Pure Price Action For Dummies

Well, it costs me around 2.7k SGD.
I made a huge mistake by adding positions into losing trades. I know it is against my rules but i still went ahead with it.
I guess now i have more reasons and lessons to stick to my rules now.

But i guess it’s a good wake up call and to review all my trading style and stick to it.

Still waiting for someday to meet you and other fellow traders up in Singapore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone has to pay their " fees" to the market.

I personally only know one extremely disciplined individual who avoided that beginners ritual.

We shall have a gathering in sing in the very near future, i promise.

Yeah… i believe that too.
Hopefully it will make me a better trader. :smiley:

Its a Monday, and a new month to boot, but i just thought GU will do an up.

How far, i dont know, so trade on BE already.

A free trade is a free trade.

Holding the same trade…:slight_smile:
Where was your entry ??

A little after 1.57000

30 now. Ill be happy with anything up to 50.

I might move sl along each hour candles.

This morning JYP/USD, NZD/JPY & AUD/JPY seem to be doing a nice job following the “Monkey see, Monkey do. Yesterday a buy/sell, today a buy/sell” rules.

I missed AUD/JYP but did get long USD/JPY @ 92.88 and long NZD/JPY @ 78.55. Took profit on 50% at 20 pips and now have a tight SL 5 pips below the entry price and will let them run and see what happens.

I like the "Monkey see, Monkey do” rules, like them a lot! :smiley:

I’m in at 1.5710. 40% out already and moves to BE.
After 1 year, I’ve understood why daily candles and key levels are important…:slight_smile:

The monkey see monkey do makes more sense as far as the daily chart is concerned, doesnt it?

Well to late to change techniques name now!

Its important to have the period separator switched on, especially for the Hourly chart. Period starts and ends at new york 5 pm.

Than watch D TF. You will see, usually the wick of todays candle will bounce off yesterdays support or resistance area in the Hourly chart.

That is the technique of entry. Most of the time, SL will be about 15 pips or there abouts. Definitely not more than 30pips.

Keep watching and marking these two things.

You will than realize how simple of a trading method this is.

Same goes to weekly candle sticks. The wicks always go and touch an area engulfed by the previous candle, before flying off in the same direction.

How do we see what that area is? Zoom in to the smaller TF, as opposed to looking for buys or sells based in candle patterns o lower TF and getting burned again and again because we havent got a clue where price is going to go!

Stop chasing the market.

Its possible to have foresight.

Just understand that price moves in waves, and daily candle opening develops a wick because of this wave.

Simple as that.

Not a day for Price action. Atleast to me…GU wasn’t moving anywhere
Still holding the trade.

Still very early.

New week, new month.


Euro aussie

Weekly TF


Nice and clean PA so far.

Possible move further north.

Hi Nikita why you go long on GU today, Today is Monday, bias was for sell from last week, what actually you looking at the chart.

If it is possible can you please upload 4 HR and 1HR chart and explain your view to go long.

According to the bias I will only go short if I have to open the position today.

Nikita I really like the colour of the candle white and red, I am changing my candle colour today. Really cool.

thank you very much nikita,its very use full post,

I read up to page 100 many months ago and everything was making sense to me. Then I took a break from trading and i come back and so many pages!!! well im starting at page 50 for refresher i hope to catch up to you guys soon. Maybe I will try to read 10-20 pages a day.

The actual material is only about three posts long.

The rest is going through the same thing again and again.

Yeah. I have the method pretty well set in my head. But I plan on glancing at the posts just for the different ways you explain it to different personalities. Never know when an AH-HA moment may hit.

trading using purely price action is not an ordinary strategy since this is not how beginners are introduce to forex, the training we all received from our broker normally incorporate technical indicators, trend lines and S&R but I strongly believe that it is truly the price action that we should master. Trading naked chart will require a very good trading strategy and so far we got a lot here to choose from.