Pure Price Action For Dummies

Reversals of the market happen all the time on the D TF.

So assuming that we had religiously followed the communist system and we bought on the following day intraday H1 and H4 candles on the lowest low and sold at the highest high and we coupled that with a reasonable risk to reward ratio and money management, than you can see that for every 4 or 5 consecutive trades, you might have one looser.

If calculated, you are about 70 to 80% profitable on your entries, which coupled with a 1:2 RRR, you will be seeing exponential growth. If you had followed candle patterns, the RRR on this method can easily be 1:3 or higher.

Forex is about averages and statistics, no one can trade without loosing a position every now and than. Most loose nearly half of their positions, but still make money, because they understand money management and RRR. Its about giving yourself the statistical advantage.

With that being said, there are valid reversal signals on D TF that shows up on candlestick patterns and also correlation.

On a day like today, I would be very cautious buying tomorrow. Unless ofcause the LL on H4 or H1 gives me a very very valid signal with a very very minimal SL and correlation, especially USDCHF shows a sell signal.

If it does not satisfy any one of what I had outlined above, I go about doing some other thing, watch a movie, troll some blogs or post something on babypips. But whatever I do, I dont take a trade.

Remember, PA traders only take entries that they know for a fact is going to be profitable. Atleast they see it being a high probably trade. PA cannot be profitable if we have the itch to take positions daily.

This thread is to teach people on how price moves, the waves, the correlation, the support and resistance areas and how to use candlesticks to trade. Most importantly, it teaches traders how to look at the concept of price bias and in my personal opinion, the most valuable lesson in this thread is about keeping trading very very simple and uncomplicated.

Hence I drum this in every opportunity I get, you dont see what its going to do than dont enter a trade.

Being profitable is not about chasing the market or chasing price daily. Its about staying out of the market most of the time.
So demo this method until you get the idea of how and when to use PA.

To simplify that if today is a buy tomorrow is a buy without understanding the nuances of the entry points and requirement is like me saying earlier in this trade to just a draw a line at the D TF candle close/open and enter a trade when price crosses that line on H1 TF in the direction of bias. It was an example to show newbies a simple fact, and it works in theory, but its not applicable in real live account situations.

I hope it clears things for you.

Hmm, why did you buy the EURNZD? Well you did a right thing, obviously, what what signaled you to do it since the daily bias was bearish?

This looks like Spot FX trading.

I use to be young and inexperienced once. Had some very crazy gains cause with bias I never use to use SL.

Than on one trade I lost 6 grands on USDCHF alone. Not to mention the correlated positions on the other pairs I had. That one day thought me to eat my humble pie.

My last trade for the week gone, AU, was without a SL in the sense that I added the 80 pips I gained on GU on the line and made my SL to 130 pips from my entry and left for Singapore. But that is as far as I dare to do the no SL free trade thing.

So I shall reserve my comments on those advocating no SL trades.

This song reminds me of that trade final trade that was without a SL

Soul Asylum Runaway Train sony official video - YouTube

I’m trying to absorb as much as I can from the thread but like anything worth doing the devil is in the detail and I guess it will take time for the subtleties to sink in.

Thanks for your patience and excellent answers.

That post you quoted by Nikita was a great post.What you have to remember when determining bias (like if yesterday was a buy today is a buy) is to not forget to listen to what the daily is telling you. If yesterday was a buy then today is a buy however if yesterday price hit major resistance and formed an inverted hammer it signaling a possible reversal. So either stay out or as I like to do is play the reversal. Either way keep risk down till the dust settles. I think most on here is forgetting a major point. You all are only looking at the daily for bias and forgetting it is telling you the bigger picture. The lower time frame are just for exact trade entry with small stops.

yes nikitafx…spot on if you pardon the pun.
my mentor used to work in banking spot fx trader…and i now trade his style.
i do have limits though…
if for some reason i cant cut a profit before i lose about 500 pips then i pull the plug.
but i dont just spotfx trade…i do A+ position set ups like yourself…where i will put on a larger position and set a take profit…and if i leave my post then i use stop loss.

i just love trading this way…i am hoping to make about 5 percent on my account per week…which is 20 percent per month. …and compound it…
worst that can happen if i do lose 500 pips is that i lose 10 percent of my account equity…
but if you look at it.
im over 3 percent up since friday…by friday lets say ill be 10 percent up on my account…
then same next week 10 percent
then the week after i lose 10 percent and then week after i make 10 percent again…so its all good…i can handle the drawdown on a loss maybe 1 in 4 …
but i dont really expect to have to run to 500pips down very often …so its all good…

What you are doing is some sort of martingale/grid/scaling trading.

Although these systems can be profitable you have to be very careful with MM, your account can be wipe out in seconds.

In your last step you were risking more than 2% of your account in a 7 pip move… not good.

Its a manic monday!

Well if you look at the D TF chart, you can clearly see that you did not really loose out much. Market hardly moved against last trading days bias.

If it had, than you would really really be in trouble. Your SL hit because it was tight and that is the way it should be. Losses to a minimum, profit to the max.

As I said, we need to see how price moves in waves. Up, than retrace, hits support than higher up breaking the previous HH and retrace again to that HH and up again and so on and so forth until it hits a reversal spot on H4, DTF or Weekly.

If you go through ICTs site, one of the things he keeps telling traders is do not enter in the middle of a move. In our case, our reference is D TF. We are technically entering in the middle of a move on DTF but we are entering on the beginning of a new move on H1 or H4 TF.

One of the hardest thing to picture is see how different TFs affect each other and move in unison. That comes with practice. But that doesnt mean you cant be profitable trading in the mean time.

Just observe the basic rules and believe in some superstitions. One of it being Monday and Friday are generally bad days to trade this method.

Take your time.

Your eyes and your brains need time to adjust. All our live, we are only used to seeing a up or a down on the graph after it has happened. We still believe that it will keep going down or up after we see it on the graph. Now we are required to anticipate the down or up move before it happens.

So it takes time to get used to this.

Practice on a demo. Start one with a reasonable amount, maybe the same amount you can afford to put into the market. Than treat it like real money. Once you have got the basics, open a mini and start with 1 cent per pip and draw your money management chart.

If you follow these steps, chances are you wont loose, you wont hit psychological issues ( that always starts because we start big and go big from day 1 and we loose and than we freak out ).

Step by step one at a time.

Figure out the basics and the rest is just logic.

Dont rush.

i fully understand what your saying yunni…and great advice…
but i study price action all day long…and it was clearly going to go my way…and it did.
my base position …which is what i like to use for maybe longer term trades…is quite small
hopefully going to be doubling its size within a month…

but if i had even 2 percent doubt that price wasnt going my way… i would not have done the 50…i had to wait for hours to find my opening…jsut watching the candles…then it came …and i pounced on it.

You can be the best PA trader or the best TA trader but if catastrophe occurs somewhere in the world and you are in a trade… bye bye account… you should be limiting risk, not adding risk. just my 2 pips :slight_smile:

ok yunni…then in future on the larger positions i will set stop loss 50 pips away from my position when i take the order.
jsut in case a catastrophe happens…
see …i am willing to take good advice that fits my trading.
thank you

Thanks Nikita! You are truly a forex Saint :slight_smile:

Boy, I wished I stayed with forex when I discovered it at 16, then I might have been a decent trader by now!
But I will prevail. Failing is not an option.
Experiencing an adolescent crisis in about half a year when Christmas comes, and I’m done with my bachelor, and I don’t know what to do with my life until I start becoming profitable with forex.
Until then, I’ll have to learn; slow and steady!

Not to mention something Bob said in another thread…a drunk could easily hit a pole and take down power, you could lose your internet connection just when you need it most, Windows can do what Windows does and stop working for no apparent reason, etc.

Damn, I pulled the trigger again, this time on GU, short.
H1 TF bias was bearish, and it seemed to be hitting a resistance points, with am upper wick (shooting star?).
However, someone pointed out that one need to look not only on the daily bias, but also the bigger picture.
ON D TF, it seemed to have hit a support at 1.5745…?

I have the feeling that newbies like me tend to be trigger happy… -_-
What you guys think?

EDIT: I also noticed I failed to wait for confirming candle, shall note this in my journal.

Great guys… great…

Awesome inputs you all did today. Posts of Nikita, Bob, yunny1 and Tyrannosarurus reminder all much helpful.

Learning never ends…

Hang in there, take risk off the table as soon as you can. You analysis for entry was decent but always look for the higher time frames story that its telling you. You should be ok though. Unless you are seeing rejection candles on the daily then there is no indication that support will hold. Just be nimble and you can walk away with profit

I have been in and out of Singapore for the last month because I got to know of this former VC of a tier 1 bank who is trading spot forex with his own team of guys now in Singapore.

I am hoping I can join his crew for the two months or so to get a taste of Spot trading. But Singapore being the way it is, its really tough to get a visa that would enable me to stay there for two or three months.

Still working something out. Might leave in a week or two if all goes to plan.

wow nikita…that is amazing.
wish i had such a fantastic opportunity…

if you go …then good luck all the way…and bring your teachings back here.

Yeah, I didn’t notice it until after the trigger was pulled. How I managed that I don’t know. Higher risk trade, went in with 2% in any case, which will be my standard until I get better and feel more secure of my trading.
Thanks Bob!

Good luck!
I lived there for 3 years in my teens, great place, generally friendly people, a lot of expats :slight_smile:
Hopes it works out.