Is it possible to see the real volume of forex market?
YES it’s possible
but YOU will never get to see the REAL volume
EDIT : {actually, let me change my answer to reflect… this is what I BELIEVE TO BE TRUE } that’s better
If it’s possible than nobody safe in the forex market .
It’s a decentralized market; so generally NO.
I believe that market makers never trade without seeing the real volume of forex market. And 99% traders are loser in the forex market only for this reason.
and i believe that you are smart little cowboy hehe
i think they are pretty little green lines hehe, nothing more
personally i would change the colour to LIME GREEN so it LOOKS COOL
Volume is the key point of the forex market hidden from us so that we become loser forever .
Indeed it is
indeed it is
Exactly right[quote=“cowboy76, post:9, topic:131740, full:true”]
Volume is the key point of the forex market hidden from us so that we become loser forever .
and instead of getting the actual data we are given PRETTY LITTLE HISTOGRAMS so that newbies can take them as the word of god
then they wonder WHY DID IT NOT WORK hehe
Newbies like this
yeah. agreed
my favourites are things like
it’s easy
anyone can do it
you don’t need to read anything
you don’t need to study any charts
you don’t need to put in any time
actually, you don’t even need to do anything
because our trading bot that is correct 98.7348762534% of the time can’t lose
i mean the market makers don’t want you to know this , so don’t tell anyone, it’s just between me, you, and the internet
i mean, they should just put a radio button up that says
because if a person is that stupid they wouldn’t know that the button is an insult
my other favourite is …
When scammers can’t do basic math hehe
Make $352 working from home
then above it says
you too can make $3000 a week LOL… bloody idiots
get a calculator out before you post a scam for gods sake and hit the divided by button
HOW HARD IS THAT … Really ???
No; it isn’t.
If you think about how the forex market (interbank market) actually works, it’s actually very clear why it isn’t possible.
(And it isn’t just “not possible” for you and for me and for your broker and for my broker: there isn’t one single market participant who can see the volume of the forex market.)
The essential point is that it isn’t a centralised market. There’s no one place where volume is recorded or collated. It’s going on all over the world, all the time, in private, between hundreds of financial institutions whose information isn’t (and can’t be) collected together and studied.
So how could it possibly be known to anyone?
Forex futures are completely different: they’re traded through a single, centralised exchange, so the volumes transacted are recorded (and made available). But spot forex, no - not at all.
Note that any “trades” you do with a counterparty broker of the type that 99% of this forum’s members are using aren’t part of the interbank market anyway. They’re effectively just “side-bets” against a “broker” on the price movements. No currencies really change hands between yourself and your “broker” when you “trade” (but your broker might offset their own net liabilities in an underlying market, and if they do, even that isn’t collectively recorded or collated or available anyway.)
That’s really not so, at all.
It’s “hidden” from you for the same reason that it’s “hidden” from everyone else: there just isn’t a way of measuring it.
(And by the way some people - a very small minority - are winners, not losers; you surely can’t imagine that all the people trading forex full-time, for a living, some of them for decades, are losers???)
One day’s FX volume = one month’s stocks volume.
BIS last report was just over 5 trillion,
Full report here:
If the real volume of forex market is shown then we know it’s a total of 5 trillions or 50 trillions or 500 trillions or 5000 trillions in a day .
There are two possibilities.
Either it’s a guess, or they have access to information that nobody else in the world has ever had access to, and isn’t recorded or reliably monitored anywhere.
Which is more likely?
(I can guess, too: my guess would be higher than theirs.)
Welcome in Cowboy
Where do you find that ladder ?
I too get the little volume bars on the short timescales (Not on daily and beyond) and there is no scale - so I argue with mysef sometimes as to whether the little bars can be used as a “Proxy volume” or not.
I think perhaps for short timescale trades it can, but what we really want is to see the daily and upwards which as others suggest is not entirely possible and even less do the “chart providers” even want us to see the “best information” they have. .
In fact I am wondering whether a move to more centralised instruments is the way forward for exactly that reason.
It is.
The only volume and DOM figures a “broker” can give you is their own volume and DOM, which is worthless. They’re not even part of the real market.
But not all currency pairs have a corresponding centralised future/derivative to trade, and people wishing to trade those (for whatever reasons) have little alternative to trading spot.
Check this thread
checked it… interesting read , it has a lot of good and differing points of views that are a valid for consideration.
and even though my personal style of trading doesn’t pay too much attention to volume (for my own reasons that have been tested to work with my style FOR ME)
this is still a good read nonetheless, thanks