Pure Price Action For Dummies

oh i’m sorry, i wasn’t very clear. i guess i was inferring to what i understand of your system (identifying bias and trading with it), as opposed to his system of identifying a reversal (via pinbar)…but i realize that Nial Fuller is usually trading like bobmaninc said, on a retracement or correction, but with the trend. personally i really like your use of bias, i always thought the “the trend is your friend” rule was too rigid…sometimes it was good to trade against the flow. depends on what timeframe you are on as to what appears to be the trend. anyway, it seems very smart to me to limit risk by making your decisions based on what the Daily chart is telling you, but zooming in for the more precise entry on the hourly.

There is no need to apologize friend. Ur opinion is just as valid as mine and the next persons. I think the only one who can authoritatively say this is Nials method or not is Nial himself.

I think we are all trading PA but only choose to interpret and execute it differently.

Finally you are spot on about the adage that trend is my friend. Even mindlessly going about D TF bias is dangerous cause most of us, who are trading 1 to 3 % risk and targeting 3 to 5 % return per trade cannot hold for a retracement of 100 or 150 pips.

So its very important we really pick and choose our trades.

Trying to pick winning entries alone is so yesterday. Picking one that sticks with a SL range of about 10 to 30 pips per trade is the name of the game now.

Hope we all have a great week where it rains pips next week.

Need to polish my game again.

Im watching this movie called Margin Call.

Im into the first half an hour and its interesting. I dont know how its going to end but its kept me glued so far.

For those who dont mind watching your movie for free, here is the link.

Margin Call (2011) R5 - 2GB Hosting

Yen intervention today morning.

Long awaited I guess.

Yen is back into the hunting.

I will wait for later today or tomorrow to start shorting the Yen again.

An opportunity not to be missed.

not sure what usd/jpy is doing but GBP/USD went way way way up. I missed the long but I didnt see anything telling me to go long. So I just waited for price to stall and shorted it at 127.00 just got stopped at 125.5 probably one of my most profitable trades ever. I went pretty high risk though. Dont recommend others do as I just did but when price goes that high that fast. Its pretty high probability it is going to come right back. Not to often you see the market do this and very hard to catch the initial move but if you miss the move dont fear just wait and trade the reverse. I dont recommend putting up alot of risk as it is a very high probability trade but timing is everything and with very high volatility you better be on your game or on the sidelines. This was a great start to the week since this month has not been to good to me and I missed last week due to internet problems. This made it all up and then some so I might be on the sidelines for the rest of the month. Oh yeah thats tomorrow lol. Happy tradeing everyone.



Arriggattooo wakkarriimasseennnn

( ok thats all the Japanese I know )

Thank you BOJ!!

A great start to the week. 210 pips!

O man! I feel really depressed right now… I totally missed it :frowning:

Ouch! That hurts I was in right at the top for a short on the euro. But what did I do?

I TP at 30 pips when I could earn 170 pips!!! Good start to the week still. Your bias theory definitely works from the last 2 weeks of trading that I’ve done.

As long as its a positive trade.

USD CHF is suppose to come back down also but that one was kicked back up again and again. It started a nice fall and its most probably going to end up falling some more.

The trick is to find a good SL and enter.

You’re trading CHF again Niki? I must say, after listening to the euro news today fundamentals are definitely in favor of the prices falling (china’s saying it might not have the money for the crisis)

I have started again Teb5108. UCHF has to give back about 6K USD to me. I will claim it. :stuck_out_tongue:



A Quick Scalp

Entry was late.

Nice job. I thought about that one, but I was/am currently short on NZD and am trying to decide if I should just BE it.

I just got stopped at BE +2. Should have taken the 20 plus pips instead of waiting for the dotted red line!. :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway it was not a great trade, with the SL suppose to being at the bottom of the H1 candle.

I know you don’t like fibbs (neither do I for that matter, but with that big drop I couldn’t resist putting some up).If you had put one up on GU, it went up to the 50% and dropped right back down… I guess that shows how good they can be for SL’s and such if there’s nothing else to go by


Next to nothing to loose on this one.

Blind trade with SL

P/S Another BE +2 this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

I experiment with it once in a while but I cannot see what is so accurate about it.

Looks like the Fibs didnt work this time for GU. Price still did go to touch the next resistance level.

Now if I can only trust my own chart reading and hold a good position.


The million dollar challenge and one of my biggest setbacks


50 pips.

Enough for the day. Catch some sleep for Asian session.

I rarely even put fibbs up on my charts, much less use them. I only did today because it was so obvious where others would be putting theirs. Apparently it failed anyways…

I agree with you about trusting your own analysis. I lost two trades in a row today (the only two in fact) that would have been winners had I not panicked…