Quantic Traders Challenge

Direct FX is pleased to announce we were selected as a partner for the upcoming Quantic Traders Challenge.

Participants in the Quantic Traders Challenge will be competing for a chance at a $10 million allocation. This is a 6 month live trading competition beginning on January 1, 2015. Traders wishing to participate will simply need to open an account with Direct FX and deposit a minimum of $5,000.00. Traders who rank in the top three position on the Leaderboard using the TopTradr TT Score, will be awarded the capital allocations in these increments:

1st place $5 Million Allocation
2nd place $3 Million Allocation
3rd place $2 Million Allocation

Check out our website or email us for full details.

Nice write up on the challenge: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-million-trading-challenge-underway-080203472.html