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I did this for the futures market…but the corresponding demand zone spot forex is approx. 1.0265 - 1.0240

This is an excerpt from a trade journal I am starting. I have wanted to develop a more comprehensive picture of my trading so I can improve. As of the last 3 months, my profits have leveled off. It’s time to try to break this ceiling, so I am starting to develop a very detailed trade journal listing anything that I feel is relevent to a trade setup, both pros and cons.

The goal is to find a specific pattern or set of circumstances that either increase or decrease the probability of a trade working for me. I am making a few of these trade break downs public here…because I think they could help guide struggling traders to know the amount of work it can take if you REALLY want to improve, as well as what type of factors go into such a journal.

I did this for the futures market…but the corresponding demand zone spot forex is approx. 1.0265 - 1.0240

Trade Analysis and Trade Journal for week of August 14th-20th

Australian Dollar Futures:
Long: 1.0215
Stop: 1.0190 - 25 ticks
Target: 1.0260 - 50 ticks

trade rational: Demand zone between noticed on 5 minute chart between 1.0212 and 1.0192. If price drops and the trade triggers, it will be the second test of this zone. Reasons justifying taking a long on the second test of this zone are:

[B]Macro Picture Rational:[/B]
Price made a dramatic 1100+ tick drop in only 7 days, and has only recovered about 350 ticks of this loss so far. Sell orders seem to be exhausted considering the speed and degree of the selloff.

Buyers have supporting prices at higher and higher values (higher lows) since the 0.9900 level was hit approx. 1 week ago.

[B]Level Significance reasons:[/B]Although this is the second test of this demand zone, price eventually acheived a higher high after the 1st retest, than the origin.

This is now a daily low…and more significant than the point of origin level. the low of the asia-london-u.s. sessions (days start in asia, end in u.s. per my definition)

It is a round number level: 1.0200

It was a level of previous significant resistance around 8-9-2011 (an obvious swing high on a 30 min chart.

[B]Micro picture reasons[/B]:

small time frame (5 minute) demand zones were holding consistently on friday the 12th, and price continued to make higher lows throughout the day.

Price spent relatively little time there, even on a 5 min chart. This is concluded based on the very “wicky” bottom of the 5 min candles that first retested the zone.

[B][I]Reasons this trade may not work out (I.E. reasons not to take this trade[/I])[/B]

  1. it will be the second time price entered this zone, and the first time price entered, it penetrated about 2/3 into the zone before turning and moving up.

  2. of the 5 possible demand zones that have developed on a 60 minute chart since the 1100+ tick selloff, this would be the highest one, and therefore, less likely to hold than the other 4.

  3. The distance price has moved up since touching the level is only about 3 times greater than my risk point… this only meets my minimum standards.

  4. price does not show as smooth or fast a move up from the level as I would like to see on a 5 minute chart.

[B]Other Notes:[/B]
Depending on how price re-enters the level, I may adjust my target higher or lower… or even cancel the order altogether.

the first retest of the level could possibly “redefine” the level, which would now lie between 1.0220 and 1.0198. This reduces the probability of my trade triggering before price makes a significant move long of 80+ ticks from the closing price on friday. If such a move occurs, the likelyhood of me cancelling the trade completely is significant.


Now, for my own personal journal, there is an abbreviated version of this, however, all of these concepts are covered. And this is the type of journaling that I will be doing for each of my “set and forget” trades from now on, and for the next 90 days. If doing this helps me succeed at a higher level, I will continue to do this level of analysis and journaling for at least 1 year.

If doing this does NOT help me improve, then I will be doing EVEN MORE work, (adding chart pictures, time period analysis, developing and introducing a quantifiable system to grade a supply or demand level…etc)

Anyway, hope this provides some insight into my discretionary trade analysis, and in turn helps you all out with understanding what it can take to improve ones results and increase trading profits in the market.


Here’s one more guys:

British Pound Futures:

Long 1.6190
Stop 1.6155 - 35 ticks
target 1.6245 - 55 ticks

trade rational: very clear DBR pattern, with a tight consolidation of price action during the “basing” period. Very fast, clean rise up that didn’t show any significant slowing for 100 ticks once price broke from the base.

Macro Picture Rational:
Price just turned from larger time frame demand (size) around 6100 - 6150, and is yet to arrive at substantial size between the 6400 - 6475 level. Price is currently sitting at 6270.

Explosive move up from 6200 - 6300 indicates strong imbalance, heavy on demand around 6200.

Level significance:

  1. previous low of the day on the friday session
  2. was a previous area of significant resistance from 7/14 - 7/23
  3. is right between a 62 and 73 fib retracement from swing low at 6100, to recent swing high at 6300. This is a popular zone that institutional accumulation and distribution take place
  4. As of friday market close, entry is almost the daily pivot point in the corresponding spot market

Micro picture:
Liquidity gap occurs as price breaks above the 6200 level. This indicates a high likelyhood of a relatively smooth drop back into the level, where a relatively large amount of liquidity exisits in comparison to the rise out of the level. As price hits size, it will likely turn up.

Reasons trade may fail:
lower demand zone around 6100 - 6150 is lower on the supply demand curve, and therefore may just cut through 6190-6155 on it’s way to 6150-6100… but not likely on the first retracement.

Price has only moved about 3.25 times my risk taken…which is on the lower end of my criteria.

Overall grade for trade: B+ / A-

Trade Cancellation: if price touches the 6225 level or lower, then returns to the 6280 level before triggering…order may be cancelled.

Hi Can you please post a link to your chat room . Thanks

Topcat… I won’t be doing a regular chat room for the next few weeks. I will possibly do an impromptu session as I am able to. I will post on the first post of this thread if and when I do have a live public chatroom, or a webinar instructional.

Thanks for the interest… feel free to visit this thread anytime, and ask any questions you may want to. I will do my best to answer them.


Hey guys… I won’t be doing this much… but just for arguments sake, i’ve decided to post up my orders for this week. I may cancel some of them depending on how price action develops before the trades trigger, but here ya go:

6A - AUD/USD futures - september expiration
Long - 1.0356
Stop 1.0326
Target - 1.0390

6A - AUD/USD futures - september expiration
Long - 1.0317
Stop - 1.0280
Target - 1.0360

6A AUD/USD futures - september expiration
Short - 1.0540
Stop - 1.0575, 35 ticks
target - 1.0500, 40 ticks

6B GBP/USD futures - September expiration (almost the same as the spot market… less than 3 pip difference)
Long 1.6300
Stop - 1.6270, 30 ticks
target - 1.6330, 30 ticks

6C - USD/CAD futures (trades inverse…ie: CAD/USD) - September expiration
short 1.0159
stop 1.0175, 16 ticks
target 1.0139, 20 ticks

6C USD/CAD futures - september expiration
Long 1.0093
stop 1.0070, 23 ticks
target 1.0023, 30 ticks


E7, euro mini futures (almost the same value as the spot eur/usd…4ish pips off)
Long 1.4295
Stop 1.4255, 40 ticks
target 1.4345, 50 ticks


QM, crude oil emini futures
Short 87.375
Stop 87.70, 13 ticks
target 86.90, 19 ticks

QM, crude oil emini futures
Long 85.40
Stop 85.00
target 86.00

QM, crude oil emini futures
Long 85.00
Stop 84.40
target 85.90

SO, for the disclaimer. Don’t trade these orders. I’m not recommending that anyone trade these. you can lose every penny you have in a brokerage account, and sometimes even more. Besides, you don’t know me from bill or frank, so don’t trade this. Got it? :slight_smile:


aright…cancelled aud/usd futures long at 1.0356

cancelled usd/cad short at 1.0159

Yes I anxiously await jays return. But I don’t know when or if that’s going to happen. I have been trying to trade with the strategy presented. I am not going to promote my own thread here but you can check it if you want.

Jay if you see this I would love another webinar :slight_smile:

Ok everyone… because of popular demand, I will be doing another free webinar tomorrow, 5 PM PST (that’s 8 PM EST).

The focus will be:

Part One: Introduction to supply/demand level analysis - focus on theory
Part Two: Practical application of introductory concepts - Analysis of current potential supply/demand based setups.

I will post more about this on the first post of this thread.

Please RSVP in this thread if you can make it, I would like to get an idea of how many are going to be there,

thank you,


I would love to attend if i can. I just want to check the exact date because of international date line. Tuesday AUg 30th 5:00 PM PST??

Also some questions:

1)optimal entry and stop loss placement. Are there minimum SLs to be used in spot?

  1. reduction of risk in wide zones.

Thanks. Hope to see you there.

not sure derek…heh… lets see, iit’s almost 2:00 am here, so, 15 hours from the time stamp on this post.


Hey Jay,

I’d like to make it but the time might not work out for me as im on early starts with my boy. Can anyone record and post it, I’m sure many would be grateful if this is OK with Jay.

I working my way through the Sam Seiden videos and got to say I’m liking them loads. I’m only using the theories as and when they apply to the ICT methods but this can be quite often with the entry to a supply or demand level coinciding with our Optimum Trade Entry, all be it on different time frames. A solid additional confluence to a trade position.

I’m loving the “who’s taking the other side of the trade” thinking as well. Great stuff, many thanks for the heads up.

Jaroon, good to hear from you. Glad the videos are working for ya. Confluence of reasons to enter a trade is a key component of successful trading. I’m glad to hear that Sup/Dem level concepts are helping you out there.

Hope to see you, and others, tomorrow.


So thats about 12am GMT (I think)? I’ll stay up :wink:

I’ll be there. Jay’s approach has made me money and got me out of a trade using a different strategy exactly to the pip as price reversed. Keen to have some more of this. :wink:

I will try to show up sounds intresting

I just happened to bump into this trade, will have a look tonight, thanks for sharing :?

Great guys…thanks for the RSVPs.

Keep them coming. i hope to have 100 people at the webinar tomorrow… j/k.

but half a dozen would be nice :slight_smile:

I will post up the screen sharing and webinar info when i start the meeting.


just to make sure I am there when exactly is this said webinar I live on est (NY Time zone)

That’s 8pm Eastern time Aug 31 right? I’d like to tune in to the presentation.

Hey Mike… nice to see you.

Ok everyone, the presentation is 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (New York time zone), Today, Tuesday, August 30th.

So, in about 8 hours from this posting.

Please remember to write down any questions you may have here, or bring them to the webinar, because I would like to answer tonight if possible.

See you all there,
