Professional Trader , New to the forum

Greetings, fellow traders!

My name is Vasil, and I am thrilled to be a part of this vibrant trading community here at BabyPips.

With over six years of experience as a professional funded forex trader, I have immersed myself in the world of trading. Through years of dedication and countless hours of analysis, I have developed a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in the forex market.

Currently, I am entrusted with managing a substantial portfolio valued at over $600,000. My trading focus revolves primarily around the EUR/USD currency pair, particularly during the dynamic London session. This session offers a multitude of opportunities for traders like us, as the European markets open and inject volatility into the market.

I have come to realize that trading is not just a career or a hobby for me; it is a true passion. Every day brings new challenges, opportunities, and lessons to be learned.


Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome! It’s always nice to have new, experienced traders to throw into the mix.

Hello and welcome Vasil! I hope you’re enjoying your time here and looking forward to seeing your contributions in the future! See you around and good luck!

Welcome Vasil!

Beautifully said! I wish you more success in the future, and hope to read more about your tradings on the forum!

It’s wonderful to hear your passion and look forward to hear your perspectives. A hearty welcome :grin:

That is good to hear and congratulations on your prop firm successes! :slight_smile: .

But are you here to share openly and publicly - and freely - with other members here or are you primarily more focused on promoting your private mentorship via your site link?

Just asking… :slight_smile:


Hey, thank you so much for the question. I’ve been in myforexfunds discord community for many years and I always try to help and answer other fellow traders questions and give them some advice. I’m open to answering whatever questions apart from how I trade specifically(my exact strategy,rules etc.) . But i will sure share some of my knowledge with nice posts in the future :slight_smile:

That’s good!

FYI, there has been quite a lot of critical discussion here recently about prop funds and that they are all apparently just scams and that no one succeeds with them.

Personally, I am very positive about them in principle and believe they offer great opportunities to under capitalised, but talented, traders. But one needs to just be a bit selective about who to trade with.

So I am glad to see someone here who claims to be exactly that: a successful prop trader!

Hello Vasil! :raising_hand_woman:

Awesome to meet another trading enthusiast here! Six years of professional trading and managing a substantial portfolio - that’s super impressive! :clap::briefcase:

I totally agree with you on the excitement the London session brings. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Looking forward to hearing more about your trading adventures and insights! Welcome to the community, Vasil! :tada:

Welcome to the community, Vasil. Hope to hear more and learn from you in the future.

It would be great to get @effortlessfx 's experience on this specifically. The ability to command a sizeable portfolio must be of interest to any active traders that understand the limitations of bringing your own, smaller sized funds to the trading table.

I’m very interested to hear more about that facet of your experience, especially when you first started.

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We’re glad you’ve joined the community, Vasil! Cheers to your dedication to learning and looking forward to your contributions.