Realtor Turned Trader

My name is Selena. I am a US Army Veteran. I am also a Realtor in Utah and I also own a web design and social media management company called Allicio Creative.
I realized that Real Estate is going to be tough the next few years and I need a way to make money on the side of Allicio Creative. That brought me to trading. I have been learning Binary Trading however I feel like Forex might be more of a fit for me! I have watched my fiancé trade Forex, so that’s how it was introduced to me.
One of my major goals is to make enough money to pay off my debt (not much) and then invest in real estate.

Thank you for reading.


Hi there. I don’t know much about real-estate, but forex trading can be profitable if you do it right. It’s quite difficult to do successfuly but people do manage and for successful traders the rewards are big.

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Trading not about making tangible amounts, ie I’m going to make £6000 this month.Thats one reason people may struggle, you can’t really " force’ profits /success .You probably already know this through your partner,the big winners will happen but you have to expect losers too

Yes, making making money is the FX market’s job. Your job is to learn how NOT to lose money. Without capital you cannot trade. Let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

It will be a long journey to success. Best of luck.


Have fun learning!

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That’s awesome you’re doing a lot of things and yet still learning how to trade! Love to see it!

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I understand that it’s something that takes a lot of practice and skill! I am up for the challenge! :relaxed:

I would say that and knowing when to stop is a huge thing. I hear “Don’t be greedy” a lot!

Yes, I understand and I am ready for it. Thank you!

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Don’t be greedy ?

Yes strong desire s can lead to reckless behaviour

Sounds interesting and that you have fingers in a few pies. I will say that few actually get as far as making money from forex and certainly fewer from binary. Focus on learning and rely on other things for income.

Howdy brother! Enjoy the ride!

You have a plan and already are in investment and have other Income streams .
Great headstart!!

What is binary? Heard it mentioned from time to time.

Hi, happy to have you here. I have no doubt in saying that forex trading is a great business to do but it won’t get you immediate results. It might take some years to make consistent income. Now that you want to pay off your debt, I think you will be better off with a regular paying job.

Welcome to babypips! You seem to be really excited about your career. Make sure that you analyse well before you make any decisions because it will take time to make money.

Hey, it’s good to have a realtor in our league. Learn well because your knowledge will open all the doors for you.