Pure Price Action For Dummies

Blast from the past right?
I just came across this thread. its great but its been like two years ? I just wanted to ask is this method still working and how well have you or anyone fared so far while using it?

Well, Not sure if any member in here came across this post. But Chris seem’s to have quoted Nikita’s method and say’s it’s a wrong way to trade ? What do you guys think ?


Trading method is a guidance for the trader to take a position in the market when all the components is working according to the suggested method. Everybody knows that market does not move same way everyday, if we follow any method or system to trade we need to understand the method completely so we you can adabt the method to the market which way they move.

I trade with this method and only with this method.

It does not mean that you will not use your experince and other trading method. Different trading method can be useful to trade on different day or different market time.

If anyone want to trade with this method please take some time to read the thread throughly, it is not only Buy if yesterday is Buy or Sell if yesterday is Sell. All the components need to play together to open a position otherwise wait for the next one.

No method or system can give 100% positive result if we are not 100% familiar with the method, I am still making loss but less not like previously.

ha ha ha ha… His post is full of ****s. If you read that entire post then you will surely know that his post is not against the Nikita’s system. But someone’s.

After the first point (if yesterday a buy then today a buy) then he went though the importance of lower time frame. No one following this system against the lower time frames. Nikita also clearly mentioned that the entries should be from lower time frame.

So what is the point of his post? That post targeting someone’s and his thread, I think. Because he is fearing about his business. Just do some search in this forum.

Happy pipping

Ohh, my mistake Salimvp. I read the first few point’s and though that he was targeting Nikita’s thread.
I think i should stop going through others threads and concentrate only on this thread.

Sure. Stick with one strategy / system one time. Master it and trade it.

Do this on a demo at least 3-6 months. Surely overtime you will understand the market structure. I can’t explain it in words. But one thing is, whenever you lose a trade with the system then go to the Daily chart and analyse it. I bet, something there for the reason of the lose. Overtime you will grasp the market structure and will be there in Pro’s club. Believe me. Demo it next few months.

It’s hard to accept the system for most of the new traders. Because what they saw before came to learn forex is colorful charts. And they believe this is how it trade. Even school of Pipsology teaching many indicators (Nothing against School of Pipsology, That is Surely need for learning purpose). No one show a simple strategy.

Trading should be simple.

Good Luck Mate.

So the question is who is ‘someone’?
Aren’t you perhaps reading too much into his post? :slight_smile:

Not sure who he is targeting if anyone. There is a pretty solid foundation behind this method. Just look at a daily chart. Most bullish candles are followed by a bullish candle. Its about probabilities. Thats how you become consistent by consistently doing the same thing. Sure you will loose when the trend changes direction. Watch the daily and as salimvp stated you can reasonably tell when it is not a good day to trade.

Even on the days where the trend does go against you as long as you stick to the method and find valid entries. Cut your risk asap most of the time you can get out of the trade with profit or BE at least.

This system helps take the guess work out of trading. Which is what that guy charges something like 450 bucks and hour to teach. Yeah I will save my opinions on that matter.

Thanks a lot guys everyone. Now I can confidently read through the rest of the thread. Whew! its going to be a loooong read. Please can anyone tell me how to adjust the chronological order of the thread dont like how its arranged and it seems Ive been away from babypips too long to remember how.
Thanks again everyone!

Just start at page 1 and work you way on from there. No need to adjust it. If you have any questions at all do not hesitate to ask. Thats what we are here for. Good luck to you it is a long read but worth the effort

No sure if it has changed since I last looked but one thing to mention is that I believe Nikita (please anyone correct me if I am wrong) is a lot more conservative in terms of trade size these days. Possibly something to bear in mind as in her earlier days at the start of the thread she had a much higher risk tolerance.

That is a very valid point there. Nikita is not on here much any more but I wander what her risk tolerance is today compared to making this thread.

However as far as risk goes I would never use what someone uses as my risk tolerance. What fits one trader does not always fit another. That is why I have commented a lot less on the topic of risk lately. Unless I see someone that is in way over there head I will leave them be. Let them figure out there appetite for risk on there own.

my God, 200 000 plus views, this is ridicoulous…I mean . I have posted a thread about binary options trading platforms such as Beaned, OptionBit etc but I am struggling for just a few replies, obvious I am in the wrong place…this pisses me off! Just wanted to find out some experiences

The website tagline “The beginners guide to forex”, the time the thread has been running, the value of the advice in it and the significant contributions of the author to the community should give you some small clues as to why this may be the case…

Last couple of weeks very hard to get a good setup, hopefully we will see some good setup very soon.

Agreed! My patience is getting tested. I like this method of trading so I’m trying to stick to this and only this method, but it’s not easy.

Hi Magge91 it is very hard to stick with 1 method, but if you have the patience and the determination then very soon you will see the profit, it is very hard to make money on forex market because we make the trading very difficult by using all the strategy and method together.

That’s exactly what I think. Next week I hope the market will loosen up and start trending niiiiice. Yup, I’m waiting for my consistency. Haven’t seen much of it yet, but thats all my fault :wink:

Hang in there Magge Things will get to some type of normal in the markets soon. It always does. Best of luck to ya

Very nice 21 pips from UC pair, want to upload the chart but lack of time unable to do it.