"Quotes" worth quoting

[B]Anyone who isn’t a liberal by age 20 has no heart. Anyone who isn’t a conservative by age 40 has no brain.[/B]

  • Winston Churchill -


Touche! I will probably stay liberal for longer, turn 20 in November xD

The course of human progress staggers like a drunk,
It steps are quick and heavy and its mind its slow and blunt
I look for optimism but I just don’t know
Its seeds are planted in a poisoned place where nothing grows.
~Operation Ivy,

Have you tried Prozac? Or Paxil?

It is the profession of philosophers to question platitudes that others accept without thinking twice. A dangerous profession, since philosophers are more easily discredited than platitudes, but a useful one. For when a good philosopher challenges a platitude, it usually turns out that the platitude was essentially right; but the philosopher has noticed trouble that one who did not think twice could not have met. In the end the challenge is answered and the platitude survives, more often than not. But the philosopher has done the adherents of the platitude a service: he has made them think twice.

[I]David K. Lewis, Convention (Harvard University Press, 1969)

“And whatever else history may say about me when I’m gone, I hope it will record that
I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your
doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty’s lamp guiding your
steps and opportunity’s arm steadying your way. My fondest hope for each one of you -
and especially for young people - is that you will love your country, not for her power
or wealth, but for her selflessness and her idealism. May each of you have the heart to
conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will make the
world a little better for your having been here. May all of you as Americans never forget
your heroic origins, never fail to seek divine guidance, and never lose your natural,
God-given optimism. And finally, my fellow Americans, may every dawn be a great new
beginning for America and every evening bring us closer to that shining city upon a hill.”

                              Ronald Reagan

YouTube - Bill Hicks on Ronald Reagan
All that needs to be said…

Seriously, kid, [B]Prozac[/B].

I’ve heard you may get delusions if you take too much. Maybe it’s better for him to take a break, lol.

What I will never get how a liberal can trade forex or speculate at all. He should rather give all his money to the poor and not to the rich. :smiley:

Nope, never used Prozac, never will :slight_smile: No need for it!!

Buckscoder: Your rhetoric is horrible! Proves you have no clue what youre talking about. Please explain, why dont you get why liberals can “trade forex or speculate at all”?

It needs a little thinking to understand that, sorry. Here we go, just for you: If a liberal (aka socialist) follows his word, he should give all his money to the poor people.

In forex you can just give money to the rich people and not to the poor. Because if in forex anybody is poor, he is obviously not a winner, but a loser. If he is a winner, he is rich.

So, if you speculate in forex, you will either give your money to the rich or you take money from the poor. Nothing a liberal should do if he for himself does what he prays.

Anyways, that liberals don’t follow their word is nothing new to me. The world is full of ppl with two or more tongues, but liberals are kings of empty rhetoric.

You, as young as you are, might need some years to check that out. If you are open minded. That’s also what the quote above says.

Please, spare me from your empty sarcasm and playing your “Hey, I`m older than you, therefore shut your mouth” card.

No liberal has ever said “hey I want to give all my money to poor people”. I dont know if you are simplifying this on purpose, or if you genuinly believe it. In any case, this is the most stupid thing Ive heard in a very long time. I rest assure, Im NOT going to do that. I am however, for a more progressive tax rate, I wouldnt mind being taxed, so that less fortunate people than myself could get help, whetehr it be retired, mentally challenged, handicapped people etc. Contrary to popular (American propaganda) belief, I do not want to randomly give my money away to poor people. Thanks for showing a fundamental misunderstanding of Socialism. Speaking of open-minded, I suggest you educate yourself more on the issue, because it sounds like you have NO clue waht you`re talking about.

I do want to learn to speculate in forex, and I want to be profitable. However, I assume I will pay taxes on my profit? And please dont generalize me to the extent, where you just slap a general "LIberal" sign on my forehead. Chances are, your stereotypes, preconceptions, and wrong notions, dont apply to me.


you are funny. You for yourself called you a socialist (aka liberal). I just took you by your word. If your memory is weak, just look above what you wrote.

Oh yeah, I know. Socialism is always misunderstood and the world has never seen socialistic countries suffer. Because that was not really socialism. It just needs real socialism and then, next time, it will work for sure and all will be happy and rich and the millions of dead stacked bodies were for a good thing …

Holy cow. You need something stronger than Prozac, I guess. Now excuse me please.

Keep in mind, European liberalism and US liberalism is different. My point was, when calling yourself liberal in the US, most people get a torrent of misconceptions and preconceived ideas.
When you attribute “Millions of dead stacked bodies” to socialism, I will assume youre talking about USSR totalitarian: Stalinism, Chinese "Communism", and North Korean totalitarianism. Note the key word totalitarianism. Instead of spewing sarcastic rhetoric, why dont you open a textbook once in a while, ey?
Socialism is a stepping stone in classical Marxism. Communism has for the most part in the world, been totalitarian.

How about the scandinavian socialist model, with a mixed economy? Oh yeah, because millions of people have died from this, right? If you can`t tell the difference between classical economic models of socialism, versus USSR communism, which includes social oppression, fascism and cultism, which has NOTHING to do with socialism, then who is the closed-minded one?

Norway has the highest living standard, scoring top in Human Development Index, Happiness Index, GDP per capita, and we have the highest living standards in the world. Our government is a multiparty state, compared the “free US”, which is a two party system. Not to mention lobbyism, and your electoral college system, which skews the power towards people with money. Is this the democracy you believe in? Im not saying Norway is perfect and teh US suck, Im just putting things in perspective for you, since you seem incapable of doing this yourself :slight_smile:
Happy trading!

OH and if you want to make a genuinly substantial argument, go right ahead. But if your`re going to keep on with your rhetoric, and your shallow snide sarcastic remarks, you can keep it to yourself.

Just to tell you some truths, my friend:

Fascism and socialism are two sides of the same coin. That’s why the nazis had their national [U]socialistic[/U] worker party. Everything else is good for the brainwasher. Where did you buy your new model? It seems to wash very well.

Socialism in its pure form is always totalitarism, too. That you have in Norway not totalitarism right now is a matter of fact, because that is not pure socialism. Parts of it spread around in the whole world, though. Whenever a government becomes too strong, you have more and more pure socialism. Did you say you moved to the US by the way? Why did you not stay in Norway if it is so nice there? Statistics do not impress me. They are tuned. Thats a number one knowledge for currency traders. Number two knowledge for currency traders is that governments if they become too strong will more harm than help.

However, this is Clints quote thread and I do not like the idea to hijack that. If you want to discuss your political issues I suggest opening another thread.

Again, you are fundamentally wrong! And again, I wish you would educate yourself, before making bold claims. Socialism is merely the means of production, and DOES NOT INCLUDE private life, social matters, like, again, oppression, cultism etc. Fascism is a nationalistic movement, that usually has corporatism, one party, one leader, propaganda machines running night and day, etc. Yes, Hitlers fascist regime did incorporate some of socialist key ideas, the fact that you are suggesting that fascism and socialism are the same thing, suggests, AGAIN, a lack of understanding of your part. Just because Hitler incorporated some socialism, does NOT mean he was a socialist in any form, way or shape! North-Koreas offical name is "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea". And Im sure we all agree, that it is ANYTHING BUT, democratic ;) Totalitarian and fascism includes your private lives, your civil rights, restriction of free speech, organizing, and expression. Socialism is merely an economic model, so please, TAKE IT AS THAT. Whether statistics impress you or not, is totally irrelevant. The facts still stand. Of course they can be manipulated, that doesnt mean THEY ARE, Especially world wide statistics, performed my multiple independent organizations. You can chose to look away from these statistics, its up to you. They still stand. hey, you managed no ad hominems!! Congrats :slight_smile:

yeah, sorry Clint, for taking up space! Could any admins open a Politics Sub-Forum perhaps? Here one could also have the threads about CFTC, and other committee, regulations, etc, in addition to ideology, the Fed`s etc.

What you call ad hominem is just a little humor as reaction to your nonsense and hijacking of Clints thread.

Ad hominem still, but humor appreciated :wink: I was quoting as well!! Then you made a bold and quite arrogant statement, and I asked you to explain yourself…
And oh yeah, the reason why I live in the US, is because I wanted t travel some, you know, see the world, that kinda thing… I lived in Singapore for most of my high school period, and so I have no special “connection” with Norway; wanted to study here in the US…

Those are just a few of your massively contradicting statements.

Finally proof. Liberalism is a genetic defect.
Researchers find a ‘liberal gene’

the only thing worse than a liberal is an islamic terrorist… ok I take that back.
