Question about trading the NASDAQ?


This isn`t probably the best place to put this question. But this is the best place for smart people and the number of people.

I’ve been looking at Lambo Raul and I’ve seen a lot of scam alerts so he`s out. What people do you recommend that have courses teach how to trade the NASDAQ 100 and are doing well? Can you please tell me 2-3 people that you think are ok to follow and maybe I can buy a course if we connect?
Thank you

I think you would benefit from learning about trading price action.

Try Al Brooks course: ‘Brooks Trading Course’. He mainly trades Emini (S&P 500) but his price action trading can be transferred to all stocks, indices, forex etc etc

There is some free sample videos of his course on his web site and he has a YouTube channel.

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Don’t buy any course - Tom Hougaard runs a free telegam goup and trades Nasdaq. he is on holiday until the end of august. Beware of fake Tom Hougaads, everything the real Tom Hougaard does is free. His trading style can be aggressive, so may not suit, but there is a lot of good stuff on his website


I’ve just checked out his website but didn’t see anything really in the way of education, looks like it’s just a a couple of Telegram signal groups.

You are doing better than me, I can’t even get into his site today :rofl:

His book - BEST LOSER WINS is worth a read :+1:

I have not ever seen any courses on how trade a special asset or group of assets, the only thing that I have seen which has its own training courses, apart from other assets and that’s because it has a totally different nature.


Ive looked at AL Brooks doesnt really seem like someone who is very successful in my opinion. Over 100h of training thats a joke that much to explain on how to trade(that must be all there is in the Universe about price action) Anyway I dont like him it`s not for me.

Anybody got any other suggestions? Also whats the maximum ammount that you can make per year with trading the NASDAQ-100 (not e-minis(
Thank you

Thank you very much for giving a free resource. I need someone that I can ask questions and teaches 1 simple strategy low risk-high reward(classic) and hopefully have a lot of patience with me.

@bogdanm2 Al Brooks is one of the world’s all time great traders! You seem to be looking for a get rich quick scheme - you are in the wrong place my friend.

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Youve got me out of bed. How can he be one of the best of all time and sell his course for 399? And over 100h of content, Im gonna hit my pension long before I finish all of his content. Hows his support if I send him 3 emails in 1 day will he respond to me the next day? Im looking for 5-10% a month. Is that getting rich I think not. What Ive heard is that with the NASDAQ-100 you can make up to 20-30 mil$ a year. Unlike FOREX which taps out at over 1 million at least thats all that Ive seen in my research. But IF Im wrong please point me in the right direction

You’re asking to be spoon-fed a successful strategy. Good luck. Most reputable mentors will teach you the fundamentals of trading, they won’t give you a successful strategy that has taken them 10 years to fine-tune for themselves. Even if they did it probably still wouldn’t work for 99% of the people they teach it to.

Depends on how much you’re starting with. But again, good luck because very few professionals can even accomplish that.

There are no shortcuts in this game, somebody has mislead you. My advice would be to do some research on a few simple strategies and build on them until you find something that works consistently for you.

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I dont think so. I dont believe 1 thing you are saying to me.

Please dont go off track. Ive asked for information of someone who is good in Trading the NASDAQ-100. Thats it I dont care for anything else. I dont care if you are telling me that all of them are scammers, i dont care about your personal opinion I only want to know 2-3 names that teach how to trade the NASDAQ100 that all.

Oh dear. Classic case of ‘I wanna be rich but I do t wanna earn it’.

Unfortunately you’ve fallen into the trap of believing you can get rich from trading without first learning how to trade.

Financial trading is the most difficult job in finance and only a select few will be successful. Just like only a select few dr’s will become brain surgeons.

The Al Brooks course of 100 or so hours is in fact, very short. Before you even attempt his course you need to do the same amount of hours of basics, which looking at your replies, I wager you’ve not done.

That said, I wish you all the luck in the world with your trading journey. But, I don’t think you’re going to get very far with your bad attitude and lack of willing to learn.

Good luck.

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Tom trades live indices and mostly provides his charts as to why he places trades. Currently he is on vacation. It’s up to you whether you follow his trades or not, but it is at your risk.

Typically, it’s one hour when London opens and the same when NY opens. IMO, he does provide insight into trading indices.

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Ok, Fine classic whatever. Do you have anyone else to recommend besides AL Brooks?

Can you recommend anyone else besides Al Brooks?

From what I can tell almost all the other courses I’ve seen about price action are copies of Al Brooks course but are more expensive!

Sad part about AL Brooks is that if you need to ask him questions you need a 100$ a month subscription

The only reason I can think of that you may need to ask him a question about his course would be because you’re a total beginner and you’re not yet ready to do a more advanced course.