Price Action

hi every body.i want to learn price action step by step.

I know there are a lot thread and forume that have alot information but best of all confusing me i need a thread which learn it step by step.

god helps all of us

Oh god! You have blessed us with price action.

Its good that you want to teach. However it is a pre-requisite to teaching price action that you have under a months experience and have no trade record.

By the post I would think English is not the poster’s first language. I think they are asking for a thread to learn Price Action?

If so here is a good book of the basics but all the information is basically available online for free.
[I]Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques[/I] Steve Nison

If you are teaching price action please disregard my post.

You are right, the OP wants to learn it step-by-step and I wish the OP good luck with that. I think it would be better to ask a specific question rather than expect someone to do the work for him and send him the info he is looking for. A first sign of laziness and I think we had several of those threads where a new member somehow expects that others will take time out of their day and collect the info for them.

I agree. There are quite a few threads teaching ‘price action’ already.

Hi All friends
sorry for misstyping.i want to know what new ideas does price action have?i read abut that and find only in PA has changed the name of candle stick.such as pin bar insted of hammer or inside bar as harammi according steve nisons book.