Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

The best thread i have seen in years…thanks for all jay¡¡¡You are in the top traders¡¡

Jay, those levels you showed me on eur/usd… got in short .44493 i think the high was .4453. :wink:

Guys, if I’m not mistaken there’s a webinar going on right now, 11:00 p.m. EST right?

How do I get in? :slight_smile:

Trying to get into this webinar. Has the location changed? Or is it full up? Message reads “We’re sorry, this meeting is not currently active.” Current time is Monday 10:55pm PST

I?m sorry I’m having trouble using the forum, couldn’t PM you. I’ll attend if it’s scheduled. Hope I can post this message.

All the best.

Hi – I would so appreciate a little guidance…just completed the school of pipsology & want to get to some demo trading practice. After looking at all the stuff on choosing a broker, still unsure about it. It seems obvious to me that due my limited funds to use as trading capital, I will need to start trading in the scalp / day trade arena(s). Does 50:1 to 100:1 max leverage seem like a wise target for what the brokers are offering for someone that is new to all this? Which type has the tightest spreads (is that what “fixed spread” means?)? I wonder if you could just tell me which broker you use or who you would suggest for me? I was looking at FXCM, CMC Markets, & ACM… It’s always so much better to be guided by someone who knows instead of flowdering blindly into stuff. Thank you for whatever help you can offer. Aloha.

Hey Jay. Its been a while since i have been able to attend a webinar because most of them now are in the evening PST time and that’s just impossible for me. I am hoping to catch the one on Tuesday at 4am PST. I would love to do an intermediate level class because I am really struggling finding solid levels. They will turn once they get there but are not strong enough to reach my target and then become stopped out as a loser. I am hoping that one day I can learn this from you. Hope to see you on Tuesday during Asian session.

*also PM does not work for me for some reason. I would love to RSVP for events in advance but can not

Same problem for 4:00AM Tuesday morning session. Dang i was really looking forward to it.

So I had another zone maped out for a long after that big drop on eur/usd, but I thought to myself, this zone is too close to where price already was… If I took the trade it would have been a winner, atleast 2:1. price made a new low into my zone and shot right back up… ended up moving my zone way down and didnt catch the trade… Oh well atleast im seeing that this works.

Hi Jay,

Would it be possible for you to record your live trading at some point? I try to catch your live trading room but still can’t make it. It would be so great if I can watch it later even it’s not a live but it kinda give me some idea and picture of what and how are you doing it… Thank for sharing your experience to Newbies… :slight_smile:


I actually spoke to him upon that issue but a lot of privacy issues rise up, only certain lessons maybe recorded but for the most part you shouldn’t and he wouldn’t record it.

aw, too bad… Do you know when is his next session? I gotta make it this time… anyways, thank you for your respond… :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Forum!

Your post really does not belong on this thread, because it’s way off-topic. Rather than posting it as a reply to this thread, you should start your own thread, here in the Newbie Island forum.

You can simply copy your post from this thread, and post it from scratch in a new thread of your own. Then, you can delete your post here on this thread.

After you’ve done that, I have some comments in response to the questions you have raised. But, let’s not clutter Jay’s thread with off-topic stuff.

See you shortly, on your own thread.

This thread seems to be dead…

Perhaps Jay got tied up with other obligations. I was able to attend one of his sessions last week, and he is a great mentor, explaining his approach and methods in easy to understand terms (which is a sign of someone that truly knows what they are talking about in any given subject matter btw). It’s extremely generous of him to volunteer his time as he’s been doing. Hopefully he’s able to do so again soon, as his efforts are sincerely appreciated…

Honestly the few sessions i had with Jay really resonated with me. I was hoping to continue learning under him but he really led me in a whole new direction that fits my personality and understanding of the markets. I think he really pushed me leaps and bounds ahead of where i was knowledge wise. I hope he comes back soon and I can learn more from him. If not well I drank as much as i could from the well and i am thankful.

I agree with all of you, i had a 1 on 1 with him and learned alot. Hopefully all is well in his personal life. But I also suspect that our demand for him outgrew his supply. After all, he did it for fun and as a way to kill time. Hopefully he comes back.

i have sent a pm to jay but he didnt answer…i would like to talk with him about his method because i learned with orderflow traders and it is other way to see the market or perhaps the way that pro traders see the market.I trade eminisp so i think i would learn a lot with his lessons but such as said the notorious pip our demand for him outgrew his supply(what a pity¡¡).Anyway and although I have not been one of the lucky ones I would like to thank him for being a real guy,I never saw anything like it in another forum and I hope the money will never change you¡¡

I would have liked to see more but my time zone made it difficult

Yeah, same here.