Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

sweet thanks and see you there is this webinar byob lol I will have cold ones on stand by

Unfortunatly it is BYOB Bob…I would love to do a BMYB (bring ME your beer), but some things just don’t work well over the net.

Fortunately for us, trading is one that does.


Or BCYB (Bring Clark Your Beer) :smiley:

Anyways, I’ll be there Jay, looking forward to it. :slight_smile:


Sorry can someone tell me how I can subscribe to this webinar and where I can find the last post about how to log in to this webinar ? (I could not find the page and I am at work)

Blue… check the first post of this thread around 5:00 pm Pacific standard time tonight… I will tell everyone how to log in at that time.


still dont see how to log in on the first post unless I am missing something

honestly i hope its right now because… i moved some things around to attend today. if not i will definately miss it :frowning:

well if you figure it out can you post here so I can attend I didnt move anything around just sitting hre grilling steaks and drinking beer watching charts move up and then move down lol its my favorite thing to do

no link yet?

Here is the Anymeeting web address for the webinar:

JaysTradingMentorship - AnyMeeting | Free Web Conferencing, Webcast and Webinar Service

To enable screen sharing and watch my screen, visit: - download the free software plug in (it takes about 20 seconds on broadband)

The session ID# for Mikogo is: 541-254-803

Talon, I’ve posted the link. We will be waiting just a few more minutes, then I will begin

well figure out how to get in let me know on here I didnt clear my night out I am doing the same as always grilling a steak drinking a beer and watching this chart go up then go down lol

lol I was typing when you posted this sweet I am in

unfortunately just as I got in and started watching I got interrupted and had to leave! That just annoys the crap outa me! Maybe there will be another one I can catch.

Added the supply zones to my arsenal thanks jay, it filled in the gaps I had with my swing zones only thing I need to work on is to not scalp during those swings.

I could not attend it (living in London and had to stay late at work yesterday), is there any chance that someone recorded it ?

Excellent webinar with Jay this morning (UK time). Jay has a masterly grasp of the mechanics of the market, and transforms a chart from a set of abstract indicators into a living map of people doing things. With the use of supply and demand zones, it actually gives you a good idea of where the treasure’s buried.

His explanation of what really happens among the big players at news time was fascinating and clarified a lot for me.

Look forward very much to the next one. Just hope he makes it a bit earlier - or later - as I didn’t get to bed until 4am!

Damn I couldn’t stay awake, I’d had a long day. When’s the next one? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

yeah I had to check out early hope to catch it again though was some intresting stuff

Hey guys… Thanks for coming last night. I think we had a pretty good webinar session, and I will be doing another, possibly saturday, or this coming week. I will post up at least a day before I have one.

Hope everyone learned a bit, and feel free to post questions up on the forum here.
