Pure Price Action For Dummies

I missed all this hilarity so won’t get into the ins and outs now, but I will say this: I wish sman had started with this comment, rather than putting it near the end, that way we would have known at the outset that s/he spouts nonsense and presents it as fact and could have saved ourselves some wasted reading time.

Wow, I guess some people just dont have a clue!

Having gone through the whole thread 2 times. I atlast discovered the method is much more simpler than we think. I had a query and i’l be gald if Nikita or any senior member can answer that for me.
Is it just pullback that worlks with this method or is it like seeing the yesterday price action(candle) and trading using our method the next day ? Let it be a divergence trading or any other method ? Did anyone tried using in that way ?


Touching the resistance that was broken and retested to be support.


Well that one there is the pullback candle and long today.

I do pullbacks exclusively because the SL is very very minimal and easy to pick.

Watch D TF. They tell you alot.

Hi Niki, hope you’re well. Did you take the EUR/AUD Long you just posted? Interesting you should post that one - I was triggered into two trades overnight, one was EUR/AUD Long based on some very similar analysis of the Daily chart. I find that channels work very well on the Daily.

Euro Aussie is a pair that does what its suppose to by the book. No sudden surprises on this pair.

Quite, the low test immediately before the red arrow on your chart was also a rejection of the 61.8 Fib level as well as the low point of a rising channel. I’ll take setups like that all day long, particularly on a cross pair!

Hey Nikita-
I am in the same trade and just posted a chart on Bob’s thread.(quest to short aussie into extinction)
If you may please check it out and comment.
Views from any senior traders are welcome.
Thank you for all your help.

61.8 fib is what I saw and it had a confluence with daily support level.

I just replied to you on my thread aman and again man that was a good entry. Good job everyone.

Yes, I got it. Thank you for your reply Bob.
Your answer helps.
If I decide to leave the trade open over the weekend, I will tighten up my stop.

I am getting very lazy these days.

Its an absolute pain for me to label, take screen shots and than post things here.
This is compared to when I first started this thread. Never thought it was such a pain back than as I use to have to upload my photos to something like flickr or other photo sharing site and than paste the link here cause I didnt know we could upload it straight on to babypips.

Nevertheless I wanted to share this photo as a reply to sman1109s statement of the above.


Still the same trade. This is the 4th trading day.

SL has been moved to BE ++.

It can do whatever dance it wants in between. As long as we know what our direction as per PRICE ACTION WITHOUT INDICATORS, than we are on the money.

The reason why I was so bloody pissed off with sman1109 not because he talked absolute rubbish.

Its because people like him really screw it up for newbies who start out.

There are no entries? No clear clues to put SLs and TPs straight from a naked chart and without indicators???

Really? You got to be bloody blind not to see it from a naked chart.


You end up confusing many others who want to learn!

That is the reason you earned the first ban from me.

Dont make grand statements when there are many who know the obvious truth.

Take this post and the photo as my personal ***** slap to you.

Never seen such a BOLD post from you. You have always been so kind to everyone here.
This is AWESOME. This guy did piss off lot of followers of this thread.

Anyway, this is something new you have started to do right Nikita. As in the beginning I think you use to close the trades on the same day.

I am also in this trade as of Thursday morning.

I have been closely watching just to learn where would have I entered If I had missed my entry in this pair.

Nikita great trade, missed the entry, missing too many entries due to the Job.

Sometimes you need to show what is wrong and what is right.

Be truthful be fearful be kind and world is yours.

Well side Nikita. Great reply.


Yeah thats whats up Nikita

Sman you got smacked lol

What a great way to start my day :slight_smile:

You are right on that take.

I did inform this thread some time back that I am trying to do two things. Hold longer, and take fewer entries.

Taking fewer entries has been much more easier to do compared to holding.

But I am there now.

Just need to make sure my calm, zen self is a second nature to me.

Once I feel its there, than we are starting a signal group for those who have participated here and would like a place to hang about and take trades as it comes.

Holding is the hard part, much harder than spotting Entries, imho! EUR/AUD could go all the way up to 1.3000 with a following wind, so we’re going to have a good opportunity to work on our patience, I think!

Yes, I am trying that approach myself.
The current trade that I am in is teaching me a lot of patience.

What are your thoughts on adding positions to trades like the EUR/AUD that you are in right now?