Pure Price Action For Dummies

I include everything from my mood, things going on outside of trading such as family life. If I am tried everything. Since I am parttime with trading. When the week opens (sunday) I will add what I expect the market to do that week and the trade setups I will be looking for. As we go into the week. I will note what the charts are telling me then and as we go. Of course I log my trades. You will find interesting that your opinion of the markets will change as the week progresses. Those little changes in opinion and tell alot in your tradeing after you go back and review them. They will show you where your greed comes into play. A couple things come to mind. Such as I think 2 week ago I took a trade at the end of the week that if it would have been a monday I would not have taken the trade and waited for a better setup. Greed came into play as I was afraid this was going to be it for the week if I did not take it. The trade worked out but was not ideal. This can get me burned latter on. Another thing I see from last year is when my kids are driving me crazy and I am looking at the charts my patience is thin and will cause me to make stupid moves. This is why I log everything as you never know what truly impacts your trading untill you see trends in your behavior later. I log before during and after thoughts of my trades. At firstt it all seems tedious and it is. But after a while you will find trends in your behavior you never knew existed untill you realize how many times you repeat the same thing. I will try to post my journal from last year but I have a hard time uploading files on here. I can take screen shots of it though to give you an idea. Try to keep it personal after all it is your personal journal. There are time I was pissed off at my wife and have a 50 page essay as to why I think she is a total b!#$H and one little sentence about the trade I just entered. Goes to show you my mind was not in trading at the time. Then later after I calm down You will read another 50 page essay why I was an idiot for taking such a stupid trade and not thinking about what I was doing. Well I was thinking about stuff just not trading and should not have been in front of the charts.

thats look nice, I believe and wish sometimes next year I will have the money in my account, what I need is now to get some good trade then compound.

Not so good day for me, lost 24 pips.

Nikita & Bob
Thank you both for your inputs.
Bob, last night I wanted to short the pair but saw it late/sleeping so totally missed it.
Also Nikita-
I read this thread of yours religiously and always take that co-relation part too seriously.
I didn’t enter the trade thinking that EU and GU are not moving the same direction.
Am I over analyzing?

Once again Thank You both for your comments.

Does the euro look like it will move to 1.33238 price today/tomorrow or will it fall below 1.31996?

Early to say. But with the pullback candle forming on the H4 chart, I dont see it going up, even though the weekly candle looks like its got some more steam to move north.

A short at current levels would be big pay out. And a trade that can be moved to BE safely in a short period of time.

I agree yesterday was a sell on the daily. Now it did form a hammer so keep risk low or likw she said move SL to BE asap. According to the 4 hr I would be looking to short with a long bias at the levels marked on this chart. Look for possible BPC but thats probably not happening in the short term those are long trades I am stalking since I am part time and looking ahead for my setups. LO is in a few hours but I will be sleeping since I got a good trade in this week I dont need to push it and need my rest. But dont take trade advice from me I dont trade EU very often.

I did a short at 0.8202 on NU today after seeing the hammer form on the 1H chart. and my SL was at the top of the hammer.
Unfortunately, I got stopped out right before the huge 60+pips down move :frowning:

Sorry to heat that. It was a good call unfortunately about the same happened to me. My aussie trade from monday got stopped out right before the aussie dropped. Luckly my trade was already at 100 pip profit but would have been nice to catch that extra bonus

Which one do u give much weigh for ? is it monthly or weekly ? which one is more reliable ?

Depends on what kind of trader you are. If you are a long term investor then I would say monthly. As for me I am a trader so the weekly holds more weight for me. Unless I see something on the monthly witch does not happen often. Think about it a pullbacks on the monthly chart can take years to unfold. and even when it does give a signal the small price fluctuations are huge price swings to me. So therefore even though I do look at the monthly it rarely tells me anything besides the same thing it did yesterday. However I will gain some bias off of it depending on the pair. For instance look at the AU monthly chart. It is at a all time extreme high. So that does play into some of the reason you only see me short the AU. Even if I am wrong and price keeps going up on the monthly. I can still make a very nice return by going short.

Hi NikitaFX

Apologies as I’m going back through time to ask this one: ‘easiest way to trade when direction is known is to enter when price crosses the opening of D TF candle. Hold for about 40 pips.’ - could you please clarify what is meant by price crossing the opening of the D TF candle…is that the H TF candle and by crossing I presume you mean either higher or lower depending on whether you are buy or sell? May be an obvious question but want to get it right.

Thanks for all the info on this thread…only trading Demo at the mo but was getting increasingly disillusioned trying and failing to get my head around all these complicated indicators but the help and style on here is much more manageable. Am upto Post 60 at the moment so still some reading to do! I trying to consolidate what I’ve learnt to by re-reading.

Cheers and stay profitable.

THe most important to me for my own way of trading is D TF. But than when its a combo of D, W and M at the same price, it would be the most strongest, for lack of a better term.

Same goes to smaller TF. H1, H4 and D TF being at the same price will make it a more powerful S & R area.

A smaller TF S&R is not as significant or as strong as the higher TFs, so to speak.

But than, we cannot trade on D W or Monthly S&R areas alone because of the massive pips that is involved in terms of SL etc etc.

We look for significant S&R areas on higher TFs. Use the smaller ones for candle patterns, entries and SLs.

covkid73, I understand when U say you are drowning out there in a sea of indicators. Been there, done that.

KISS principle applies in trading.

The above post was posted for one of our readers, Tom82 I think, in regards to the concept of bias and how it can be used to make a profit.

When the bias is a sell, we mark where the day candle for today started. When we see the price heading south later from above the marked area, we enter a sell and hold for about 40 pips.

This should only be used on a demo account to understand the concept of bias for beginners. DO NOT TRADE A LIFE ACCOUNT this way because trading must also include other considerations.

Risk to Reward ratio is one of the most important consideration before taking a trade.

Its just a method of teaching a newbie on what I mean by bias.

I dont know if I am the only one who is seeing this but I think USD pairs are going to shoot up.

Be very cautious and stingy on your SLs when picking a sell.

My AU trade is dropping quick over 100 pips in 30 minutes or something Close to that. Good thing the trade I have been in this week (I thought was stopped out) is still kicking now at 200+ pips. Shaping up to being one of the best trades I have ever taken

Well final profit target was taken out. Since price moved past it in such violent fashion I moved stop to 1.0400. I will most likely be stopped out if not next target 1.0250. Doubt I will get that as this probably just made the low for the week. The 4 hr chart witch I placed my trade on is due to retrace. I will let it cash me out and retrace and I will look to short again next week at a better price. Not bad at all risked 2% at 30 pips and made over 200 pips thats a great R/R. I think I will make a drink and go to bed. London Open you will not be seeing me this week:p Nite everyone

What you mean USD Pairs? EUR/USD or USD/JPY?

Hi Nikita, Can you explain a little further why do you think USD pairs are going to shoot up?

From what I see, EU and GU were pretty resistant in the last two days and didn’t really fall even though AU and NU fell like mad, this would probably mean some upwards strength.

This is chart on EU 4H

The recent hammer formed suggests that EU is unable to break the 1.3255 area and is beginning to turn downwards. Likewise, GU has hit the 1.5892 resistance and couldn’t get past it as well. Further, AU and NU were showing negative biases, although they might have reached some significance resistance.

I saw the hammer form on 4H, but was too late to get into a short at that area, unfortunately. I was too scared, as usual.

Another prediction that bit the dust. :stuck_out_tongue:

I Didn’t predict. It’s a typo. Actually I asked about your statement. You said today bullish for USD pairs. I asked you EUR/USD or USD/JPY pairs? I confused. Ok, Now except USD/CAD and USD/CHF all gone to down. Any way today’s price action worked well on your system… :slight_smile: