Pure Price Action For Dummies

First of all, I’m trading forex for just 3 years and I’ve only been making money for a year now. So I’m not a pro and please do note, that you shouldn’t take my charts that serious, since I’m still a beginner. But I’m gonna give it a try:

Well, I think there was no perfect setup, nor a perfect entry, but the overall D bias was bearish. So I looked for a good point to short EU. Based on my experience, a short revision of the price after a trend is good time to get into a trade. Because of this, I waited till price went up again.

This chart shows the EU 15min. You can identify the three marked candles as an evening star. This often appears in a revision, when price is changing its direction to continues trading. So I went short with some positions to go with different TP strategies. I took the Daily support 1 (pivotpoints) as a SL (pls ignore the SL in the screenshot, I’ve just set the trades to BE), because I think it turned into resistance.

The next chart shows how I got my take profit. 1.3200 is a significant level in EU. It also shows, that the overall trend is bullish, so this trade is maybe within a revision of a bullish trend in the daily TF. So we gotta be careful for a return in price. Since fundamentals are really bad for Euro now, I don’t wanna judge the situation in the next days. But for my trades today it doesn’t matter, because I closed some of my positions with +50 pips and will close the rest, when price seems to turn or reaches 1.3200.

I hope, you can reproduce my idea. But pls don’t take this is the perfect way to trade. I’m still a beginner.

Hi pgtips (that tea makes me nostalgic!) - sorry to hear about this loss, and sorry I was not on the thread this morning; I messed up and assumed that it was NFP today. I don’t trade intraday on NFP so was not trading this morning other than a couple of end of day trades from earlier in the week. So I missed your Cable trade idea message from this morning.

I am not the expert here, so this is just personal opinion, but in case it is of interest, for me the picture was a little mixed when you went long. I always take a clear bias from the higher timeframes when looking to enter a trade, if I can’t see a clear picture then I stay out - one reason I study a lot of Pairs, I’m fussy lol.

If you pull up a Weekly Cable chart, I have a couple of S&R lines on there suggesting that we are in a rough range: it’s a little scrappy, so we’ll all draw in slightly different places, but the top of the range would be around 1.6620, the bottom around 1.5400 or a little lower. So your trade was around the middle of that range. That range follows a fall on this Pair, so my within-range bias would be short. I’d go long from the bottom of the range, but short from the top or middle.

Drilling down to the Daily chart, I have a third level on there. Again it’s rough and a little choppy (I have not traded Cable recently, largely for that reason) but it is at around 1.5936. It is a soft level, but has had a lot of respect - it acted as Support in March (check out the low test on 28th March), June and July of 2011, as well as September, October and December 2009 and January 2010. It then broke, but has acted as Resistance in August and October (and almost December) 2010, before Price reluctantly broke back through in January 2011.

Anyway, that was maybe a little confusing (sorry!) but you get the idea - there is a level around 1.5936.

If you draw a Fib from the high of 19th August 2011 to the low of 6th October 2011, the 50% retracement level (which is the most powerful Fib reversal point, imho) comes through the chart at 1.5947. Given that my original level was pretty averaged out, that is very close.

Then look at the Daily chart from a couple of days ago, 29th February: a beautiful low test right out of that old level, my own 1.5936 and the 50 Fib. I thought about trading that short then, but the Daily had recently put in a higher low, and Cable has been choppy and rangebound, so I left it. (My Entry per my rules would have been 1.5945, so although yesterday’s buyer bar would have made me slightly nervous, I’d now be 1.5% or so up. I’m happier on the outside looking in, though, as it would have been a higher risk trade than I like, I’m mentioning only to show how others view the same situation.) You mention that the previous day’s candle was a buy, but it had a fair bit of wick at the top, and that combined with the preceding high test suggested that the buyers were running out of momentum.

Then to look at your trade, you entered off the Hourly chart. That is a great idea - I like to spot a trade on a higher timeframe and then drill down to a lower timeframe for a more efficient Entry. However on this occasion, just ahead of your Entry Price put in a lower high on the Hourly chart. That would have invalidated the setup per my rules - I want to see consistent higher highs in that situation, separated only by pullbacks. A lower high would be enough of an alarm bell to have me pull the idea and wait for a cleaner setup.

Anyway, apologies for the rambling nature of this - had to flick between this box and my charts to pull up the dates and levels! - and if this sounds at all preachy or patronizing, neither is my intention. You posted the idea, so I assume you would hope for feedback, so I thought that I would share my take on it.

I did not trade this, but between the range, the S&R level, the Short bias prior to the range, the Fib level and the high test on the Daily, the lower high on the Hourly etc, my bias at that moment would have been short rather than long.

For me, the key to successful currency trading is to look a confluence of several factors in favour of a trade. I also always look for a confluence of factors [I]against[/I] that same trade. I will only enter if I have several reasons to do so, and no real reasons not to.

Hopefully you find this helpful, and take it in the spirit intended. You can take a lot of positives from this trade: spotting the channel, correlating the timeframes, balancing the pros and cons of a number of Pairs… analyzing losing trades such as this one is the best way to move towards consistent profits, so stick with it.


Nikita, if you’re still replying to this thread, will this work going from Sunday into Monday or do I need to wait until Monday’s candle closes before I start trading again?

On Oanda, my new candle starts at 10pm CST, so I assume that’s when I should be trading?

Hope u had a SL in.

The only thing I would be worried about is your candle opening time Arrrrgon. Because the time your candle starts influences the shape of it when it ends. The last thing we would wanna be doing is looking at a candle that is really different from what the majority of the world is looking at.

The Daily candle will look different, and this in return will mess up your candlestick patterns.

What time does your daily candle start? Does anyone know if I can change this on Oanda?

Mine is 7am GMT + 8.

I recall someone pointing out how to change the candle times earlier in this thread, when I had some issues with my candle shape.

You have to watch out for the Sunday candle. Each week should only have five D TF candles in them. Some brokers enable what is known as a sunday candle. This also causes your charts to sometimes display different candle patterns.

I use eSignal for my charting, I don’t have weekend candles on my screen, just five candles per week. I sometimes enter trades over the weekend by placing an order based on Friday’s candle and it works well, the trade triggers (or doesn’t!) when the market goes live on Sunday night.


Hi Bob/Wez,

I took my cue to enter from horizontal and upward slope support and watching last night a video link posted by in the earlier posts that played a DailyFX video regarding Support/Resistance, trendlines etc, I think my entry was in line with that but I couldn’t tell when to set BE and I was a little unsure of a good TP level but I thought 50 would be ok.

What I’ve missed is the candle confirmation but that seems to be in conflict with entering at the SR levels and keeping tight SL, further above would have made bigger loss. I could see no reason not to enter the trade based on bias and rule

I think i will sit on the sidelines a bit longer. I find trading very difficult, I want to learn but am having confidence knocks.

I can see your entry Wezl3y and it makes sense, you took the direction of EU and sat on it for a formation but isn’t the TF to enter 1hr? . Good entry I will say but it seems not to fit the approach unless this is in later posts which I have not got to yet.

Thank you, it helps to learn this and thank you for in depth response Simon, I will study this.

If you look back to the live Aussie trade I took yesterday I show how I used candle formations, S/R levels, and time frames to lower what would have been a 100 pip SL to Just 15 pips.

I do like to use the charts to tell me where to put TP levels as well as SL. But you will typically see me move my stop to BE at about 30 pips. 50 is a good number to start locking in profits if the chart does not give clear TP levels. It is not a rule but you will almost always see me move SL to BE at 30 pips. This will cause you to get stopped out from time to time just to see price go your way. Sucks but it will save you from taking losses that could have been avoided. There is always an upside and a down side to everything in this game you just have to find what works best for you. If you like 50 then there is nothing wrong with that or even the trade you took to be honest. I do see why you entered where you did. I just seen the chart differently but there was nothing wrong with how you went about taking the trade. It just didnt work and that happens. Your stop was pretty small from what I could tell so you will live to fight another day. Next time might work out and if it did your TP looked pretty far away making and good R:R. With that said if the next trades works our it will more than make up for today.

I would always set TP levels based on clear S&R levels on the chart - I would advise against simply deciding a number of pips you wish to target. The market will often show you levels where profit can be taken, and deciding whether these levels leave room for an R:R that would make the trade setup viable is one of the key elements of scanning for setups, imho.

Every trader has their own trading ‘personality’ - generally, a tighter Stop will give a better R:R but at the expense of a lower win rate. A more generous SL limits the R:R but should give a better win rate. Over time, we each of us need to decide which side of the balance we prefer and take that into account when scanning for setups. Personally I prefer a high win rate at the expense of some R:R per trade, but the opposite can also be a profitable approach. Psychology is a key area of consistent trading - a string of losses can be fine if the winners net a 10:1 (or better!) return, but if that string of losses removes the courage to take the setup that would give the 10:1 trade then obviously that trader should focus more on a more conservative R:R but a higher win rate.

Noone should feel under pressure to be in the market, so if your confidence has dipped then it is absolutely the right call to take a little time out. I took a few knocks early on, now I look back and think ‘it was only a couple of losses, the overall strategy was giving you a decent win rate, everybody loses’, but at the time it knocked my confidence, which in turn knocked my ability both to enter the next trade and then to manage it properly. It’s easy to say, but stick with it, get to the point where you have confidence in your overall strategy, and you can start mechanically executing your strategy, and then you’re away. Trading can be hard, but it is not difficult, it just seems it sometimes.

You are most welcome, it is just one view but my approach does make me money over the year so hopefully there is at least some food for thought in there.

Have a good weekend.


It’s been the worst week of the month. I have lost 4 trade 1 win. Very bad need to be more patient, eventually I will learn…

Have a nice weekend everybody

Well this is my first week of trading this year so it is my worst but also my best lol. My Aussie trade yesterday went well. By the looks of it I got stopped out today for a win of about 5% of account however it still leaves me in the red for the week. I made a rookie mistake in the beggining of the week and came out swinging. Well the market knocked me out in the first round. Been recovering ever since. Not bad though I will have to look at the numbers when I get home but I should be about 1-2% in the red so I can live with myself.

Thanks everyone.

I’ll be watching next week, if anyone gets a trade lined up please shout over the pair and I can then go any do analysis to understand why and what if thats possible.

i.e don’t tell me the entry etc, just the pair and I can go figure it from there, its my best way to learn without getting scorched.

Good weekend all,


Well looks like a good week for me. My trade did not get stopped missed my SL by 3 pips. So what I thought was a 2-3% loss is a 2% gain on the week :slight_smile:

Yes you’re right. But does it matter that much? Look for me Price action trading is like the chicken checking profession (probably not the correct name). Years ago, people in Japan had guys, who profession were to check the gender of baby chickens. But they couldn’t explain the new workrs how they decide. So new workers just guessed at the beginning and the experienced workers told if they were right or not. After half a year the new workers were able to identify the gender by theirselves.

Now long story short:
In my opinion, there is no written down strategy in PA. The most part of learning is getting a feeling for the price, as the guys in jApan once got a feeling for the little bird’s gender. That’s why I traded a pattern in the 15 min chart. It seemed the right direction to me.

Anyway. I got respect for you, when saying that u need a break, cause of knocks. That’s a wise reaction. But stay at least with us and keep looking at the charts, so u can go on with trading when u feel good again.

Hi there,

I have attempted another trade today. Although this is kinda early in the week, but here goes.

The First chart is a EU 4H chart. DTF is still showing a strong downwards bias, but when zoomed down into 4H, the drop in prices seem to be slowing down, hinting to me that a continuation of the longer term thrend may begin.

The second chart is a 1H chart. It seems that price has reached a level and price waves has changed, LL -> HL at 1.318. I saw a small pullback and a doji formed, hence I entered at the close of the doji.

Any comments is appreciated. Thank you.

Im waiting for the price to break and close above or below 1.3200 level…i see monday as mostly correction day i.e for the price to build a trend…i used to take trade on monday. But, it dint profit much to me…may be trading on monday doesn’t suit me…

Price broke aggressively and held 1.3300 on Friday forming a long down candle a close under that last support level to me is signalling we would go lower you should be looking to sell lower highs unless you see a reversal on the daily or 4 hour chart. Honestly being Monday as Nikita has stated a few times its usually best to sit today out unless you are clear where price is going and to me with the big down day on Friday (bear candle = sell bias) you should be looking to sell the Euro not buy if you are going to trade.

Yeah on hindsight, I noticed myself. I shouldn’t have taken the slight small signal and should instead have waited for a while.