Hi everyone!
I’m relatively new to Forex but have been trading stocks for quite a few years. The school of pipsology is what originally brought me to this great site.
Now I’m looking to become part of this community to both accelerate my learning as well as share experiences and simply have a good time.
Orinally I was born in the Netherlands but have moved around Europe quite a bit and now living in next door Belgium
Hello and Welcome,
Enjoy the Forum, I was raised in the Netherlands when i was a kid. Lovely place and very interesting market you have there. I used to trade options on the EOE (Europeese Optie Exchange) and stocks in AEX. Good old days. I can relate to your move from stocks to forex. Today i only buy stocks for value and long term growth while trading CFD’s (mostly indices & some currencies) for boosting the overall fund/portfolio performance.
Look forward to your posts!