Pure Price Action For Dummies

Never got to reading it Amanfx.

I am seeing things on the charts now that escaped my notice before and I am thoroughly enjoying the way I trade now.

I dont want to look into a new system as yet. Finally, I am allergic to any sort of indicators, and that includes the volume bars at the bottom of the VSA method. So I guess its not really for me.

Market dynamics change during the end of the week, the beginning of the week, first week of the month and last week of the month.

The trick is to be able to read the higher TFs, whose candles behave the same way as the lower TFs.

Only take opportunities we see for sure. Skip the onces where you find yourself guessing.

Hey there Niki, Iā€™ve been looking through the thread and I must say it impressed me. There are still quite a a lot of things I donā€™t understand and i do intend to reread the first few pages of the thread. Do you mind if i posted some of my trades here for guidance?

I took a trade on EUR USD today but unfortunately got stopped out by 5 pipsā€¦ and price turned all the way down for 60+ and still counting.

Just a question though, will it be possible to use this trading strategy if Iā€™m likely to be available at around 7pm onwards till 11pm? I should be in the same time zone as you if I never read wrongly, GMT +8.

Many Thanks

Hey Nikita Im just wondering if you could maybe start posting some of your trades again? I always like seeing how you are reading the current market conditions.

You are more than welcome to post your charts here if it could help clarify things for you.

I use to think that the market hours were very important.

I know now that they are secondary. What is more important is your historic buy and sell areas as well as yesterdays bias.

and yes, I am a GMT +8 here.

no! Cant do!

Just pulling a fast one on you teb5108.


This is a trade I just took on UCHF.


Yellow arrows marking historical S & R price action. Possible BPC pattern forming, hence entry smack right at the top.

UCHF H1 Zoomed in.

Zoomed into this image so that we can see where my entry is exactly on a S & R area as identified by the arrow on our left. The arrow on our right shows where my SL is, or was when I decided to take this entry. If it had gone above that line, I would have cut my position and would have taken a small loss.


The first three arrows from our left shows the candles that I used to identify Support and Resistance areas.

The fourth arrow from our left shows the entry, which is exactly where the S & R line would have been.

NIce trade Nikita

Nice trade! I actually am in a long that I took at almost the same time on EU (although I didnā€™t get near as nice an entry level as you). I expect it will probably range for a couple of hours now so it will probably be an over-nighter for me.

I see that UCHF would have been the better choice when looking at the S R lvls now, but thats why I like you posting your trades, so I can learn from the pro! :smiley:

How did you base your entry on that trade? Did you put a pending order at the S/R level or was this done by the method you mentioned you were working on a couple weeks back?

hey niki,

This chart was a EUR USD 1H chart.

Iā€™ve saw this opportunity at the yellow line, roughly 15mins after the start of the hour.
Mentally, my intended stop loss was at the magenta line.

However i did not take up the trade as I felt that entry might have been late and the trend line was approachingā€¦ too uncertain for the trade.

Would this have been a valid trade at the yellow line? And also, When would you say that its too late to enter a trade?

Many thanks!

Was a manual trade Teb.

I came, I opened the chart, I looked at it for a minute, I clicked sell, I walked away. Came back about an hour later and replied your post.

11 pips SL, 70 pips TP. That is a ratio of 1:6

This sort of trades will ensure you will be in profit even if your win to loss trade ratios are less than 30%. That means you can loose 7 trades out of 10, but still have your account grow since your R:R ratio is high.

So try to get these concepts into our head, it should be second nature to us.

Making it in forex is not that tough. We just need to learn the basic rules and methods.

Always remember, our brains are wired to sell after the fact that the market has moved and shows the movement as sell. We sell at the bottom, or at retail prices and see our trade bounce and go the otherway around. Same goes to buy. We only see the buy after it has moved. To buy again right at the top of a move is not wise.

Until we can train ourselves to see beyond this obvious issue, our trading will be a hit and miss.

Remember, we sell at the top and buy at the bottom. I say its too late to enter when the SL is not worth the TP level. Or when we are gambling on an entry in between S & R levels. Or worst, entering at the end of the week.

Get rid of your bollinger band and what ever that you are using on your chart at the bottom. Just play candlesticks with some S & R lines and trendlines. Thats all you need.

Okay thanks Nikita. Iā€™ll try this again tomorrow and hope I get better.

By the way, could I ask which pairs you check Correlations with again? I remember seeing them somewhere on the thread but I canā€™t seem to locate the pages again.

Also, when correlations do match, for example EU and GU, how would you identify which one to trade? Do you just trade one of them or split up the risk and trade both?

Im sorry for the bombardment of questions.

  1. My trading has somehow evolved in the months that now I do not rely on correlation that much. Matter of fact, I havent used correlation much in since November.

Correlation still works for GU EU, AU and NU. In that particular order.

  1. I dont split trades often. Very rarely do I do that. But remember to divide your risk if you choose to do that. Dont double your risk by entering the same lots on both or more pairs. If it is profitable you wont hold for it to give you maximum ( trust me on this ) but if it goes sour or goes south, you will end up loosing three times more than what you should have.

You suggested co-relation for backup anyway. So, is there something different you doing now?

When a candle stick closes at half of its length, is that a neutral BIAS? Like in the case of AU yesterday.
However, today it is a BUY again.

  1. I am doing the same thing, only now the charts are much more clearer to me. I dont have to check my trade calls with correlation as much as I use to.

  2. There is no neutral bias. Its either up or down. Just watch out for S & R areas on the same TF.

Seems like it comes with experience that charts are much more clear to you.
ā€œNO NEUTRAL BIASā€ Thank you for that point.

I am putting in a lot of hours trying to understand the charts and off course you are being a great help.

Remember, the markets are not random. And traders dont guess.

Can you please glance thru this video.
How to correctly place Support & Resistance Lines - YouTube
I found this and it seems a good way of finding S&R.
I would appreciate.

Its what you do with these S & R areas that is important Amanfx. Finding them is not the main issue. Just put in a line where price touched and bounced or turned around cleanly. The more points like this, the stronger and more valid the line is.

But what do you do with them is most important.