Quick question about time frames

hello i was just wondering whats the best time frame to trade? i hear to do it for the 1hour but i like the 1min time cause i can actually see the market and try and plan ahead how can you plan ahead if i set up a time frame for 1 hour or longer? how can you profit from the 1 hour + time frame? in the mt4 program is there a way to guess the way the market is going to go? any information would be great . and yes i am a newbie

The best time to trade just depends on how long you want to sit at your computer. For me, I like the one hour…any shorter and I have to sit at my computer for too long. Any longer and I get bored with trades. You can profit on any time frame if you have a good strategy.

adding to what hugh said the 1 min time frame has a lot of “buzz” aka interference. I like to think of it as the market trend or feeling being fuzzy. with a higher timeframe such as 1 hr or 1d you can see more of a trend and trends will hold more and for longer time in the higher time frames.
Its good to have one time frame for entries, then a higher time frame for trend.
this helps you get a better insight of the market. I usually have two or three time frames open at a time. Recently I’ve found a trading method that only uses a “indicator” that shows the swings in higher and lower time frames, called a barros swing indicator.