
I come here because I find that I get better results from Jason than if I write to FXCM.

  1. Can you give me an e-mail address for FXCM Micro, an address that I can write to if I am having a problem?

  2. Re: Price alert in strategies-there is an option that says “Start trategy upon login” - Does this mean that we won’t get an e-mail alert if we are not logged in?

  3. Can the Moving Averages Crosses Strategy allow trading if we are not logged in?

  4. Can the Moving Averages Crosses Strategy work if our platform allow hedging?

Hi Babynords,

I would be happy to help with your questions.

  1. Can you give me an e-mail address for FXCM Micro, an address that I can write to if I am having a problem?

You can direct any questions by email to <[email protected]>.

Just to let everyone know about the various support methods for FXCM Micro…there is online support through the Micro online community, question submission through the “Have a Question?” webpage (scroll to bottom of the page), and of course email using the address provided above.

  1. Re: Price alert in strategies-there is an option that says “Start trategy upon login” - Does this mean that we won’t get an e-mail alert if we are not logged in?

  2. Can the Moving Averages Crosses Strategy allow trading if we are not logged in?

I will answer questions 2 and 3 together. Your computer has to be running the FX Trading Station II with your account logged in in order for the strategy to execute. The same is true with the email alerts. FX Trading Station II needs to be running for any email alerts associated with the strategy to work.

This is why many trades using automated strategies will run the platform on VPS which ensures the platform is running 24 hours a day and not dependent on your computer running. We currently have VPS available for traders using the MT4 and Strategy Trader platform. The links goto the VPS details for each platform.

  1. Can the Moving Averages Crosses Strategy work if our platform allow hedging?

That is a good question. Yes, it will work on a platform with hedging enabled. The strategy allows you to specify a limit and stop order on each position and they will stay open even if a trade is initiated in the opposite direction.

Let me know if anything is unclear.


Thank you very much.

Can you give us more detail on VPS, I use the Cross overs and a demo account and it is doing very well. I know that sometimes the narket ranges and at that time it might not be suitable for cross overs but I realize that in the long run its ok. Also I don’t see an option for [B]Stop[/B] but there is an option for a [B]Trailing Stop[/B]. I set 2 cross overs - one that say trade short if cross under and the other that say trade long if cross over.

Sure thing.

[B]For Strategy Trader[/B], we are offering VPS for free for a limited time. The basic VPS level is free regardless of your account balance. If you need more resources in the VPS, then you can either pay an additional fee or meet the minimum balance requirement to get the intermediate or advanced VPS free.

[B]For MT4[/B], the VPS is yours at no cost if you maintain a $5,000 balance. If you don’t meet the balance requirement, a fee of $30 may be debited from your account to cover the cost of the server.

For anyone who may not know what a VPS is…VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It basically gives you access to your own private server running independent of your computer. You access it from your own computer using Windows Remote Desktop. Sort of like gaining access to a second computer, but the advantage is that the VPS is running virtually 24/7. This means you can turn off your computer and continue to have your Expert Advisor or automated strategy running.

Regarding the stop vs. trailing stop, I see as well that the strategy only has the option to specify a trailing stop. I will ask the developers if they can create a new version with the ability to set a stop loss order without the trail.


Hello, Jason

On another thread, a discussion came up about an email from [B]FXCM Inc[/B] to a client in the U.K., saying that large accounts (over 10K) would no longer be “segregated”.

He believed the contents of the email did not apply to him, as he is with [B]FXCM Ltd[/B], which is FSA regulated. So, he deleted the email.

He and I tried to sort out who that email applied to, but we did not succeed.

Here’s a link to the first post in our discussion — 301 Moved Permanently

See also posts #23, #26, #27, #28, #29, and #31 for the rest of the discussion.

Can you locate an email to clients from [B]FXCM Inc[/B] regarding a change in the policy of segregated client accounts, and tell us who is affected by this and how?

Hi Clint,

Thanks for letting me know about the post, and I am familiar with the email R Carter mentioned. [B]First, retail forex accounts with FXCM UK (Ltd.) are still segregated in accordance with FSA client money rules, including those with over 10k. [/B]

Where the confusion may be coming up is in relation to professional client accounts. There was a section in the email which stated that if you are classified as a [U]professional client[/U], then your funds are not segregated (again in accordance with FSA client money rules). The FSA specifies criteria for when a trader will be classified as a professional trader in their own classification guidelines on page 10.

Earlier in the month of April, I asked our operations department to compile the number of accounts with FXCM UK which are segregated accounts vs. non-segregated. As of April 10, 2011 FXCM UK had a total of 80,103 accounts. Out of this number, 13 accounts at FXCM UK were not segregated due to professional client classification as specified by the FSA client money rules. All of the 80,090 retail individual trading accounts are segregated, as they should be, according to FSA client money rules. Even though the funds of only 13 accounts are not segregated, they are still held separate from FXCM’s operational funds, and professional clients can still request that their funds be segregated.

Safety of funds is a top concern for every trader in the forex market. You need to know whether the broker you entrust your money with is financially stable and won’t disappear with your deposit. FXCM is a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FXCM), and our audited financial statements are publicly available for you to access. FXCM has no debt and over $190 million in cash. The most recent release for Q4 earnings and full 2010 results can be found here: FXCM - Investor Relations - Press Release

Hope that helps clear up any confusion, and I’ll also post a response to the other thread as well.


Jason, thanks for the quick response, and for your detailed reply.

Have a great day.
