Hi everyone,
I just wanted to open up a discussion on a particular profit taking/money management technique. I know some of the resident experts here, like Pipcrawler, make use of this technique
The technique i’m referring to is scaling out of your trades at different profit levels.
I have read much for and against this technique and i would very much like to hear what everyone here thinks. Experts…feel free to chime in
I’m sure many of us here have read Van Tharp’s work and he is one who is dead set against scaling out. His reasoning is that when you take your losses, you are often taking them with your entire position but you are only taking your biggest winners with only some of your positions. He contends that if you run the numbers and compare your trades using this technique vs. hodling your entire position, you would be surprised to see how “dangerous” (to use his word) this trading is.
Other expert traders like Kathy Lien, Boris Schlossberg, Mark Douglas (Trading in the Zone) and babypips.com would disagree for a variety of other reasons.
I think they would argue that it eases the psychological effort of holding trades if you know that you’ve taken some profits off the table, thus making it easier to let the rest of the trade ride. Mark Douglas’s book makes mention of this as well.
Tharp does not mention that in taking part profits, you will have also essentially reduced the number of contracts participating in a loss as well, should it reverse against you.
My own personal opinion is that you have to look at this methodology in context of your system as a whole (accuracy, avg win, avg loss, etc…). Although on the surface it may seem to negatively affect your risk:reward, it can also assist in dampening losses should the market reverse after you take initial profit. Bottom line: If your r:r is still at a reasonable level, then i think it is worthwhile to pursue this, especially if you normally have a hard time letting trades ride.
Looking forward to all of your various viewpoints