Real Traders 4x

Yoo what’s sup Guys.

I’m A1 I started baby pips back in 2019 , so I’m just not getting back into the community setting with people. Just looking for some real traders who want to communicate & basically be cool/friends . Maybe help each other stay motivated & give tips to each other. I been trading for about 4 years now , the journey showed me everyone wasn’t committed as I was , so I hope I can find some people who really like 4x like me ( Or any type of Investing). If you have a social media Page DM or I have a personal Telegram (No im not in a group)

Helloooo! :blush: Welcome (or should I say, welcome back? :sweat_smile: )! I feel like most of the people here like forex trading as much as you do so I’m sure it’ll be easy to get along with everyone! :blush:

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Also, I don’t think telegram is allowed here. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the heads up .

If you can figure out what an acceptable method for meeting is I would be more than happy to have a chat with you.

Let me know something