may not be their fault, as it is a probability game as we all know it but new traders don’t realize this & expect to win every time. Most of us here probably went thru the route before to know this.

New comers to this thread are advised to read the thread from the beginning than to jump in mid-way. Yes, it takes time.

It takes years & $$$ for one to become a qualified engineer, lawyer, accountant, doctor… for a living. It is ironical that people shd think it wld take them only a few days or weeks to be able to trade profitably for a living :frowning:

Sorry to hear that!:17:

Is it better to trade a few (majors and yen crosses, gold/silver) pairs, or just to touch everything? This thread tells me that price action is valid for all liquid pairs, but I’ve seen other sources telling me it’s better to specialise in a few pairs rather than spread myself too thin. My current list consists of all the USD pairs except USD/CHF. Crosses include GBP/JPY, NZD/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/JPY, AUD/NZD and my gold/silver. I’m concerned because it really doesn’t take that long to check charts, and since the price signals are legit I’m actually not fully utilising my margin. I’ll take care not to trade correlated pairs in order not to double my risk.

I’m currently trading demo using FxPro, which doesn’t have stock indexes, most importantly the S&P 500. Am I losing out? From what I see S&P 500 daily signals have a very high probability of success at the 1:1 R:R ratio. I really like this broker’s interface and spread, but it just seems like without oil/indexes I’m missing out on something…

TL;DR: Trade more pairs or specialise in a few? Stock indexes - important?

If I told you I would have to kill you, haha. When I travel I am usually doing hardware/software testing for our product, or I am meeting with representatives from corporations, either potential customers or businesses we are wanting to partner with. I am actually flying home today, so I almost certainly won’t be writing up any articles this weekend. I travel again next week, so I will be popping in and out of the forums periodically again.