Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

he prefers to trade fx futures rather than spot fx. along with lots of other things. I’ll just stick to one thing for now.

Wow so im the only one who cant grasp it…

What Im confused about, is how he can spot that many institutional trades a day.

Hey guys, thanks for the responses. I do trade the forex… via forex futures. I also trade the cash market, albeit 90% of my forex trading is in forex futures. I also trade Gold, Silver, the S&P, the Russell 2000, Crude Oil, The Nasdaq…and once in a GREAT while… the 10 year u.s. Bond market…

I make a decent profit from all of them, and use the exact same methodolgy to evaluate trading opportunities in each one. This is the beauty of orderflow (supply/demand trading). All markets have only two things in common: Buy orders, and Sell Orders.

If you learn how to identify where buy orders and Sell orders are in one market, you can apply it universally to all other markets, because the “Institutional Footprint” that this method identifies looks the same in all markets.

I’m not saying that some can be traded differently than others, or what works in one won’t work in another… HOWEVER, supply demand level trading happens to be an approach that works in all markets, be they futures, stocks, bonds, or currency markets.

Hope this answers any lingering doubts about trading Forex. Although each market has it’s own peculiarities, they all have 1 thing in common: Buy orders and Sell orders. Learn how to identify where there are a large imbalance of one order over the other…and you can learn where high probability market turning points will be.

Schedule of events:

  1. “Fly on a traders wall” - Tonight - starting now, watch a professional “orderflow based” trader as he analyzes and sets orders in the major currency markets, as well as Crude Oil, Gold, and the
    U.S. Stock Index Futures markets. Going on now until all orders are placed, including stop losses and targets. This will include a general overview of the supply/demand
    methodology, AKA: Trading Orderflow, as well as a basic explanation on how to place stop loss orders, and targets.

  2. Live Futures Scalping - July 27th - 5:45 AM P.S.T. (8:45 AM E.S.T.) - Watch as a professional scalps the futures markets, with an emphasis on oil futures, the EUR/USD futures, and
    Stock Index Futures.

  3. Beginners Introduction to Orderflow Trading (AKA supply/demand level trading). For those who are struggling to learn how to trade the markets profitably, come listen to Jay (me) explain
    basic Auction Market Theory concepts that will provide you with an an understanding of how exactly the majority of “Big Players” in the market operate, and how to buy the bottom and sell
    the top, just like the pros! July 27th at 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  4. Live Forex and Futures Scalping July 28th - 4:45 AM P.S.T (7:45 AM E.S.T.)Watch as a professional scalps the futures markets, with an emphasis on oil futures and the EUR/USD futures

  5. Identifying Institutional Order Flow Using Market Profile Concepts - For those who don’t know… Market Profile is the concept that allow one to idenfity areas of large orders in the
    a market, as well as areas where novice, emotional traders go up against institutional, disciplined traders, and lose. If you can find out where the institutions are buying and selling,
    you can buy and sell where they do, and earn money off of losing, emotional, novice investors. July 28th at 3:00 AM PST

OK guys…the webinar is done on two different platforms… for audio and chat room go to this link:

JaysTradingMentorship - AnyMeeting | Free Web Conferencing, Webcast and Webinar Service

To see the charts that I will be discussing, go to: Mikogo: Free Remote Desktop, Web Conferencing & Online Meetings

Enter in the session number: 882-274-725

This is where you will find my presentation.

if you have any trouble getting Mikogo to work…just come to the chat/voice presentation room at the link provided above at, and someone can help get you going.

Hope to see u folks there!


Great stuff, bit hard to understand if you’re not familiar with supply/demand, but I’m getting there.

Overall great stuff, I’m gonna keep an eye out for these zones in my trading.

Stop runner…yes, it’s almost exactly the same. I’ve never taken the class…but Sam Seiden videos and articles contributed to about 60% of my success I’d say… I’m just trying this out to see how I enjoy it…and if it can help others and myself learn more about trading.

Jay, I have doubts about these hours in RED.
Should it be something like this?

[I]3. Beginners Introduction… July 27th at 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM P.S.T.[/I]
[I]5. Identifying Institutional Order Flow…July 28th at 3:00 PM PST[/I]

thaaaaaaanks =D

o99, please don’t misunderstand, since the site is called Babypips and not Babyticks, Babypoints, Babyalpha,Delta,Zeta, I would think that the trading concepts and ideas would be Spot Currency Centric. Perhaps showing how the concept works on the “Majors” and then adding that it can work on Futures. I have no doubt that order flow can be used with any Product, and I am not questioning ere’s veracity, it just seems Spot Currency would be more apropos for this site.

The Ever “Oh Lord Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” Intentions Are Good VIPER

No worries at all, I just wanted to point out that he does trade forex, whether spot or futures. :slight_smile:


Not to be rude nor intrude on this thread but I’m guessing, judging by some of the posts here, that there are more than a few posters that don’t even know what FOREX Futures are or have looked at a FOREX Futures Chart. For those: do yourself a favour and find a broker that offers FOREX Futures and spot FOREX on the same platform and compare the charts. They’re not that different insofar as MOVEMENT is concerned but there are few underlying issues that make them preferable to trading spot FOREX. Aside from these underlying issues: the only REAL difference is that your trading USD/??? is all. In other words: EUR Futures - you’re trading EUR/USD. JPY Futures - you’re trading USD/JPY. CAD Futures - you’re trading USD/JPY. In other words: the base currency is always USD (in the USA anyway i.e. I’m not sure if that applies to brokers in other countries). What’s more: because there are different futures contracts being traded at the same time you can use this information to your advantage e.g. the current month (or ‘nearest’ month) futures contract may be trading at X whereas the next month’s futures contract may be trading at Y. In other words: you can get a feeling of where traders (institutional???) ‘think’ that a certain pair is going to be trading in the future. As a matter of fact: now and then there ARE opportunities to trade the nearest contract in one direction and the next contract in another direction (a sort of arbitrage trade) but you’ve got to be REAL ‘nimble’ and be prepared to make only a very few pips on a very few occasions making it not worth it in my humble opinion BUT it’s possible although not worth the trouble really (I don’t think anyway).

As I said: not to be being ‘mean’ or anything and not posting this because of my ‘infamous take’ on the trading of spot FOREX vs. equity futures and commodities but futures of any kind are not this ‘complicated animal’ that everybody thinks that they are. Put it this way: I’m guessing that most spot FOREX traders are not interested in trading FOREX Futures because they don’t understand them or think that they are something that they are not IN THE SAME WAY as I’m not interested in trading Options because I don’t understand them (although there is far LESS of a difference between trading spot FOREX and FOREX Futures than there is between trading Options and anything else and all of those Options variations ‘confuse’ and ‘scare’ me)!!! LOL!!!

Of course: whoever this guy is ‘talks my language’ (because I see his posts littered with the words ‘S&P’, ‘Dow’, ‘Futures’, etc.). Whether he really knows what he’s doing and is profitable: I do not know and really am not interested (I’ve found my ‘comfort zone’). The only thing that’s concerned me about the posts is the NUMBER of trades and instruments being followed on a daily basis. Maybe I’m just ‘slow’ and this chap is a ‘genius of sorts’ but to follow too many markets and to trade too many instruments on short timeframes is a recipe for disaster for most so just bear that in mind. I know from my experience: if I trade two or three instruments (equity futures or commodities or EVEN FOREX) the moment I start getting carried away and opening ten and twelve separate positions I ‘come unstuck’ but that’s just me. Maybe I’m just a bit ‘older and therefore slower’ nowadays but I’ve proved this phenomenon to myself on more than one occasion. Also. and inevitably, without even realising it, it’s possible to create a ‘hedge’ of sorts i.e. if you trade ALL pairs on ALL signals it’s very easy to end up in a situation where the correlation between all your trades results in your profits or losses going nowhere. You know: like a sort of ‘hedge’.



I know mbtrading offers all of it on one platform, unfortunately its only for their desktoppro platform.

Here are sample margin rates for mb’s futures forex pairs…

To trade the Eur/Usd requires about $2500 per contract, and if you want to hold it overnight, the margin is 10k.

from MB Trading | Offered by Ally Invest

these hours are going to be difficult for me but i am going to try my best to attend. I think Jays system makes a lot of sense as someone who has worked on a futures trading desk as a runner. I handled many institutional orders and know the background concepts that this is based on. If you have never worked on the floor before you may not think this stuff is how a market works. But it surely is no matter what you actually think is happening behind the candles or indicators.

Hi EmptyEternity,

That unfortunately is one of the problems.

But I’ll tell you something that I myself did a very interesting intersting little excercise for myself today (which I’ve never done before). Using a $100 micro account (from two different broker) and calculating my risk (2%) using some of these online risk management calculators: I could not find ONE trade on ANY pair where I would not have to have exceeded the 2% rule (not using any of my trading systems anyway). It makes one think in my opinion. With a $100 initial account even trading with nano lots there is ALREADY ‘an accident waiting to happen’ in my opinion.

Anyway: I know that was off topic but just something I felt the need to note.

THAT is something that these regulators should be worrying about instead of all of this othe ‘junk’ i.e. regulate the minimum capital requirements for opening accounts of ANY type INCLUDING spot FOREX. Undercapitalisation is a guarantee of failure and, of course, the hope is that the trader who was undercapitalised in the first place will deposit more funds after wiping out due to not being able to implement proper risk and money management and the cycle will continue.



Would it be possible if you could record your webinar and share with us newbies from another timezone? :slight_smile:

I attended the sessions last night and this morning and I have to say I’m impressed and taking full advantage of this generous offer. You’re getting to watch a professional trader, live, hear his methodology, and get your questions answered. Others charge crazy money for this deal and Jay is offering it for free. This is pure gold. Doesn’t matter that he’s trading futures vs. spot forex. Same concepts apply - order flow, s&r levels, price action. Thank you Jay for sharing and I hope it continues for some time.


I’d love to be around for these but it’s tricky time wise for me. I’ll certainly try!

Is this schedule the same daily or will it change daily ?
Also will the access code for Mikogo change daily ?

oh my! Talk about undercapitalized! for testing out new ideas I trade with a ten dollar balance in an Oanda account, but then the trade size varies from one to as many as ten units of base currency. LOL

That’s how I’m doing my statistical trades at least until it proves itself for the long term… still gaining a percent per week with that one… if it does that for a few months then I’ll dump more in.

It’s funny when you outperform the stock market and all the stock mutual funds that much and still call it a conservative slow growth strategy :smiley:

I need to look into those future contracts though, sounds real interesting!