Ready to take my first practical step

Hi pipsologists. This is Alpha right here. Been learning the basics for a year now. And now I am here in this community to learn from traders that are already a step ahead of me, while I am also helping the ones that are just starting to learn the basics.
Right now I am trying to find or build a trading strategy.
Thanks for having me and hope to be welcomed!! :smiley:

Welcome, did you check out the Baby Pips school of Pipsology?


Start here

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Well done, mate!
I wish you the best.
I guess you have planned your whole journey, haven’t you?

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Well, considering you learned enough during the past year, have you tried demos too?

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Hi mate. there is only one thing that you have to, i insist, have to pay extra attention to and that is your risk management plan. make sure to apply that very carefully to your trading strategy.


Yes, I took the full course before. Now I am going back to re-learning the ones I found most applicable to my personality.

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Thanks. I already went through all the courses. I am now going back to focus mostly what I found applicable to my current situation.

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LOL. I have.

STAGE 1: Learning the basics. [DONE]
STAGE 2: Creating my trading plan base on my personality, [CURRENTLY WORKING ON THIS]

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Nope. I will do that after I have found/build a backtested trading strategy.

Thanks mate. From what I have been studying so far, I have come to consider risk management as " the holy grail". :smiley:

Hi all.
I’m also here to learn how to trade better. I have a little experience, but it’s not enough.

What are some of the problems you are facing? I may not know the answer, but I believe there are traders here that can help you out.

That’s good. Good luck mate!

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Hmm I’m curious about your reason. Explain if you care.

I am glad you asked.
Obviously, I need a strategy that works. And I believe the fastest way to build confidence with a strategy that I have not traded yet is through backtesting. So after I have found or build one, I will have to backtest it to see if it has a positive expectancy. Yeah, I know, and I have heard it a lot that past performance does not guarantee future success in the market. However, I believe I have to have confidence in my strategy that I am trading, that’s the only I can stick to it.

I will also be glad to learn from your POV.

Welcome to the community, Alpha! Hope you find a strategy that works for you and we’ll be looking forward to your progress. See you around!

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Thanks mate

Glad to have you and you are certainly welcome here! Happy trading and learning!

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Interesting. Also, I like your spirit. about POV. We’re the same, but at first I didn’t do that, no back test, no strategy…