Profits from zulutrade?

yeap thats true, but did you check out the opened positions: -5544.9 pips?? not a lovely picture!
i hope your account didnt get caught into that, what seems to be a huge mess.

keep in mind, majority of these SP (signal providers) dont trade with real money, they are trading paper money
only followers follow them with real money!
and most of them have no clue what they are doing
most of them make gazillion of accounts, sooner or later one will go on a winning streak that’s where all the ppl start joining the boat and feed them, like the number 1 on zulu right now, he tries to make the bare minimum each month now…
so dont take these traders/SP seriously!
and no SP last for years and have the same results, do you know why?
not one of them stay up in top 10 for long…they all get replaced within months…this tells you something no?

for that specific reason that our fellow forumer mentiones above, there is tha ranking that takes care of that to sort (on a raw basis of course) who is decent and who is not worth following.
i have seen people trading their own accounts and bursting them all up, adn i have seen as well traders performing exceptionally well even with demo accounts , so there is no conclusion drawn there on that basis! it all comes down to the fact of how good of a trader is regardless the accounts.
as for your comment on trading history - keep in mind guys, this is not equity or fixed income, forex is volative with huge cycles - winning and loosing as well.

I am very late to the party but am posting this anyway.

Any system of selling signals is subject to a significant moral hazard. If the trader is not invested personally in the fund/strategy then there is not the incentive to actually keep the strategy working. If you invest in a profesional investment fund then it always makes sense to choose one in which the partners are themselves invested.

I agree and disagree at the same time. I have seen both trading with a live account loosing huge and then demo accounts blasting with results. I guess it’s simply the system. But I agree both type bend on the pressure of followers and commissions and start doing crazy things!

hello people, how are your December profits looking like?
I hope all are winning …

Yo eddymo
Looking good this month. Currently up in 3 weeks with 212 usd using ariva1 and fxdealer$. Have been monitoring there trading style and not exposing myself with zuluguard :slight_smile: great tip. How’s your trading going??

hello there James,

glad I managed to help! Zuluguard is a hidden treasure. nice traders !!
I also recommend and EUReka V - when he is good he is a really good. Though now holidays are coming - which means that we will be having some volatility coming along the way. Reduce the number of trades that you follow with.

Can anyone be a signal provider on zulutrade? Do you have to have a certain licensures if you are from the United States? Or can any new trader just make a zulutrade account and post his trades? Interested to know if all these signal providers are professionals or not

As far as i know anybody can sent their signals on zulutrade. There are lots of US traders, but im not really aware of what you are asking. I guess rules and regulations apply to the country you reside and its rules you abide by. This is retail forex, man, all we care is to have winning traders copied in our account. I remember once, there was this trader Jason Jankowski, a guru of some sort, but he didnt stay for long - plunged his account within 3 months.