Question regarding Dealbook 360

Alright so iv’e been Using Dealbook for a month or so now and I can’t seem to figure out…why a portion of my indicators are grayed out? I wanted to use ATR for the first time…and its grayed out along with a good amount of others? Thanks guy

Mike G

I believe there is a certain minimum amount of money you have to deposit into your account to get all the indicators - I think it is $2500. :slight_smile:

Interesting…I figured so but it doesn’t say that anywhere on their website… Ah well.

If you want more information on the different accounts and what they offer as benefits on each, check their ‘Account Packages’ page. It shows a checlist of each account, miniumum deposits and what they’ll include for you and for how long if it’s limited.

If you have a mini account, I beleive that’s why all your indicators are not there for use.