[QUOTE=“gs8888;546586”]To Nikita and all the member’s in here… Like we have personalities for inspiration in almost all the field’s like sport’s,Business or whatsoever. Who is your inspiration in trading ? Do we really have inspirational figures in trading business ?[/QUOTE]
Well I have stopped reading articles, books and writings that we more than often come across on mainstream media and stuff. Articles about this or that millionaire or billionaire and how they made it big.
If we pay attention, the articles usually portray and insinuate that the subject matter " worked hard, long hours, was a person who had deep insights, was a very courageous person. and blah blah blah".
And in between those lines we will be informed of the current net worth of the individual, his red ferrari and probably his newest celebrity girl friend. And there will be “facts” about how the person pulled off this or that and made xxx amount of profit.
Reading these sort of articles will give you the impression that there are those among us who do get a lucky break once in their lifetime and they grabbed it with both hands.
Or it tells us without saying directly that these people are like midas. They really have a gift.
The reason why I dont want to read these sort of articles is it does not tell you the truth.
It sort of portrays that living a life of dreams is not something that everyone will get a chance at.
I prefer to read an article about how a person tried doing something, failed, fell flat on his back, picked himself up again immediately and tried again.
I dont want the details of how someone made it that one time.
Making it on that final try is what will happen to each and everyone of us.
It was the final try, because we made it. What I want to read is the many tries before that final try.
That many failures.
I like to read about the nine times they failed and how they got up and gave everything they had each and every time.
I read about how they were down and out, maybe without a meal or a roof over their head, but they did not settle for what came their way, making the best of it.
They never let circumstances beat them.
The truth is they succeeded because they never did let go of that hunger, my friends.
Reading these sort articles tells us how it really is. It tells us the truth that success has nothing to do with being lucky or knowing the right people.
It tells us that the reality is, the person who made it big had most often than not, lost so many times before making it.
Not all of us were born with a swiss bank account as a trust fund. For the rest of us, failing, falling and doing it all over again is the only way.
When I read articles like this, I suddenly find the challenges and set backs I have faced and I might face again does not affect me in a way that makes me think of giving it up, doing the sensible thing, opt to play it safe and wait for the monthly pay check for the sense of false security.
It does not let the circumstances of life creep in with negativity.
These is where I find my inspiration.
That is very important in learning how to trade.
We all would personally know more people who gave up on learning how to trade and have moved on with their life.
The longer we been in this field, the more we know.
The numbers will outstrip those who do well trading.
Don’t take me wrongly here, but chances are, ten or fifteen years down the lane, if we get a chance to catch up with some of them, we will see that those who moved on might be doing ok, some might even be fine.
But they will not have done much or gone far in whatever it is they choose to do after leaving trading.
In a sense they are, in the scheme of things, still in the same ballpark.
They would not have accomplished what they wanted to, when they started trading.
Instead, they would have now changed their aspirations and dreams, adjusting it to reality.
Do you know why they downsized their dreams?
Its not because they gave up trading and chose some other field.
Its because they gave up and quit.
Starting a business, opening a store, starting a charity or even planting corn has the same percentage of false start ups and failures as trading does.
The number is higher, And its a heck of a lot more expansive to fail on anything other than trading.
But why do we see far more people drift in an out of trading, many than talking about how it is impossible to make money out of the markets and its all a scam?
In the real world, these kind of people would never go into a business or any other self venture.
But they flock to trade.
Why is that so?
Its because we need nearly zero overheads and no documentation or licensing or any sort of real effort to start trading, it invites all who want to make it big but do not want to or have the heart or stomach to experience failing while trying to do so.
The numbers match those who have dreamt of starting their own business, but never got through the first step because of the effort involved in doing so.
Trading just requires you have a pc and an internet connection.
Than they find that they keep loosing their micros and they figure that it involves alot of work. So some quit.
The ones who stay will than find out that to make it trading, in any sense of the word, would require them to taste failures now and again.
The hall just lost 75% of its audience folks.
The remainder quit when they realise that in the last part they have to probably do one of the toughest thing known to man, to face his own failures, weaknesses and shortcomings, admit to it and beat it.
Let me tell you, its much much much more easier to just quit and tell ourselves trading is not easy.
When we take the easy way out, give up and quit on one thing, than that is who we are, who we chose to be, and we will see that we will do the same in all other areas of our life’s.
Ever wondered if this is for you, especially when your account called margin again?
I have said this before, that I believe trading is not for every one.
I still believe its true.
Why is it so?
Because its the easiest thing to quit.
Its because its much more easier to call it quits trading than a real business where you have invested big amounts of cash, and most people are actually in debt because of a business they had started.
Calling it quits will sink them deeper than calling it quits trading.
That is what makes the number of people who learn how to trade well very very very few.
Not because trading is hard or something so out of this world. Its because its the easiest thing to quit doing.
Just close shop, and you wont even need to dispose off your furnitures or return the store key.
So I keep myself close to reality by reading stories of how tough it really was for those who made it.
The story below is a typical story that gives me inspiration.
I dont know how true this story is, but I read about one famous american actor who had to sell the only thing he had with him for a few dollars, outside a liquor store.
He really really wanted to act in the movies.
He was on the streets because he kept trying and kept knocking on doors, despite being rejected each and every time.
And how bad was his circumstances?
Well, he sold his dog for 25 dollars because he could no longer feed the only thing he had with him, his best friend.
He did hit it, and he hit it big.
And to his credit, he went back to that liquor store and waited for days until he found he person he sold his dog to, and he bought his dog back.
Find things that gives you strength.
True strength is rarely in the things that shine or glitter.
Its around us, in the very mundane and ordinary things.
Do not loose your dreams and your aspirations because its the easiest thing to do in life.
To quit.
Sorry for the long rambling. I am trying to pass time till London Opening!