Pure Price Action For Dummies

Happens to the best of us Teb.

The trick is not to loose money. Do that and you will start earning.

what happened to EU and GU yesterday? they filed for divorce or what???

lol I can agree not sure what was going on but none of the pairs I watch were acting normal

LOL, temporary restriction orders? If there is such a thing

lol Nikita you are well on your way to being a millionaire. That is almost the same rule to trade as Warren Buffet his has 2 rules

Rule1 Dont loose money
Rule2 Remember Rule 1

I dont know why Buffet said what he said, but I said that because better than making money, the feeling of not loosing it is much more thrilling.

hmm Aud and NZD are looking promising atm. I think I shall make an entry (after a bit of bullish action off course) :slight_smile:

We shall see. A greater SL than I would have liked, but that’s why I went smaller lots.

What do you think Nikita? Is it a good trade?

The resistance leve is valid. I would personally wait for the next candle on the H4 chart which is another hour plus away for added confirmation. But your trade is valid.

Thanks nikita. I completely forgot about checking the 4H for more confirmation, but if I’m not mistaken it looks like a bearish reversal candle taking place.


I like this thread, so I figured I might as well share my price action setups.

This is the trade I just entered, short on EURAUD

Enter: asap (1.32571 for me)
Stop loss: 1.33300
Take profit: 1.31511

This trade is based on price action. You see a down trend on the 4 hour chart which has been tested a few times, furthermore the most recent resistance has just been tested for a second time.
The stop loss is set above the resistance (72 pips from the price that I got) and the take profit is set near the previous low (106 pips down from the price I got).


Very clean lines, looks like good pullbacks.

SL of about 50 plus for a reward of 190 pips at the moment. I might wait and see if I can get a higher price / lower SL set up.

Top line marks the resistance and bottom line marks the next possible level. So if it goes according to play, plenty to pick in between.

I just made mine a long term as well (well, long term for me). If everything works out I’ll gain ±200 pips. If not I’ll still BE this baby.

Edit. out with +5 pips, looking for another entry around the .0380 level if there is any good candle formations

Bearish Not sure about when you looked at it but I watch this pair every day and I and seeing on both the kiwi and the aussie bullish consolidation. There is a head and shoulders patter trying to form on both. Looks to be getting ready to start the right shoulder. So that means price has to go up to the weekly mid pivot almost right on the money. Also I know you posted that chart a while ago but price is hitting the weekly low (white dotted lines are the weekly high and low). I would sit on the side lines. I would not even try to go long right now as the kiwi retested that last low but the aussie broke it so if correlation says anything right now it could go either way but if it goes north I would wait for it to retest the weekly mid pivot (yellow spot on the chart) witch is resistance of that left shoulder.

Very nice analysis Bobmaninc. Hope we see something by UK session.

i have my eye on EA, UC and UJ even for today, on top of watching the usual suspects of USD. I think EA, UC and UJ are a south today.

60 pips on any or a combination hopefully.

ok in all fairness I have to show the aussie chart on my other screen to show the correlation I am talking about and why I would not go long thinking the price is going up. I wont go long because on the kiwi price is below the 200 ema (green ma) that hold reall strong resistance along with the s1 pivot (green area on that above chart) that indicates price to go down. However both charts show price at the previous weeks low witch is support and the aussie below you see price is rejecting off the 200 ema. I see this alot and it means price is going to move and move fast soon. Witch way is yet to be seen. Now a few you things you might learn is you posted your chart at 3:30 est at that time volume in forex market starts to drop so you will go into some consolidation naturally. But then comes the Asian market and they tend not to like to make new highs or lows so that says price will go up. I guess that what they are confterable with. ASome will disagree with that last statement due to the asians dropping a hole lot of money in the market and moving it a will into new areas. But I will call it because if you look at there money drops they do it very very quick. There is no trendng to it its one swift move and then price tend to trickle back to where it came. I know this does not go with this thread here and I will say Nikitias strategy works and works very well I used it long before she started this thread. However it works best during the euro and us sessions. I have been forced to trade the asian sessions lately due to life obligations. And to be honest opening a trade at 3:30 est you are going to wind up in the asian session or just watch price go sideways on you untill the asain session. And this has been a learning curve tradeing this session but this is what I have learned in doing so. Here is the aussie chart so you can see the correlation and see what I am talking about. Asian will most likely push price up tonight and we will see what the other sessions do. They might drop price but I think they will let it run to complete the head and shoulders then your short will be correct and the bottom will drop out of site.

Pretty intresting I just figuerd out how to post each chart on each screen just now and the aussie chart is not the screen of my laptop the kiwi is on just a monitor. But you can actually see the size difference on the thread that knida cool for an idiot like me


Not the best of trades as entry was late, Considering the fact that it gave numerous opportunities to sell much higher than where i did.

EA 52, UJ 16 and UCHF 40. Took 13 on EU buy before deciding I had enough.

Havent slept since last night. Have fun, Ill be back for US session.

p/s Bobmaninc, thank you for the heads up on your take on AU and NU. I am not going to short any of the USD pairs.

What made you decide to go counter bias on this trade?

Why do guys ask alot of difficult questions? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just Joking.

I took a counter bias trade on this one because

  1. I was not sure of the bias as there was no confirmation. For all we know it could be just a pullback. ( just guessing at that point in time so need more reason ).

  2. Secondly H4 candles show a pin bar much earlier, and this trade was taken with that in mind. That prices will fall below that pin bar closing. ( the trade was late and SL became big ).

Finally that is the main reason why I TPed where I did. Which was a good thing because right after that price bounced.

Can this be considered as a scalping trade based on H1 and H4 candles? Its very risky to trade without bias, not all trades will work out. I should have put up the screen shot of UCHF instead of EA, in order to stick with the Communist System.

Haha, thanks. I knew you had a good reason so I just had to ask :smiley:

Nikita your not breaking your own rules are you? :smiley: